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I am doing production on a document someone else formatted. He originally used Garamond as the text font, then switched to Granjon. The paragraph styles have been changed to Granjon. However, when I apply a paragraph style the text appears as Garamond; wrong font, wrong size. I can go through and do find font, but that is extremely time consuming and wasting. How do I rid the document of the wrong font and keep it from constantly reappearing? I quit InDesign and restarted with option, command, shift down to reset the preferences.
1 Correct answer
It looks like the original designer manually formatted the text with Garamond, even though he also used styles.
So although the styles were changed to the new Granjon font, the manual overrides are still there and keeping the text as Garamond.
You can view where these overrides are by turning on the Style Highlighter in the Paragraph Styles panel. Overrides will now be highlighted in swimming-pool green.
Style Highlighter shows manual formatting of text.
To remove manual overrides throughout t
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It looks like the original designer manually formatted the text with Garamond, even though he also used styles.
So although the styles were changed to the new Granjon font, the manual overrides are still there and keeping the text as Garamond.
You can view where these overrides are by turning on the Style Highlighter in the Paragraph Styles panel. Overrides will now be highlighted in swimming-pool green.
Style Highlighter shows manual formatting of text.
To remove manual overrides throughout the document:
- With the text tool, click inside any frame of the threaded story.
- Select All with either the keyboard shortcut (Cmd+A / Ctrl+A) or Edit / Select All.
- From the lower section of the Paragraph Styles panel, click the ¶ icon once.
- This will remove the manual overrides on your text, which should now reflect the Ganjon font defined in your styles.
Remove manual overrides (formatting) from selected text.
Note that you probably will see other changes to the layout, mainly reflow of the text, because the font has changed.
Hope this helps.
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Many thanks. I've started a brand new document with freshly made styles, but I'll try your suggestion so I don't have to reformat what I've already formatted several times.