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When InDesign starts to behave strangely, the number one suggestion for troubleshooting is to replace (or trash, reset or restore) the application preferences. This will remove corrupt preferences and replace them with a new set of default preferences, and often end bad behavior.
There is a quick and easy method for doing this using the keyboard: close and relaunch InDesign, and IMMEDIATELY hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or Cmd + Ctrl + Opt + Shift (Mac), and respond in the affirmative to the dialog asking if you really want to replace the preferences. There are two downsides to this method, however. First, you must be extremely fast on the keyboard (if you don’t see the confirmation prompt, you were too slow), and second, anytime you replace the preferences you will lose most program customizations, and using the keyboard method leaves you with no backup to restore them when the problem turns out to be something else.
My preferred method is to CLOSE INDESIGN and do a “manual” prefs replacement, which consists of finding and renaming the two files which make up the preference set: InDesign Defaults and InDesign SavedData. BOTH of these files should be replaced at the same time. You can delete them, but renaming or moving them will give you the opportunity to copy them back in the event that new prefs doesn’t cure your issue. When you restart ID, the program will look for these two files, and when they are not found, a new default set will be written.
[Defunct link removed by Peter Spier on 11/6/15]
These are normally hidden files, so you will need to set your system to show them. They will be found in various places depending on the OS, and the version of InDesign. (Edit: For Mac users running OSX 10.7 or newer, you can learn how to show hidden files here: Access hidden user library files | Mac OS 10.7 Lion)
PLEASE LOOK AT THESE PATHS CAREFULLY. They look similar, but are two different folders for the two files.
InDesign Defaults:
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<language>\ (Note: Prior to version 6 [CS4] the language folder is not used).
Windows Vista or Windows 7 and newer: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\ (Note: Prior to version 6 [CS4] the language folder is not used).
Macintosh: Hard Drive/Users/<USER>/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/<Version #>/<Language>/(Note: Prior to version 6 [CS4] the language folder is not used).
InDesign SavedData:
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\Caches\ (Note: Prior to version 6 [CS4] the language folder is not used).
Windows Vista or Windows 7 and newer: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\Caches\ (Note: Prior to version 6 [CS4] the language folder is not used).
Macintosh: Hard Drive/Users/<USER>/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/<Version #>/<Language>/ (Note: Prior to version 6 [CS4] the language folder is not used).
In some earlier versions of ID, InDesign SavedData may also be found in the first directory.
As mentioned above, when you replace your preferences you will lose customizations beyond those things that are set in the preferences dialogs. These include Document and Print Presets you might have created. If you haven't made backups already, you should go, prior to replacing the preferences, to the "Define" dialogs for printer and document presets and custom stroke styles, and select all of your custom entries, the click the save button and put the file someplace safe. After resetting preferences using the keyboard or by renaming/deleting the old files and restarting InDesign, these customized settings can be re-loaded with a single click once again in the Define dialogs.
PDF presets can be backed up in the same way, but they are stored in a different location and will not be destroyed by a simple preference reset. Other customizations that you should not lose are workspaces, keyboard shortcut sets, and find/change queries.
As a further step I strongly recommend that you make a copy of these two files when you have a working customized set. Store them in a safe place and you can use them to overwrite a corrupt set so no further editing or reloading will be required. Users of InDesign CS4 can use a free script from to backup and store multiple sets of preferences: In-Tools Scripts » Preference Manager Script
Edit: Corrected Mac Path per Jongware's post below.
UPDATE: I just ran across a situation in which overwriting the InDesign Defaults and InDesign SavedData files failed to restore functionality to the tools on a single user account on a multiple user system (the other account was fine). This is an absolute first and I've been using the technique for years, including replacing these two files on this system which is used by the student newspaper where I was a professor, in order to customize or restore preferences every semester. What did work was to use the keyboard method first, then close InDesign and manually replace the two files to restore the prefs to the proper settings. -- Peter
Further update: We have had several reports now in the CC versions of InDesign where using the manual method has failed to solve problems that are normally fixed by replacing preferences. to the best of my knowledge, using the keyboard method has solved the problem for each of those users. -- Peter
Message was edited by: Peter Spier
Message was edited by: Peter Spier
Message was edited by: amxyz
Message was edited by: Peter Spier to add path warnings.
