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Script to customize polygons?

New Here ,
Jan 12, 2010 Jan 12, 2010

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I am looking to make a rectangle with one point at a 30 degree angle. 

I was hoping to put together a script to automatically do this but am stumped.  Anyone know of a good resource for this?

I understand how you can make a polygon using the Polygon Tool but this gives rotation from the center point of the shape.  I just want one angle.


|                             \  <--- where I'd like to have a 30 degree angle

|                              \


Any help would be appreciated, my scripting level is zero but I'm up for learning!!







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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2010 Jan 12, 2010

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You can change PathPoint's position in Rectangle's Path. But when you do this - your Rectangle will change it's type to Polygon.

If you tell us what platform and language you use/prefer - you could get sample code.







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New Here ,
Jan 12, 2010 Jan 12, 2010

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Changing the shape to Polygon is fine.  The only downside is not being able to center align text in the polygon but that's okay!  I am using VB Script.

Thanks for your help! This will make life a lot easier I hope!





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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2010 Jan 12, 2010

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The bottom right point should be moved to the right with tan(angle).

This script first draws a regular rectangle (so I know where all the points are!), then moves the bottom right point:

var height =  50;

var width = 100;

var xcenter = app.activeDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth/2;

var ycenter = app.activeDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight/2;

newrect = app.activeDocument.graphicLines.add ();

newrect.strokeColor = app.activeDocument.swatches[2];     // Usually black ...

newrect.strokeWeight = 1;

// starting top left, going clockwise:

newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[0].anchor = [xcenter - width/2, ycenter - height/2];

newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[1].anchor = [xcenter + width/2, ycenter - height/2];

newrect.paths[0].pathPoints.add({anchor:[xcenter + width/2, ycenter + height/2]});

newrect.paths[0].pathPoints.add({anchor:[xcenter - width/2, ycenter + height/2]});

newrect.paths[0].pathType = PathType.CLOSED_PATH;

// adjust point #2 -- the bottom right one

xpos = newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[2].anchor[0] + height*Math.tan(30*Math.PI/180);

newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[2].anchor = [xpos, newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[2].anchor[1]];

(The rectangle only has one single path -- paths[0]. The path consists of 4 pathPoints, and each pathPoint is defined by a single anchor, an array of [x, y]. For some reason, you cannot set just the x coordinate in the bottom line -- you have to supply a new array.)

(Ed.: ... and I just saw your reply to Robin. This is Javascript, but you might be able to make it work in VB.)





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New Here ,
Jan 13, 2010 Jan 13, 2010

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I don't want to have a specified rectangle, I'd like to apply the degree as more of a corner effect.  I tried incorporating the tangent code into the corner effects script below but it had an error.  How do I change the offset to be a degree?

Rem CornerEffects.vbs
Rem An InDesign CS3 VBScript
Rem Applies corner effects by redrawing the object.
Rem For more information on InDesign scripting, go to

Rem Or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at http://www.adobeforums.com.
Set myInDesign = CreateObject("InDesign.Application.CS3")
If myInDesign.Documents.Count > 0 Then
    If myInDesign.Selection.Count > 0 Then
        Set mySelection = myInDesign.Selection
        ReDim myObjectList(0)
        For myCounter = 1 To mySelection.Count
            Select Case TypeName(mySelection.Item(myCounter))
                Case "Rectangle", "Oval", "Polygon", "GraphicLine", "TextFrame"
                    If Not (IsEmpty(myObjectList(0))) Then
                        ReDim Preserve myObjectList(UBound(myObjectList) + 1)
                    End If
                    Set myObjectList(UBound(myObjectList)) = mySelection.Item(myCounter)
                Case Else
            End Select
        If Not (IsEmpty(myObjectList(0))) Then
            myDisplayDialog myInDesign, myObjectList
            MsgBox "Nothing is selected. Please select a rectangle, oval, polygon, text frame, or

graphic line and try again."
        End If
        MsgBox "Nothing is selected. Please select a rectangle, oval, polygon, text frame, or graphic

line and try again."
    End If
    MsgBox "Please open a document, select an object, and try again."
End If
Function myDisplayDialog(myInDesign, myObjectList)
    myStringList = Array("all points", "first point", "last point", "second point", "third point",

