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I'm trying to find text between to "Start" and "End" strings and change the selected text Character Style.
I can run the following Find/Change in InDesign and it works as expected:
Find What: (?s)(?<=Begin--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll).*?(?=End--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll)
Change format: Paragraph Style: FBC-Top 25
But when I use the following text in the FindChangeList.txt file (running FindChangeByList.jsx) I get a syntax error, I'm not sure if it's the grep syntax in the FindWhat parameter or the changeTo syntax.
grep {findWhat:”(?s)(?<=Begin--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll).*?(?=End--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll)”} {appliedParagraphStyle:”FBC-Top 25”} {includeFootnotes:false, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}
I have also tried:
grep {findWhat:”(?s)(?<=Begin--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll).*?(?=End--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll)”} {changeTo:”$0”,appliedParagraphStyle:”FBC-Top 25”} {includeFootnotes:false, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}
I'm beginning to think it has something to do with the way the findWhat: is formatted but I'm not a Grep expert and I don't know what to change it to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PS The FindChangeList.txt parameters in the original txt file are tab separated
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Remove "wholeWord:false" part since this not a findChangeGrepOptions property
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Still getting a syntax error, even with the correct findChangeGrepOptions.
I get "syntax error column 1" when it executes this line: app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
myString has this value: = {findWhat:”(?s)(?<=Begin--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll).*?(?=End--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll)”}; = {appliedParagraphStyle:”FBC-Top 25”}; = {includeFootnotes:false, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true};
Is the GREP command causing the error?
Unfortunately the ExtendScript Toolkit gives me on other information except "Syntax Error".
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Hi frengold,
start with the original demo script and copy a line from the FindChangeList.txt and insert your values.
Is is working ?
It may have to do with tabs in the txt file.
thanks Stefan
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I changed the first line in the original FindChangeList.txt file and replaced the parameters with my parameters (leaving the tabs intact), I still get a syntax error on this line:
grep | {findWhat:”(?s)(?<=Begin--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll).*?(?=End--FBC--Amway Top 25 Poll)”} | {changeTo:"appliedParagraphStyle:”FBC-Top 25”"} | {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false} | Find and apply style. |
I didn't change anything except the information between the quotes for each option (the third parameter is exactly as it is in the original). Still a syntax error.
The remaining 7 lines in the original txt file execute without problems.
I still think it has something to do with the GREP findWhat parameter needing to be structured differently in the txt file than is is when I run it from the Find/Change menu option.
Thanks for your help.