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Tips & Tricks:-Publish InDesign documents online

Adobe Employee ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

Copy link to clipboard




The Publish Online feature in InDesign enables you to repurpose your print documents by creating their digital version. You can easily publish and share any InDesign document, whether it's a simple PDF or a document with buttons, slideshows, animation, audio, and video.
  1. You can create and publish multi-page spreads and documents with different page sizes.
  2. You can also add transparency and other effects with blending modes. The only exceptions are text frames, groups, buttons, objects with animation, and MSOs overlapping with objects containing transparency.
  3. In the published document, select the More options icon > Embed icon to open the Embed on your site dialog. You can copy the code from the Embed code section to embed a particular document on your site. You can specify a start page for your document to output open the embedded file on the selected page number. Within Embed options, check Disable full screen for embed window if you don't want the users to view the document in full screen.
  4. Share and Embed options are unavailable if you've selected Hide the Share and Embed options in the published document while publishing the document.
  5. The Publish Online Dashboard is in-sync with the theme of your computer.
  6. Minimizing the Publish Online dialog does not stop the online publishing process. This will help you to continue your work in InDesign while the process happens in the background.


For more details, please check this article: Use Publish Online to publish your InDesign documents.




Publish online




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