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Try the new Publish Online (Preview) feature in InDesign CC 2015 !

Adobe Employee ,
Jun 19, 2015 Jun 19, 2015

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Publish Online (Preview) is a technology preview feature that is available in English versions of InDesign CC 2015. The feature lets you effortlessly publish InDesign documents online. These documents can then be viewed with full fidelity in a desktop or tablet web browser with a delightful viewing experience, and without requiring a plug-in. If a richer document experience is desired, you can add buttons, slideshows, animation, audio, and video using the interactive authoring features of InDesign before publishing the document online.

The published document is intended to be a digital version of an InDesign document that will simply work on all devices that support a web browser. You can email the published document URL or simply share it on Facebook.

Try publishing a finished document by clicking the Publish Online button on the Application Bar or you can also choose File -> Publish Online (Preview)..To access or manage all your published documents, choose File -> Web Dashboard..For more details, see online help.

After trying it out, please give us feedback on the feature by filling this survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PublishOnline_Survey




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 04, 2015 Dec 04, 2015

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Thanks Bob!

Not what I was hoping for but thanks for the quick reply!





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Advisor ,
Dec 07, 2015 Dec 07, 2015

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New Twitter hashtag for Publish Online projects: #IDPubOn

Please add to your posts so we can easily find examples of work.

Michael Ninness of Adobe has already posted some interesting projects, which you can find under #IDPubOn




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New Here ,
Dec 07, 2015 Dec 07, 2015

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How do I disable this feature? It's acting like a magnet catching my cursor ceaselessly and really distracting me from doing my work. I need to stop this feature popping up all the time




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Community Expert ,
Dec 07, 2015 Dec 07, 2015

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Preferences > Technology Preview > uncheck Publish Online.

But at some point it will probably be permanent, so I'd get used to it.




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New Here ,
Dec 07, 2015 Dec 07, 2015

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Thank you Steve. Your right I need to get onboard, it's just the popping up is really bothering me




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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2015 Dec 08, 2015

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I have tried to publish online. I keep getting a message "To publish online, please sign in to the Creative Cloud" I am logged in though already. Do you have any solutions to this issue?




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Community Expert ,
Dec 08, 2015 Dec 08, 2015

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Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. From the "gear" icon select Preferences > General. Sign Out, then sign in again with your Adobe ID.




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New Here ,
Dec 08, 2015 Dec 08, 2015

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Thanks that worked




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Explorer ,
Dec 08, 2015 Dec 08, 2015

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I am placing cropped .mp4 movie files with no controller skin from the Indesign Interactive Media menu and they appear with a controller which is stretched beyond the boundaries of the published media.

I have  had other issues with stretched media when published with fitting - crop.

How do I get media to show up without a controller skin?

How do I get cropped media to display without aspect stretching?

Thanks, Marian




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Explorer ,
Dec 13, 2015 Dec 13, 2015

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On a placed movie media file, Controller Skin remains visible on Publish Online Preview even though I have it set for

Controller None in the Interactive Media menu. Show Controller on Rollover is also turn off.

I do not want to see the controller on these short movie clips.

Thanks for your help.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Hi Marian,

Controller skin for videos are not yet supported in Publish Online, so default skin is always shows up for placed media file.

As a workaround, if you are creating media files then you can add little blank space at the bottom and when placed in InDesign, crop the video little from bottom. In this case skin would not show up and video will be fully visible.






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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The analytics for my documents appear to have been reset so do not show any of the full history for the views that the documents have received.

Any one else seen this or am I going a little crazy?

Is this something that is going to happen regularly with updates?

Thanks in advance,





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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Hi Glenn,

Please elaborate the issue you are facing. Have the views mentioned in the 'Document Trends' tab changed?

Currently we are tracking the URL of the document and not the embedded link in a webpage.






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Community Beginner ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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No it appears as if the stats for views have been reset recently, I have a document that was published a couple of weeks ago that I know has been viewed well over 175 times but it showed yesterday as no views by no visitors? All the other documents I have published are also very different to the last time I look dat them so something has changed. I guessed it may have got reset when the product updated?

All I have bit.ly linked to monitor the clicks and none are embedded in any webpages at this time.






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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Hi Glenn,

Can you please email me the following @ sakhanna@adobe.com

1. URL of the published documents for which you are seeing a discrepancy.

2 Snapshot of the stats you see on your dashboard.






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Explorer ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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I already sent you the link...


The dashboard says version 56... there is just on there.

The music plays randomly and concurrently.... it doesn't play on page load

and stop on page turn... controller skins can't be controlled

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 6:43 PM, sagar-khanna <forums_noreply@adobe.com>




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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Hi Marian,

I checked your link and saw the music issue where it plays for a second and stops while fetching the content files. This is a known issue and we have raised this issue with the product management on priority. We are sorry that we do not have a workaround for this issue. But, I did not face a situation where the video did not start on page load and did not stop on page navigation. I checked it on MAC Safari and Chrome browser.

Currently, if we want to hide the controller on the video, we have to use a workaround.For this, we can clip the video from the bottom edge with the outer frame. We have a bug logged for this issue as well.






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Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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I got around this pre-fetch bug for an audio clip by inserting  1.5 sec silent period before the start of the audio clip.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Hi Rahul and Adobe Community,

Just minutes after stepping out of my Adobe Max seminar with Saurabh Mahajan, learning about Publish Online for the first time, I received a call from a non-profit organization, The Center for Irish Music, looking for an inexpensive way to produce a digital experience for their annual report.

