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I have a TOC that pulls copy from styles. I have a heading that will display in the TOC and it displays crossrerences. how do i stop that?
thats the heading
and this is how it reads on the TOC:
i don't want those superscripts. how do i fix that?
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You can't ignore them in the TOC. You have two options, one is to make a similar paragraph without crosreferences and make that the Paragraph style for the TOC. Note that any syling will be applied also in the TOC.
The second involves having an invisible character style (no fill, no border, 0.1pt text scaled to 1% width Possibly tracked to remove the fragment of space they take).
In the TOC paragraph style for that level of text incude a GREP style that applies the invisible character style to the letters you don't want to show. The GREP expresion "(?<=m)(\d,?)+" will catch any series of digits and commas after an "m".
In your example is the " ™" also to be excluded in the TOC?
Hope this helps