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Tips & Tricks:- How to add and manage pages, spreads

Adobe Employee ,
May 04, 2023 May 04, 2023

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Boost your productivity in InDesign by applying Page Management tricks.


If you're working on a document with multiple pages or spreads, effective page management is crucial. InDesign offers a variety of straightforward methods for inserting, removing, or duplicating pages. Below, you'll find some best practices for adding and managing pages and spreads:


  • Display documents side by side: - Select Window > Arrange > Tile
  • Copy pages between documents without associated parents: To ensure that the copied pages in the new document retain the correct formatting, create a parent with the same name as the parent in the old document before copying the pages. This way, the parent in the new document will be applied to the copied pages, rather than the parent from the source document.
  • Duplicating Pages & Spreads Without Messing Up Text Threads:- When you duplicate a page or spread, all objects are copied. Text threads from the duplicated spread to other spreads are broken, but all text threads within the duplicated spread remain intact—as do all text threads on the original spread.
  • Copy or move page items along with pages and spreads - All page or spread items, including graphics, links, and text, are copied to the new document while preserving section markers. It also includes threaded text frames, but InDesign doesn't transfer text threaded to pages outside the spread.
  • Clear spread rotation while sharing: - Before you output the file or send it to someone else, clear the spread rotation to avoid confusion. Select View > Rotate Spread > Clear Rotation.

For more details on pages and spreads, please refer to this article: Create and manage pages and spreads in InDesign


Limitation: - As designed, you cannot view the Pages control panel in EssentialsReview, and Touch Workspaces.





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