"fourth point", "first two", "second and third", "last two", "odd points", "even points")
    Rem Store the current measurement units.
    myOldXUnits = myInDesign.ActiveDocument.ViewPreferences.HorizontalMeasurementUnits
    myOldYUnits = myInDesign.ActiveDocument.ViewPreferences.VerticalMeasurementUnits
    Rem Set the measurement units to points.
    myInDesign.ActiveDocument.ViewPreferences.HorizontalMeasurementUnits = idMeasurementUnits.idPoints
    myInDesign.ActiveDocument.ViewPreferences.VerticalMeasurementUnits = idMeasurementUnits.idPoints
    Set myDialog = myInDesign.Dialogs.Add
    myDialog.Name = "CornerEffects"
    With myDialog
        With .DialogColumns.Add
            With .BorderPanels.Add
                With .StaticTexts.Add
                    .StaticLabel = "Corner Type:"
                End With
                Set myCornerEffectButtons = .RadiobuttonGroups.Add
                With myCornerEffectButtons
                    With .RadiobuttonControls.Add
                        .StaticLabel = "Rounded"
                        .CheckedState = True
                    End With
                    With .RadiobuttonControls.Add
                        .StaticLabel = "Inverse Rounded"
                    End With
                    With .RadiobuttonControls.Add
                        .StaticLabel = "Bevel"
                    End With
                    With .RadiobuttonControls.Add
                        .StaticLabel = "Inset"
                    End With
                    With .RadiobuttonControls.Add
                        .StaticLabel = "Fancy"
                    End With
                End With
            End With
            With .BorderPanels.Add
                With .DialogColumns.Add
                    With .StaticTexts.Add
                        .StaticLabel = "Options:"
                    End With
                End With
                With .DialogColumns.Add
                    With .DialogRows.Add
                        With .DialogColumns.Add
                            With .StaticTexts.Add
                                .StaticLabel = "Offset:"
                                .MinWidth = 60
                            End With
                        End With
                        With .DialogColumns.Add
                            Set myOffsetEditbox = .MeasurementEditboxes.Add
                            With myOffsetEditbox
                                .EditValue = 12
                            End With
                        End With
                    End With
                    With .DialogRows.Add
                        With .DialogColumns.Add
                            With .StaticTexts.Add
                                .StaticLabel = "Pattern:"
                                .MinWidth = 60
                            End With
                        End With
                        With .DialogColumns.Add
                            Set myPatternDropdown = .Dropdowns.Add
                            With myPatternDropdown
                                .StringList = myStringList
                                .SelectedIndex = 0
                            End With
                        End With
                    End With
                End With
            End With
        End With
    End With
    myReturn = myDialog.Show
    If myReturn = True Then
        Rem Get the values from the dialog box.
        myCornerType = myCornerEffectButtons.SelectedButton
        myOffset = myOffsetEditbox.EditValue
        myPattern = myStringList(myPatternDropdown.SelectedIndex)
        Rem Iterate through the objects.
        For myCounter = 0 To UBound(myObjectList)
            myChangeCorners myObjectList(myCounter), myCornerType, myOffset, myPattern
        Rem Reset the measurement units.
        myInDesign.ActiveDocument.ViewPreferences.HorizontalMeasurementUnits = myOldXUnits
        myInDesign.ActiveDocument.ViewPreferences.VerticalMeasurementUnits = myOldYUnits
    End If
End Function
Function myChangeCorners(myObject, myCornerType, myOffset, myPattern)
    For myPathCounter = 1 To myObject.Paths.Count
        Set myPath = myObject.Paths.Item(myPathCounter)
        ReDim myPointArray(0)
        For myPathPointCounter = 1 To myPath.PathPoints.Count
            Rem Is the point a qualifying point?
            If myPointTest(myPathPointCounter, myPath, myPattern) = False Then
                myX1 = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter).LeftDirection(0)
                myY1 = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter).LeftDirection(1)
                myX2 = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter).Anchor(0)
                myY2 = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter).Anchor(1)
                myX3 = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter).RightDirection(0)
                myY3 = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter).RightDirection(1)
                myPoint = Array(Array(myX1, myY1), Array(myX2, myY2), Array(myX3, myY3))
                If Not (IsEmpty(myPointArray(0))) Then
                    ReDim Preserve myPointArray(UBound(myPointArray) + 1)
                End If
                myPointArray(UBound(myPointArray)) = myPoint
                Set myPointA = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter)
                myAnchor = myPointA.Anchor
                myX1 = myAnchor(0)
                myY1 = myAnchor(1)
                Rem myPointB is the *next* point on the path. If myPathPoint is the last point on the

