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I want to use the VCPlugInHandlers logic to le my fr-file to find the respective header-files.
At my Project I've set at Precompiled Headers
Creation/Usage of precompiled headers = Usage of precompiled headers (/Yu)
Creation of PCH through file = VCPlugInHeaders.h
Precompiled Headerfile = $(InputDir)objr\uie\$(TargetName).pch where InputDir = c:\id4sdk\build\win\sdkprj\ and TagretName = USF_ID_EDIT
The resulting entry at the commend line is: c:\id4sdk\build\win\sdkprj\objr\uie\USF_ID_EDIT.pch where c:\id4sdk\build\win\sdkprj\objr\uie is as existing path at my system.
At VCPlugInHeaders.cpp I've set:
Creation/Usage of precompiled headers = Create precompiled headers (/Yc)
Creation of PCH through file = VCPlugInHeaders.h
Precompiled Headerfile = $(InputDir)objr\uie\$(TargetName).pch
At all other cpp-file I've set:
Creation/Usage of precompiled headers = Usage of precompiled headers (/Yu)
Creation of PCH through file = VCPlugInHeaders.h
Precompiled Headerfile = $(InputDir)objr\uie\$(TargetName).pch
But there is no USF_ID_EDIT.pch file created and finally me file does not find the respective headers.
What may be the reason for that failure?
Jochen Seliger
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If no pch file is created then it seems your VCPPluginHeaders.cpp file is not getting compiled, try compiling it alone. Right click over it on the project explorer and see if the compile option is active, if it is not that means its not being compiled and if it is active click on compile and see if the compilation goes fine or not. If the compilation is indeed successful, look for the pch file as output in the location you have specified.
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Hi Manan,
my VCPlugInHeaders.cpp I can compile sepateretly and while tying to build my Plug-In successfully.
There seems to be another lack.
Furthermore I can't see any place, where the cph-File is imported into some File/class.
Could you please let me know, in which cases the VCPlugInHeaders-Logic is defenitly required and how the References to the *.objand the *h-Files are thansferred from the compiler to the linker.
Kind regards
Jochen Seliger
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In the original query you said that the output of the VCPluginHeaders.cpp file was not being produced, now you say that it compiles both separately as well as during project build. Its very difficult to follow what problems you are facing.
To give you a brief idea, precompiled headers are used to cut short the compile time of your projects, so no its not necessary to use them. If you don't use them, at most you will face builds that take longer to build. Precompiled headers are used to compile things that are used multiple times in the project once and then use it in all the files subsequently. Some links to go through are mentioned below
-Yu (Use Precompiled Header File)
Also note that if you use precompiled headers the first line in each cpp file using it must be the #include for the precompiled header, else you will get an error.
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Hi Manan,
my problem after facing the bugs at VC7 (invalid Plug-Ins), is obviusely more generally.
At the moment no obj-, no pch- and no res-file are created.
I'm missing error messages concerning these essancial files.
From the first beginning I've installed the SDK seperately from the VC installation dir.
That's why the relative pathes in most cases do not work.
As I told you, I could compile and build my Plug-In for several years under the described constallations.
I could not find any documentation concerning the installation of the SDK into the VC folder.
Do you have those documentation?
My can't be compiled not separately nor while build process.
Could you please let me know, how the header-pathes are tranferred to the customer build steps odrfc-call?
The customer build step is reporting:
Performing Custom Build Step on c:\id4sdk\source\USF_ID_EDIT\
c:\id4sdk\source\USF_ID_EDIT\VCPlugInHeaders.h(33) : error R32: # Error: Could not open include file PluginBuildFlags.h
That is saying that the VCPlugInHeders.h file could be found, bot it can't find PluginBuildFlags.h and does not find one of its incudes.
When I comment the #include "VCPlugInHeaders.h"-line from, all its headers can't be found.
Please help me to fix that problem!!
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Hi Manan,
meanwhile I've fixed some problems.
The obj-files, the pch-file and the res-file are created.
But my can't be compiled sucessfuly as long it is set to use the Customer Build step-tool.
The problen seems to be the path for the odrfc-call.
That executable is not callable from a folder different from its detination.
What should be done.
a) make the odrfc callabe from any forder
b) ad the incude folders to the path-variable
c) anythig else?
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Use the full path of the odfrc.exe in the custom build step that your are using, also use the full path for other exe's like merge_res etc. Alternatively you could set up your path environment variable. You have mentioned all this in the your query, in my opinion it should take care of your problem.
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Hi Manan,
it was not the problem, if I user the qualifyed path or not, but what is the required configuration.
I'v disabled now the customerBuildStep at my
Here I have still some class and Interface confiruration errors.
After fixing them I'll come back to you to clafity the necessitity of that CustomerBuildStep (with the respective comend line) and the problem, why the separately caled odrfc does not find most of the headers at
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Hi Manan,
I can load the shipped with the SDK pln's sucessfully into ID.
Can you please let me know, what is forcing ID to reject a plug-in as invalid?
Is it a information at the plug-in as it is, ore does ID check its functionality (what seems to me as impossible).
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Hi Mana,
the sucess with the CustomerBuid-Step is not yet trusted.
I've recogniced that the input fields at that step were cleared by the disabeling.
I will try to reimplement the values and will come back to you afterwards.
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Hi Manan,
I can build my plug-in again with VC7-SDK 4.0.2.
I've done it without VCPlugInHeaders-Logic and with the C/C++-BuildTool at my
But InDesign is stlll reginizing it as invalid.
Where to find information, what is wrong?
Where to find error messages, if somathing is wrong?
Kind regards
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Hi Manan,
after getting the error for missing headers at by ordfc (CustomerBuildStep), I had diabled the VCHeader-usage and had set to C/C++-BuildTool.
That way I could build my Plug-In succesfully, but is was rejected by ID as invalide.
Today I've enabled th VCHeader-Usage first and could build my plug-In, but is was rejected by ID as invalid.
Next I'e set my back to Customer-build-Tool (without changing the prior used settings) and could again my plug-in and again it was rejected by ID as invalid.
Could you please give me a hint, where to look for information, what is wrong?
I urgently need help!!