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Another thought on Lightroom crashes

Apr 27, 2018 Apr 27, 2018

I sometimes feel like a Lightroom bonehead. I try to help people, and often make stupid mistakes. I don't understand why Lightroom crashes like it does. However, I recently thought I had lost some images from a catalog. It was a trip my wife and I took to Alaska several years ago. I decided to create a separate catalog and start editing them again. Then I decided to import that catalog into my main catalog. I hadn't experienced crashes in my main catalog for a long time. After I merged the two catalogs, I realized that the images were already there, same filenames, and I had the option checked to not import duplicate images. I thought this was rather strange that I now had two sets of the same images in the same catalog, but decided that I would keep them and see what happened. The images were about 10 years old and I wanted to redo them using the new Lightroom and the improved features. Well, Lightroom crashed twice in one day. That had not happened to me before. I decided to remove the other Alaska folder and just keep the one that I had now just imported. The crashes have stopped. So that experience is causing me to wonder if maybe one of the causes of crashes is merging catalogs and duplicating images in the same catalog. It's just a thought, no real evidence, but perhaps a clue of where a problem could (I stress COULD) exist.

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Explorer ,
Apr 27, 2018 Apr 27, 2018

Adobe are making a dog's dinner of lightroom.

It's resource hungry.

It's intolerably slow and now extremely buggy.

Hopefully the latest version is more stable.

It just feels a really bloated piece of software which has stopped being good at what it was good for.

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Apr 27, 2018 Apr 27, 2018

Strangely, speed has never been an issue for my computer. It's a rather old HP Pavilion computer that was originally a Windows 7 machine. I have "upgraded" it to Windows 10. It will only accommodate 8 GB RAM, has no graphics card, just onboard graphics. I had been using Lightroom since version 2 and have never encountered a problem with speed. Not bragging, not trying to antagonize. Lightroom has simply worked for me except for the incident that I noted in this thread. So I was just suggesting that there might possibly be file name confusion from consolidating images from different catalogs. As I indicated previously, I'm not very technically savvy so I might be totally off base with my suggestion.

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Apr 27, 2018 Apr 27, 2018

fergalo94229330  wrote

Adobe are making a dog's dinner of lightroom.

It's resource hungry.

It's intolerably slow and now extremely buggy.

Hopefully the latest version is more stable.

It just feels a really bloated piece of software which has stopped being good at what it was good for.

Which is not my experience at all.

My experience: every version has been snappy quick, and relatively free of bugs. And it's very good for photographic workflow.

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Explorer ,
May 09, 2018 May 09, 2018

I’m sure Lightroom works fine if you don’t take too many photos or have small files. I happen to take many photos with big megapixel cameras and Lightroom is getting poorer and poorer. The second last update was well recognised as being a dogs dinner of an upgrade which was quickly updated to fix some of them

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May 09, 2018 May 09, 2018

I take lots of photos and have relatively big image files. I don't have these problems. Lightroom works as expected.

(By the way, lots of people upgrade their cameras to bigger photos, and they don't touch their computer hardware, and they wonder why Lightroom is getting slower ... it's not Lightroom, it's the hardware can't keep up with the bigger files)

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