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I have script to display the custom alt text of a image, but I can not get it to read images where the alt text is from XMP description, I have tried all sorts of variations.
(e.g. alt or alt
The script for the "custom" alt text is below. Can anyone get it to read the XMP description alt text of linked images?
var frames;
var image;
var alt;
frames = app.selection;
image = frames[0];
alert("Alt custom text is: " + alt )
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I'm not sure if I understood your question properly, but maybe like so:
var frames = app.selection,
image = frames[0],
link = image.itemLink,
metadata = link.linkXmp,
description = metadata.description;
alert("Description is: '" + description + "'");
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// load the XMPScript library
if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) {
ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject("lib:AdobeXMPScript");
Copy link to clipboard
Is that any better approach then reading the description property directly from the link's metatada (linkXmp)?
— Kas
Copy link to clipboard
Well, let's salt the cow to catch the calf.
Here's a working example based on a script I wrote a few years ago (the snippet you copy-pasted from the reference ain't working as it is, at least for me).
function Main() {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var link = doc.links[0];
var linkPath = link.filePath;
var description = GetDescription(linkPath);
function GetDescription(linkPath) {
try {
if (xmpLib == undefined) {
var pathToLib = (Folder.fs == "Windows") ? Folder.startup.fsName + "/AdobeXMPScript.dll" : "/Applications/Adobe Bridge CS5.1/Adobe Bridge";
var libfile = new File(pathToLib);
var xmpLib = new ExternalObject("lib:" + pathToLib);
var xmpFile = new XMPFile(linkPath, XMPConst.FILE_JPEG, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_READ);
var xmp = xmpFile.getXMP();
var descriptionProperty = xmp.getProperty("", "dc:description[1]");
var description = descriptionProperty.value;
return description;
catch(err) {
$.writeln(err.message + ", line: " + err.line);
Here are the files I used for testing the script above.
— Kas
Copy link to clipboard
Thank you all, getting closer, but still not working right, might be a very slight issue.
I put the alert at the end : alert("Description is: '" + description + "'"); so I can have a screen readout. It does display the Meta description, but always of the same file regardless of the image that is selected.
Any fixes
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... but always of the same file regardless of the image that is selected.
The script in my post 4 -- in response to Stefan Rakete -- was intended to demonstrate how to use XMP object to get description which is a little more complex than getting it directly from the link's metadata. It references the 1st link in the document instead of selection. Another issue with this approach: we have to indicate the image type in the format argument (there are a number of them):
var xmpFile = new XMPFile(linkPath, XMPConst.FILE_JPEG, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_READ);
Here's my vision of script. I assume that the image is selected with either black, or white arrow.
var scriptName = "Get description from selected link",
//===================================== FUNCTIONS ======================================
function Main(image) {
var link = image.itemLink,
metadata = link.linkXmp,
description = metadata.description;
alert("Description is: '" + description + "'", scriptName, false);
function PreCheck() {
var image;
if (app.documents.length == 0) ErrorExit("Please open a document and try again.", true);
doc = app.activeDocument;
if (doc.converted) ErrorExit("The current document has been modified by being converted from older version of InDesign. Please save the document and try again.", true);
if (!doc.saved) ErrorExit("The current document has not been saved since it was created. Please save the document and try again.", true);
if (app.selection.length == 0 || app.selection.length > 1) ErrorExit("One image should be selected.", true);
if (app.selection[0] == "Image") { // image selected with white arrow
image = app.selection[0];
else if (app.selection[0].images.length > 0) { // container selected with black arrow
image = app.selection[0].images[0];
else {
ErrorExit("No image in the selection.", true);
function ErrorExit(error, icon) {
alert(error, scriptName, icon);