Locking the crop aspect ratio doesn't work after copying/pasting a crop or after using LrDevelopController to set a crop from a plugin. Attempting to resize the locked crop will reset the aspect ratio to Original. This appears to have broken in a recent version, and it makes my Any Crop plugin significantly less useful.
To reproduce:
1. Go to a raw photo in Develop.
2. Open the crop tool and make sure the aspect ratio is unlocked (Settings > Constrain Aspect Ratio is unchecked).
3. Use the crop tool to set a long, narrow crop.
4. Close the crop tool.
5. Do Settings > Copy Settings, Check None, check Crop, then click Copy.
6. Go to another raw photo in Develop.
7. Do Settings > Paste Settings.
8. Open the crop tool and lock the aspect ratio (Settings > Constrain Aspect Ratio is checked).
9. Resize the crop by dragging one of the corner crop handles. Observe that the aspect ratio immediately reverts to Original (bug).
10. Do Reset to reset all the photo's develop settings.
11. Open the crop tool and make sure the aspect ratio is unlocked (Settings > Constrain Aspect Ratio is unchecked). Close the crop tool.
12. Run the following script:
local LrDevelopController = import "LrDevelopController"
LrDevelopController.setValue ("CropTop", 0.45)
LrDevelopController.setValue ("CropBottom", 0.55)
13. Open the crop tool and lock the aspect ratio (Settings > Constrain Aspect Ratio is checked).
14. Resize the crop by dragging one of the corner crop handles. Observe that the aspect ratio immediately reverts to Original (bug).
Tested on LR 8.3.1 / Mac OS 10.14.5.