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shaded box shows up when printing using drop shadow effects on text

Jun 02, 2008 Jun 02, 2008

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When we use drop shadows effects on text a background shows up on the printed copy.
We use Mac OS X (Tiger and Leopard), Indesign CS3.
Suppose you have a photo as a background and you want a drop shadow on the text that is on top of the photo, where the text box is there will be a screened color on top of the photo. This doesn't show on screen. It's like the drop shadow goes all over the place.

We print on a Xerox Docu5000 using Spire CPX-50, a digital press.

What can do that? I don't think it's the resolution of the raster effects, I'm pretty sure
I checked that.

Thank you.





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Mar 22, 2013 Mar 22, 2013

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I've had this probelm while pritning to my large format printer (HP L25500) and when it screws it up it's an expensive mistake. I've found that rather than exporting or printing to a pdf if you save it as a JPEG out of InDesign it will flatten everything and keep the weird box from showing up.


1) You get a JPEG for every page in your document which is fine for large format pritning but could be more trouble than its worth if you're doing a many paged file.

2) If you're using bleed it won't come over in the JPEG. To fix that set your page to be slightly larger and manually add crop marks.


I tried saving it as a JPEG out of Acrobat Pro once I made the pdf (to keep my crops and bleeds), but the color went all kinds of crazy. This is why I say to export it as a JPEG directly out of InDesign

I'm using CS5.5 running on a PC with Windows 7. I don't have this problem while pritning to any of the other output devices in the building (Canon 8500, Canon 6000, Konica 1050, or my RipIt Speed Setter).




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