Publish Online was the perfect solution. They had plenty of assets: videos, songs, and images, so using this platform was a great way to showcase some of the talent of their musical instructors. Far better than any print piece could do. They loved that they could share this piece through email, social networks, and track analytics. Please check it out at:


I learned a lot about what works, and what doesn't, using this platform and would be happy to share that as well. madewithAdobePublishOnline‌




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Explorer ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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The Center for Irish Music annual report viewed well on my iPhone 6S Plus and in Safari in Mac OS X Yosemite. Videos don't play in either Safari browser. Just says "loading." I can right-click in OS X Safari and save the mp4 to desktop. But who would think of that?

My concern is for the longevity of this new Adobe publishing "tool." Google has instilled in us a fear of app discontinuation. Will this "Adobe Publish Online" annual report be accessible in five years? In one year?


Of course, there are some caveats: You need to keep your Creative Cloud account up and running (because the document is published on Adobe's CC servers); and because Publish Online is a work-in-progress (Adobe calls it a "technology preview"), it may change significantly over time.

I was happy to see a PDF download option, clicked on it, but was surprised to see how large the PDF is –  62MB! Large even for a 47-page document. Not very well optimized. I opened the downloaed PDF in Acrobat Pro, did a "Save As" and clicked on "Reduce File Size." It shrunk down to 11MB and still has plenty of detail.

Nice idea. Looks slick. But the new Adobe interactive digital publishing technology has to work on all platforms to be a success.




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Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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>Of course, there are some caveats: You need to keep your Creative Cloud account up and running (because the document is published

> on Adobe's CC servers);

This is something of a concern, I'm working on a project that is ideal for Publish Online which is intended to be posted (via Iframe) on an important website and stay there for some time. But I turn 80 next year and who knows how many more years I have. Are you saying that the link will only be there as long as I have a CC subscription?? If so I need to look for something other than Publish Online.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Hi Richard,

Can you please let me know your Safari version, I tried on Safari 9.2 (Yosemite) and Safari (iPhone 6 plus), video played well on those. It took 2-3 second (depends on network speed) to load the video, in that time it showed loading and then video played fine, did you wait for video to be loaded. It could also be Safari version dependent, let me know its version and I will try in that as well. Also did you try in some other browser, did video play there? Also I tried videos on page 33, 35, 37, are you also talking about these.






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Explorer ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Anshul: None of the videos work in Safari Version 9.0.2 (10601.3.9) with OS X 10.10.5 (14F1509). The message "Loading..." stays there forever.

The videos immediately play with Chrome Version 47.0.2526.80 (64-bit).and with Firefox 42.0.

On my iPhone 6S Plus, the videos do not play. I am at iOS 9.2 (13C75).




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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Thanks for your input Richard.

Regarding Video: Like a web designer would (which is why I don't do web design), I should have looked at it using my old version of Safari. So I fired up the old Mac tower running safari 6.02 and the video indeed doesn't work, as stated above (Loading...boo hoo) so it's probably browser-dependent. Guess I've only tried this Publish Online on my new retina iMac using Safari 8.06 and Chrome Version 47.0.2526.80 (64-bit) which both looked fine. I've herd it looked good in Firefox too.

Videos, when viewed on the iPad, leave an odd blurry circle where the "play" button would appear after touching. No sure how to best avoid it—I thought it could be resolved by moving layers around. Even Adobe's own sample from Adobe Max has this glitch in it. I got around that, by building a separate page for the video (and button > go to next page > when you tap the video icon), so my custom arrow buttons actually skip that page and go to the following page, bypassing the video page. But use a swipe gesture, or tap the default arrow directional, and you see the video page. Not ideal. Faking' it as best I can for now. But that blurry circle bothered me and my client.

On Audio icons:

I don't enjoy how each browser presents a different looking audio controller. Chrome and Safari appear different. And the iPad audio controller looks different as well—with no type at all near the audio icon. Ideally, there will be a way to customize these buttons/skins like DPS could—so they are designed with intent. That would be nice.

Funny thing about the two arrow directionals leading you to next page (and previous page)  appear within the page frame in Chrome (on top of the photos), while in Safari, they stay on the outside gray area. For the iPad, there weren't immediately visible (without first highlighting the browser tools—then tapping) so I built a secondary set with buttons that directed you forward and back, so you would save a step, and a calorie. The arrows clash into each other when the user has a small browser window open. But I wanted it tablet-friendly, so this was a sacrifice I made.

On iPad view:

_The iPad view shows about a pixel blemish around the perimeter of the document, when using multiple photos on auto play (using the Timing palette). I couldn't find a workaround. Tried extending my pictures to -1px on each side (X and Y) but that didn't fix it. It still shows a bit of the layer behind it. When it's fine on a browser.

_The swipe function on the iPad view isn't that smooth. I guess because, like DPS 2015, it's loading page by page, and pinging Adobe's server each page, not like an already downloaded folio would act—nice and fast swipes. Sorry to compare the two, I've been using DPS for 4 years now, and wish Publish Online could utilize some more DPS tools. Perhaps it will in the future? This feels like some significant steps back from a DPS solution, but the price is certainly right!!!! I was needing a digital solution for some of my small clients who want to get in the digital game, and can't afford DPS, and I really hope Publish Online could be it.

I know it's early in the development process. With tweaks and feedback, we can make this an awesome tool. I look forward to seeing what this can be a year from now.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 15, 2015 Dec 15, 2015

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rschletty schreef:

I was happy to see a PDF download option, clicked on it, but was surprised to see how large the PDF is –  62MB! Large even for a 47-page document. Not very well optimized. I opened the downloaed PDF in Acrobat Pro, did a "Save As" and clicked on "Reduce File Size." It shrunk down to 11MB and still has plenty of detail.

Nice idea. Looks slick. But the new Adobe interactive digital publishing technology has to work on all platforms to be a success.


Take a look at the second options pane shen Publishing Online: youcan choose the PDF preset for the PDF, choose one with low er res etc. to create a smaller PDF.




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