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Aktuell wird mir weder fette noch kursive Schrift angezeigt, wenn ich sehen will, ob ein Wort kursiv steht, muss ich es anklicken. Kann man die Ansicht nicht so einstellen, dass man die Eigenschaften sofort sieht?
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Weshalb siehst du die Schriftauszeichnung nicht?
Hast du diese Schriftschnitte installiert?
Oder verwendest du False Styles?
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Keine Ahnung, also wirklich gar keine ... Ich bin Übersetzerin und bekomme die Bücher vom Verlag für InDesign geschickt und bearbeite dann die Texte. Daher habe ich selbst gar nichts eingestellt und hatte irgendwie gehofft, ich müsste nur irgendwas anklicken, damit ich fett/kursive sehe. Da war ich wohl zu optimistisch, schade.
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In InDesign musst Du mit Absatzformaten für ganze Absätze und Zeichenformaten für einzelne Wörter oder Zeichen arbeiten. Niemals einfach auf Kursiv oder Fett stellen, das ist ein absolutes Nein. Das selbe gilt übrigens auch für Word. Dort ist es allerdings leichter unanständig zu arbeiten und das verleitet viele zu einer manuellen Formatierung, die im weiteren Workflow Probleme bereitet.
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Display of the correct font and face is integral to InDesign and needs no special setting or accommodation. A corrupt document, a corrupt or incompatible font set or corrupt user settings could cause display problems, though.
First, know that InDesign does not 'synthesize' italic and bold in the way Word does. (Any font in Word can have italic, bold or bold-italic characteristics applied through type distortion; InDesign and most other professional tools require that actual italic, bold etc. fonts be installed.)
Second, does this occur in all documents, including newly created ones, or only in one or more specific documents? (If the documents were imported from Word with Word-basis overrides, as above, InDesign may not display the 'synthesized' enhancements.)
Third, does this occur only with one font/family or do other common or base fonts (such as Minion Pro) also fail to display bold and italic?
If none of these seem to apply, you may need to clear your user preferences. It varies a little by platform/OS and version, but here's a comprehensive description of how to do that and other "reset" processes:
Reset InDesign Preferences and Other Troubleshooting
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I got the document from a publishing house to translate the text, apparently they use an older version than I do - Might this cause the problem?
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What format did you receive the document in? INDD or IDML, or Word?
If INDD, you can try to fix any corruption or version faults by saving to IDML, then opening that document and saving again as INDD under a new name. That often purges unnecessary data (for undo, etc.) and fixes the document structure.
You might also try globally changing the font to a standard one like Minion Pro, just in case the font in use has some fault or you don'tr have a compatible version.
(Feel free to reply in German if you are more comfortable expressing yourself — the forum here does very good translation with our narrow range of vocabulary. However, if you're a translator you may be just as adept in English, so... 🙂 )
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Thanks for your answer! I received it as INDD and will try your solution (saving as IDML etc.), if it doesn't work, I guess I'll just tell the publishing house to check the text.
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