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Hey everyone. I've found some similar threads but no solutions for my issue yet. Well it's actually for a friend, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. She's having issues scaling text within a text box using the cmd + shift shortcut. It resizes the text box, but the text stays the same size.
Any suggestions?
For posterity, I had an identical problem just now, but my solution made me feel really silly.
Turns out my layout was too big (96"x24") and that was causing my font size to cap out at 1296pt, and not continue scaling with the text box. When I rebuilt my layout at 50% scale, I had no problem scaling text anymore.
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Does she press first on the keyboard, then start to drag the text frame?
Also, if you start to drag to fast, it does not work. Press the keys and hold on a second or so before dragging.
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Well I also gave it a go and it didn't work but works on mine. Also just tried pressing the keyboard before clicking and after clicking and does the same thing.
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i'm ready to press on the keyboard with a f***'ing sledgehammer. This software is total junk
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Learn the software and adjust Paragraph Styles. That is the correct way to go.
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You need to make sure that the Regular Selection tool is chosen in the Tool Panel. If one of the Frame tools is selected using Command-Shift and dragging on a Frame corner will only open the Frame and not enlarge the text.
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Yep, it's selected. But I also tried having the frame tools selected and using the shortcut on my computer (which works) and it still resizes the text.
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If it's working on your computer and not on hers then it may be a problem that deleting her Indesign preferences might help. To delete the preferences on a Mac: Open a Finder Window in column view and click on your Home folder. With the option key pressed select Library under the Finder Go menu and follow the screen shot below and trash the two highlighted files. Make sure that InDesign is closed when you do this.
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When I want to enlarge text I insert the the text curser into the type I want to enlarge and hit command + A to select all; then I use the shift+commant+great than (>) symbol to enlarge. If I want smaller type I use the less than symbol (<).
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Unlock from Fluid box is an option under properties. Once I turned that on I was able to resize the text boxes.
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In InDesign? Where is Fluid Box?
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This is within Properties > Options
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For posterity, I had an identical problem just now, but my solution made me feel really silly.
Turns out my layout was too big (96"x24") and that was causing my font size to cap out at 1296pt, and not continue scaling with the text box. When I rebuilt my layout at 50% scale, I had no problem scaling text anymore.