Message was edited by: Peter Spier to add update re: failure of one method and success of other in CC.
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Good morning, Ric:
Please start a new thread for your question. Please include the operating system and InDesign version (is it 7.0.4?) when you do so, thanks!
It sounds like you're not getting the Adobe Crash Reporter, have you turned it off?
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Crash Reporter... No. I haven't touched it.
The version... I don't know which one is, sinceI cannot load it anymore, so I can't check it.
I will start a new thread.
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I reinstalled CS5 and it fixed everything.
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Sheesh!. I was hitting control-alt-shift repeatedly, so I can't have been too slow. Going through these other methods - seems waaay above and beyond the call of duty. I think I'll quite for the day, and tear my hear out tomorrow... Maybe even try to wade through the manual fix.
Thanks, though. You forum guys are really great, on the spot, ready to help, and I do appreciate it. But you'd think with such an expensive software, it wouldn't have such eggregious buggy things like this.
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Maybe the patch 7.0.3 is the way to go. In that case, I probably will need to wait until Adobe finally gets me my disk for my fully purchased InDesign CS5.5, and they are sooooper slow in that, so my trial version will run out before I even get the disk. At least then, hopefully I can start with a clean install.
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MystiMac wrote:
I was hitting control-alt-shift repeatedly, so I can't have been too slow.
Press and HOLD them down. Don't release untill you see the dialog or ID has started, and we're talking miliseconds here for speed.
The current verison is 7.0.4, not 7.0.3, too.
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I'm on PC. I pressed and held the three keys... From the git-go... No luck.
So, tomorrow, you may see a new profile picture of me with bald spots on my
scalp, after I my hair-tearing-out momentr...
Guess I'll have to wait for Adobe to get around to shipping my disk to me,
after which I'll do a clean re-install. I sure as heck hope Adobe isn't
growing too big for it's shoes. I really have loved Adobe and its amazing
products and developers... But, if they can't support their products and
have a bug-fix department that's up to the task, that would be a very big
shame.... Thanks for offering your help.
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Dear Peter,
So, I'm trying the renaming the hidden files method now. From the link you (and the Mac guy sent, tho I'm on PC), for replacing or trashing InDesign preferences, to hopefully remove corrupt preferences and end bad behavior...
within this file:
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<language>\
in the eng_US folder, I'm seeing two subfolders: "Extensions" and "Scripting support." Are these the two I should rename?
And in the second set I'm supposed to rename:
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\Caches\
I don't see anything more in the folder, other than "Extensions" and "Scripting support" folders. And what would you suggest I rename them?
Am I missing something? I don't want to mess things up. And I'm hoping that my disk for the indd CS5.5 will arrive in a few days and I'll do a clean install. I have now only this one remaining day on my trial period, and the program is acting even buggier. Yesterday I was able to use the "review" panel as a pseudo "articles panel" (given that I can't get the articles panel proper to show - when I go to Window/articles, it gives me the review panel, then wants me to subscribe to the review subscription, and I can't even add "articles" to the review panel anymore). I'm trying to make good use of this remaining day of my trial period and not lose any more work time due to adobe having failed to ship my order until I'd waited 6 days, then called support desk (some guy with Indian accent who barely understood what I was talking about, but finally he "escalated" the case, and the order apparently shipped yesterday). Thank you for your patience. I'm no programmer, and am loathe to change registries, but I've done it successfully a number of times in the past with help...
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PS: Would it be useful to download the Adobe Support Advisor?
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The log analyzer is only good for failed installations. It isn't going to help if ID launched, I think.
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Do you not see the InDesign Defaults file in the first path, and the InDesign SavedData file in the second? If ID ever launced and closed successfully, they should be there. Those are the two things you need to rename.
It also would be OK to rename any folder in the path below the "adobe" folder ( so you don't screw up other apps), like \InDesign\ (which will reset prefs for all versions) or \Version 7.5\ which will affect only CS5.5
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Here's what I see, in user application data\Adobe\InDesign\ (with "hidden files" showing) I see a folder named Version 7.0 and a folder named Version 7.5. Each of those has the en folder, and then the two I mentioned, "Extensions" folder and "Scripting support" folder. Nothing more. Maybe I can just rename "Version 7.5" folder? And if so, what do you suggest I name it?
