Set Up for Creating Large Scale Banner / Posters that will be printed - PLEASE HELP :)
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I am creating a ‘banner’ that will be on an exhibition screen of my work and was going to try using InDesign to lay it out / create a design.
The banner will be 2264mm (Height) x 944mm
There will be various imagery / text and some renders I have completed using Photoshop.
Given the size, I was wondering is there anything I need to be aware of, particularly from a print perspective (i will get professionally printed). And how will I be best to set up the page itself?? Note I am new to InDesign.
Please help 🙂
Many thanks
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The best way to start it to ask the printers for how they would like to receive the artwork. Size (to enlarge to finished size), format (PDF or JPG), resolution (it can be quite low as it will be viewed from a distance), Colour mode (RGB or CMYK), do they want crop marks and bleed added) and so on. Optimise your images in Photoshop and Place them in your InDesign document where you add text and flat colour etc. Check the Effective PPI of the images in the Links panel to ensure they are in the correct minimum resolution.
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And how will I be best to set up the page itself?? Note I am new to InDesign.
Hi @Kieran37958349aj0z , Your banner size is well within InDesign’s 216 inch size limit, so your page setup can be something like this—If the print area goes to the edges of the banner you will need to include some bleed amount:
There will be various imagery / text and some renders I have completed using Photoshop.
Also large format inkjet printers almost always make the color conversion into the print color space via the print driver, so normally you should save your Photoshop images and renders as RGB with an embedded color profile (not CMYK).