path, then
                Rem myPointB is the first point on the path.
                If myPathPointCounter = (myPath.PathPoints.Count) Then
                    Set myPointB = myPath.PathPoints.Item(1)
                    Set myPointB = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter + 1)
                End If
                myAnchor = myPointB.Anchor
                myX2 = myAnchor(0)
                myY2 = myAnchor(1)
                Rem myPointC is the *previous* point on the path. If myPathPoint is the first point on

the path,
                Rem then myPointC is the last point on the path.
                If myPathPointCounter = 1 Then
                    Set myPointC = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPath.PathPoints.Count)
                    Set myPointC = myPath.PathPoints.Item(myPathPointCounter - 1)
                End If
                myAnchor = myPointC.Anchor
                myX3 = myAnchor(0)
                myY3 = myAnchor(1)
                myPoints = myAddPoints(myX1, myY1, myX2, myY2, myX3, myY3, myOffset)
                myNewX1 = myPoints(0)
                myNewY1 = myPoints(1)
                myNewX2 = myPoints(2)
                myNewY2 = myPoints(3)
                Rem Calculate new path point values based on the path effect type.
                Rem We won't add the points to the path one at a time instead, we'll
                Rem create an array that holds all of the point locations and curve
                Rem handle positions, and we will then
                Select Case myCornerType
                    Case 0
                        Rem Rounded corner effect.
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX2, myNewY2), Array(myNewX2, myNewY2), Array(myX1,

                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX1, myNewY1), Array(myNewX1, myNewY1),

Array(myNewX1, myNewY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                    Case 1:
                        Rem Inverse Rounded corner effect.
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX2, myNewY2), Array(myNewX2, myNewY2),

Array(myNewX2 + myNewX1 - myX1, myNewY2 + myNewY1 - myY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX1, myNewY1), Array(myNewX1, myNewY1),

Array(myNewX1, myNewY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                    Case 2:
                        Rem Bevel corner effect.
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX2, myNewY2), Array(myNewX2, myNewY2),

Array(myNewX2, myNewY2))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX1, myNewY1), Array(myNewX1, myNewY1),

Array(myNewX1, myNewY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                    Case 3:
                        Rem Inset corner effect.
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX2, myNewY2), Array(myNewX2, myNewY2),

Array(myNewX2, myNewY2))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX2 + myNewX1 - myX1, myNewY2 + myNewY1 - myY1),

Array(myNewX2 + myNewX1 - myX1, myNewY2 + myNewY1 - myY1), Array(myNewX2 + myNewX1 - myX1, myNewY2 +

myNewY1 - myY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX1, myNewY1), Array(myNewX1, myNewY1),

Array(myNewX1, myNewY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                    Case 4:
                        Rem Fancy corner effect.
                        myOneThird = 0.33333333332
                        myTwoThirds = 0.666666666667
                        myPointZX = myNewX2 + myNewX1 - myX1
                        myPointZY = myNewY2 + myNewY1 - myY1
                        myTemp1X = (myX1 - myNewX2) * myTwoThirds
                        myTemp1Y = (myY1 - myNewY2) * myTwoThirds
                        myTemp2X = (myX1 - myNewX1) * myTwoThirds
                        myTemp2Y = (myY1 - myNewY1) * myTwoThirds
                        myPointDX = myPointZX + myOneThird * (myNewX1 - myPointZX)
                        myPointDY = myPointZY + myOneThird * (myNewY1 - myPointZY)
                        myPointEX = myPointZX + myOneThird * (myNewX2 - myPointZX)
                        myPointEY = myPointZY + myOneThird * (myNewY2 - myPointZY)
                        myPointFX = myPointDX + myTwoThirds * (myX1 - myTemp1X - myPointDX)
                        myPointFY = myPointDY + myTwoThirds * (myY1 - myTemp1Y - myPointDY)
                        myPointGX = myPointEX + myTwoThirds * (myX1 - myTemp2X - myPointEX)
                        myPointGY = myPointEY + myTwoThirds * (myY1 - myTemp2Y - myPointEY)
                        myPointHX = myPointZX + myTemp1X + myTemp2X
                        myPointHY = myPointZY + myTemp1Y + myTemp2Y
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX2, myNewY2), Array(myNewX2, myNewY2),