Thanks; I know it's Sunday...
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If ID has launced sucessfully and then closed:
The <user>\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version 7.5\en_US folder should have a FILE in it named InDesign Defaults.
The <user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version 7.5\en_US\Caches folder should have a FILE in it named InDesign SavedData
You can change the name of both "Version 7.5" folders and accomplish waht needs to be done, but it's overkill.
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Well, I'm not seeing all you see. Here's what I see:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version 7.5\en_US
Then... (new dvorak keyboard - dunno how to "print screen" - unexpected surprise...)
then... (upon yet another restart of CS5.5)... folders named "composite," "Workspace," "Scripts," and beneath them, Indd defaults, an unknown file name (seems like progress); and, lastly, "color settings," another unknown file name....
Time for "overkill"??
Thanks again.
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Don't worry if you don't see all the sub-folders I have. They come when you do additional customizations.
For the sake of speed and getting the job done, try just changing "Version 7.5" to "_Version 7.5" in both places.
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Okay, renamed both files, with the underscore. Now, upon re-load, I get the "articles" panel (some progress, anyway), but can't drag "documents" into the panel, and the control click add (click plus button in the panel) is grayed out. In the panel "options" drop-down, everything but "use for reading order in tagged PDF" is grayed out.
Thanks again for taking your time and patience, on a Sunday.
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It's time for you to start a brand new thread. We've passed beyond a problem with resetting the prefs.
In the new thread, give the version of Windows and ID (I know them, but others won't), and a detailed description of what you are trying to do, along with details of what you see (screen captures would be extremely helpful). I'm not going to be much help withthe Articles Panel -- it's a feature I don't use in my workflow -- but there are plenty of other users who will pop in.
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Okay, thanks. I'll give screenshots too, if I discover what format the image
upload takes. Enjoy our Sunday, what's left of it.
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I recommend .png for screen caps.
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Thank you. That was critical!!
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Just wanted to let you and any audience know that after I re-started my computer (and having renamed the files you designated), now I can get the articles panel. So I'm muddling through, moving forward from that point... not able to export to epub having selected radio button "according to articles panel," (grayed out), but according to the "based on page layout" radio button selected, the output ain't bad. Fortunately, my first project is pretty basic -- just text, styles, no graphics, a couple drop caps. Thank you for your help thus far.
I hope the Adobe team doesn't spend all their human resources pressured to turn out a new version every year (as the survey I went through said Adobe aspired to do), but keeps enough human resources fixing what seems to be a pretty buggy CS5.5.
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After various frustrations with indesignCS5.5 installation, which, per advice of adobe tech in Asia, changing the user account on my pc (windows xp), the user accounts were all corrupted... Not wanting to lose any more time, I bought a new computer, PC, running Windows 7. Now with inddCS5.5, the preferences are all screwy -- can't open more than one panel. If I open pages, then want to additionally have character, paragraph panels open, the pages panel gets changed to something else. I tried going to the user accounts, making files visible via your method, renamed the file InDesign Defaults to _InDesign Defaults. I didn't see InDesign SavedData, neither in the administrator account (I'm the administrator), nor in the users account. Then I restarted Indd, but still the preferences weren't working. Here's what I have now in explorer:
Once again, can you help with this issue, now that I'm on Windows 7, and have the indd CS5.5 (with updates already in)?
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Here's a little better screenshot.
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I'm still on XP, but that screen grap looks OK, presuming you renamed InDesign Defaults to _InDesign Defaults. InDesign SavedData is in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\Caches\
Notice that you A different folder, so you have to go back up the tree and open the AppData folder and work back down.
That said, I don't think this is a corrupt prefs issue. More likely you have the panel groups reduced to icons or icons plus labels. If that's the case, it's expected that opening one panel from an anchored collection of grouped panels would close other panels in the same collection.
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Thanks Peter,
Your comment about panel groups reduced to icons or icons plus labels -- I'm not seeing icons... Is there some setting, like "preferences" from the file menu? Or some other way to see if it's about panel groups?