I'm stuck. I need to reset the baseline grid for a specific document and I'd like to read the current preferences and then adjust them to one of two different preferences.
I can create a script which reads and sets the preferences for a document, but it doesn't change what is displayed or what is stored in the InDesign Preferences, Grid location.
Does anyone have an idea what I need to change. When I try to review the documentation, it says that the baselineFrameGridOption as a preference is read only, but for a document it is read/write. What do I do?
Warren Bingham
Here's my small little script. No if statements yet, I'm just trying to get it to switch the baseline grid.
if (app.documents.length != 0){
var myDoc = app.documents.item(0)
alert ("Please open a document and try again.");
var gridOptions = myDoc.baselineFrameGridOptions;
gridOptions.useCustomBaselineFrameGrid= true
gridOptions.baselineFrameGridIncrement = 10.25
gridOptions.startingOffsetForBaselineFrameGrid = 59