Array(myNewX2, myNewY2))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myPointEX, myPointEY), Array(myPointEX, myPointEY),

Array(myPointEX, myPointEY))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myPointGX, myPointGY), Array(myPointGX, myPointGY),

Array(myPointGX, myPointGY))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myPointHX, myPointHY), Array(myPointHX, myPointHY),

Array(myPointHX, myPointHY))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myPointFX, myPointFY), Array(myPointFX, myPointFY),

Array(myPointFX, myPointFY))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myPointDX, myPointDY), Array(myPointDX, myPointDY),

Array(myPointDX, myPointDY))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                        myPoint = Array(Array(myNewX1, myNewY1), Array(myNewX1, myNewY1),

Array(myNewX1, myNewY1))
                        myAddToArray myPointArray, myPoint
                End Select
            End If
        myPath.EntirePath = myPointArray
End Function
Function myAddPoints(myX1, myY1, myX2, myY2, myX3, myY3, myOffset)
    myHypotenuse = Sqr(((myX1 - myX2) ^ 2) + ((myY1 - myY2) ^ 2))
    If myY1 <> myY2 Then
        myXAdjust = ((myX1 - myX2) / myHypotenuse) * myOffset
        myYAdjust = ((myY1 - myY2) / myHypotenuse) * myOffset
        myNewX1 = myX1 - myXAdjust
        myNewY1 = myY1 - myYAdjust
        myXAdjust = myOffset
        myYAdjust = 0
        If myX1 < myX2 Then
            myNewX1 = myX1 + myXAdjust
            myNewY1 = myY1 + myYAdjust
            myNewX1 = myX1 - myXAdjust
            myNewY1 = myY1 - myYAdjust
        End If
    End If
    myHypotenuse = Sqr(((myX1 - myX3) ^ 2) + ((myY1 - myY3) ^ 2))
    If myY1 <> myY3 Then
        myXAdjust = ((myX1 - myX3) / myHypotenuse) * myOffset
        myYAdjust = ((myY1 - myY3) / myHypotenuse) * myOffset
        myNewX2 = myX1 - myXAdjust
        myNewY2 = myY1 - myYAdjust
        myXAdjust = myOffset
        myYAdjust = 0
        If myX1 < myX3 Then
            myNewX2 = myX1 + myXAdjust
            myNewY2 = myY1 + myYAdjust
            myNewX2 = myX1 - myXAdjust
            myNewY2 = myY1 - myYAdjust
        End If
    End If
    myAddPoints = Array(myNewX1, myNewY1, myNewX2, myNewY2)
End Function
Function myPointTest(myPathPointCounter, myPath, myPattern)
    Rem Do not apply the corner effect to the first or last point in an open path
    Rem (this is the way that InDesign's corner effects work).
    If ((myPath.PathType = idPathType.idOpenPath) And ((myPathPointCounter = 0) Or (myPathPointCounter

= myPath.PathPoints.Count))) Then
        myPointTest = False
        Exit Function
        Select Case myPattern
            Case "all points"
                myPointTest = True
                Exit Function
            Case "first point":
                If myPathPointCounter = 0 Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "last point":
                If myPathPointCounter = myPath.PathPoints.Count Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "second point":
                If myPathPointCounter = 2 Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "third point":
                If myPathPointCounter = 3 Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "fourth point":
                If myPathPointCounter = 4 Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "first two":
                If ((myPathPointCounter = 1) Or (myPathPointCounter = 2)) Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "second and third":
                If ((myPathPointCounter = 2) Or (myPathPointCounter = 3)) Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "last two":
                If ((myPathPointCounter = myPath.PathPoints.Count) Or (myPathPointCounter =

(myPath.PathPoints.Count - 1))) Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "even points":
                If myPathPointCounter Mod 2 = 0 Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
            Case "odd points":
                If myPathPointCounter Mod 2 <> 0 Then
                    myPointTest = True
                    Exit Function
                    myPointTest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
        End Select
    End If
End Function
Function myAddToArray(myArray, myItem)
    If Not (IsEmpty(myArray(0))) Then
        ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound(myArray) + 1)
    End If
    If Not (IsObject(myItem)) Then
        myArray(UBound(myArray)) = myItem
        Set myArray(UBound(myArray)) = myItem
    End If
End Function





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Community Expert ,
Jan 13, 2010 Jan 13, 2010

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You might need to think this through a bit. You need to move the point horizontally or vertically (or both) to change the angle. I bet this is not what you had in mind:






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