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dlaczego po pętli pojawia się master A2 zamiast A1? Mastery wyglądają tak AA BB C i pętla . C
Czyli A1A2 B1B2 C1A1 tak to powinno wyglądać i u mnie jest to A1A2 B1B2 C1A2, dlaczego A2? jak to zmienić
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this is a notebook for 200 pages , 5 pages are 5 masters and there is supposed to be a repetition of pages , only as I wrote I do not understand why in my case is after C the second page of master A and not the first one
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why does master A2 appear to me instead of A1 after the loop? The masters look like this AA BB C and loop . C
So A1A2 B1B2 C1A1 this is how it should look like and in my case it is A1A2 B1B2 C1A2 , why A2? how to change it
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Dzień dobry!
Jeśli dokument jest skonfigurowany tak, aby zawierał strony lewe i prawe, strony nadrzędne (wzorcowe) również muszą być lewe i prawe.
Jeśli chcesz obrócić 5 stron, nie jest to liczba parzysta oparta na 2 stronach. InDesign nie może operować (przetasowywać) tego w obie strony.
Możesz spróbować ustawić C Master tak, aby był oparty na dwóch stronach zamiast na 1. Lub, co bardziej prawdopodobne, możesz skonfigurować dokument i wszystkie strony nadrzędne/wzorcowe w oparciu o pojedyncze strony.
Good morning!
If a document is setup to be left and right hand pages, then the parent (master) pages must also be left and right handed.
If you want a rotation of 5 pages, that is not an even number based on 2 pages. InDesign cannot operate (shuffle) it both ways.
You could try to set the C Master to be based on two-pages instead of 1. Or, more likely, you could make the document setup and all the parent/master pages based on single pages.
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ah ok ... too bad there is no such option . I was thinking to make one extra in master C but then it would have to be blank and I would not want it to be a blank page, nor can I give the same content there as it is in A1 because it will just copy the content and it will be the same in C2 and A1. So I am left to do it manually or add some content in C2 eh....
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Tak. You will need 5 single-page masters and the document setup will also have to be adjusted to single pages.
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This is not part of the questioned problem. But I see the running headers are inside your borders. But running headers and pge numbers must always be outside the page margins to avoid conflicts with the content.