Write last folder naming
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Hi Friends,
I need your help!
@MY work (write report😞 I need to write last revision folder name only. Also, i was try to some code, that code is write-report for all folder name is given. But. i need to last folder names only. I have place some example screenshot below:
After run my script generate the report. (Wrong Report)
I need report. (correct Report)
My code below:
var Report = new File("C:/Users/karthiks/Desktop/z/Client78_Revision Report.txt" );
Report.writeln("Journal Name\tArticle ID\tNumber of Revision\r*********************************\r\r");
var basePath = "C:\\Users\\karthiks\\Desktop\\z"; // Local path:
var basePathFiles = Folder(basePath).getFiles();
var basePathFilesLen = basePathFiles.length;
for (var bsf = 0; bsf < basePathFilesLen; bsf ++){
if (basePathFiles[bsf] instanceof Folder){
var articleFolder = Folder(basePathFiles[bsf].fullName);
var articleFolderSubFolders = articleFolder.getFiles();
var articleFolderSubFoldersLen = articleFolderSubFolders.length;
for (var i=0; i<articleFolderSubFoldersLen; i++){
var currFolder = articleFolderSubFolders;
var currFolderName = currFolder.name;
var articleFolder2 = Folder(currFolder + '\\' + currFolder.name + '_Inputs\\');
var articleFolderSubFolders2 = articleFolder2.getFiles();
var articleFolderSubFoldersLen2 = articleFolderSubFolders2.length;
for (var n=0; n<articleFolderSubFoldersLen2; n++){
var currFolder2 = articleFolderSubFolders2
; var currFolderName2 = currFolder2.name;
//~ alert(currFolderName2);
if (articleFolderSubFoldersLen2 > 4){
//***************************** something i have missing code here *********************
Report.writeln(articleFolder.name + "\t" + currFolder.name+ "\t" + currFolderName2 + "\n")
please suggest friends.
Thanks in Advance.
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This my folder structure:
Thanks in Advance.
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If you do this:
var currFolder2 = articleFolderSubFolders2[articleFolderSubFolders2.length-1].toString().split('_')[0];
var revision = articleFolderSubFolders2[articleFolderSubFolders2.length-1].toString().split('_')[1]
You will have the folder and revision number.
Is that what you are looking for?
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Hi SW,
Thanks to your replay,
Is that what you are looking for? ----> I need to collect for all latest files (project voices) total No.of project above 100.
EXP: Our Folder Structure below:
Project Name --> AHMT --> 108531 --> 108531_Inputs -- > 108531_Final
108531_First Proof
That above structure R2 and before all file default structure this is no needed. But R3 and after received files i need to write report.
@One more question: I have add your above code in my script. That code alert(Final, First_proof, R1, R2 and R3) for one by one. But i need to alert(R3) latest folder only.
Please suggest friends.
Thanks in Advance
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This structure i like this,
AA | 54321 | R4 |
AHMT | 108531 | R4 |
AHMT | 109587 | R3 |
AHMT | 65820 | R3 |
AHMT | 79060 | R2 |
AMEP | 100660 | R4 |
AMEP | 101099 | R3 |
AMEP | 101395 | R1 |
AMEP | 101698 | R2 |
AMEP | 102000 | R7 |
AMEP | 102081 | R2 |
AMEP | 102111 | R1 |
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Did you place the code outside the for-loop?
I think you do not need the last for-loop.
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Hi SW,
Thanks to your replay,
I have used your second code. That code i have modified one number only, after that working good.
Modified code:
var revision = articleFolderSubFolders2[articleFolderSubFoldersLen2-1].toString().split('_')[2] // change 1 to 2.
@One more thing: Some of the project i have received above 14 files "R14". But, Here with alert for only "R9" this code counsel for "R9" is last folder, but 14 folder is there). I have place screenshot for your reference.
I need to alert for last folder name R14. Please suggest friend
My code also below:
var Report = new File("C:/Users/karthiks/Desktop/z/Client78_Revision Report.txt" );
Report.writeln("Journal Name\tArticle ID\tNumber of Revision\r*********************************\r\r");
var basePath = "C:\\Users\\karthiks\\Desktop\\z"; // Local path:
var basePathFiles = Folder(basePath).getFiles();
var basePathFilesLen = basePathFiles.length;
for (var bsf = 0; bsf < basePathFilesLen; bsf ++){
if (basePathFiles[bsf] instanceof Folder){
var articleFolder = Folder(basePathFiles[bsf].fullName);
var articleFolderSubFolders = articleFolder.getFiles();
var articleFolderSubFoldersLen = articleFolderSubFolders.length;
for (var i=0; i<articleFolderSubFoldersLen; i++){
var currFolder = articleFolderSubFolders;
var currFolderName = currFolder.name;
var articleFolder2 = Folder(currFolder + '\\' + currFolder.name + '_Inputs\\');
var articleFolderSubFolders2 = articleFolder2.getFiles();
var articleFolderSubFoldersLen2 = articleFolderSubFolders2.length;
if (articleFolderSubFoldersLen2 > 4){
************************************** In below your code ***********************
var revision = articleFolderSubFolders2[articleFolderSubFoldersLen2-1].toString().split('_')[2]
alert(currFolder.name + "/" + revision)
Report.writeln(articleFolder.name + "\t" + currFolder.name+ "\t" + revision + "\n")
Thanks In advance
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It has to do with the sortorder of the folders in the parent folder.
You should sort them first like this:
var folders = ['90737_Final','90737_FirstProof','90737_R1','90737_R10','90737_R11','90737_R12','90737_R13','90737_R14','90737_R2','90737_R3','90737_R4','90737_R5','90737_R6','90737_R7','90737_R8','90737_R9'];
var sorted = folders.sort(function(x,y)
var f1 = x.split('_')[1].match(/\d+/);
var f2 = y.split('_')[1].match(/\d+/);
return f1-f2;
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Hi SW,
One more thanks,
@Ok right: I understand that (thanks your good explain SW).
@simple one question: How to get folder 14 "R14" alert?
Thanks In advance
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Well, if you do this:
var sortedFolders = articleFolderSubFolders2.sort(function(x,y)
var f1 = x.split('_')[1].match(/\d+/);
var f2 = y.split('_')[1].match(/\d+/);
return f1-f2;
You should get the result you want.