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I updated to InDesign 2019 (v14.0.1) and when exporting to PDF I am having problems with Chinese characters that i did not have with previous version. The problem is only visual since the font and characters show up perfectly in the InDesign file, it is just when opening PDF that they are cut off or incomplete.. the font has been reinstalled and updated and still have the same issue.
If I copy string from PDF and paste in Notebook the font is fine, which indicates the problem is actually in the PDF.. I am using Acrobat DC v19.0 (which incidentally removed my "diskette" (save) icon from view... I can still click on the space where it is supposed to be and the documents saves, but the icon is gone, and yes I've looked for it and it does not show up, but that is a problem I can deal with )
I have two fixes right now.. converting all text to path and exporting (which is not the best solution for my client) and going back to InDesign 2018 (which is not the best solution period)
if anybody has a solution I would really appreciate it
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My guess also is that it's a font problem. InDesign cannot change the data in the font. It's possible that Acrobat could mis-display it, but that would usually happen because of a bad glyph (character) in the font.
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A font must support EMBEDDING in order to be included in the PDF files. Does your Chinese font support embedding?
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it does... like I said no problem with ID 2018... only problem with update
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What PDF reader are you using to view the PDF file?
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Acrobat DC v19.0
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In the PDF file in Acrobat, choose File > Properties > Font. In the list of fonts in the document, does your Chinese font appear. What's the name of the font, the file type and the encoding?
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Yes it does.. I probably should have mentioned that not all characters are corrupted, only some below example
Type: TrueType
Encoding: Ansi
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That may be hard to track down. First, because it involves Chinese characters. Second, because it could either be an InDesign problem, or an Acrobat problem, or a font problem. It's hard to tell.
Can you substitute a different Chinese font?
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I had actually tried with several Chinese fonts but they were from my client (special fonts) and had the same problem. I tried with FangSong which is a system font and there are no corruptions... thanks! I guess it is a FONT problem and will need to tell my client to update their font.
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My guess also is that it's a font problem. InDesign cannot change the data in the font. It's possible that Acrobat could mis-display it, but that would usually happen because of a bad glyph (character) in the font.
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gabrielav96605702​ We are having the same problem with one font when we switched from InDesign 2018 to InDesign 2019. I think it's an issue with the Acrobat engine. Adobe must have switched to a newer version of the engine integrated into InDesign. Basically some of the Chinese glyphs are losing some of their strokes. Most glyphs are fine though.
- We also see the issue in Illustrator 2019.
- We also see the issue when using Acrobat DC to generate a PDF from with Microsoft Word using the Adobe PDF option. We don't see the issue when using Save As > PDF in Word, as it uses a different engine.
- We do not see the issue with Acrobat XI.
I will message you to find out which font you are using.