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I cannot import Canon RAW CR3 files into LR Classic because the Camera RAW plug-in appears not to be installed although it appears to be installed on the adobe panel (see attatchment) and manual installation does not work. It does not apear in my plug-in list in LR. I have no adobe profiles visible nor the recently added Canon Profiles. I am presently converting my CR3 to dng externally and importing as such. This is not satisfactory.
I am hoping somone will help me with this.
Thank you.
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The Camera Raw plugin shown in your screenshot is for use with Photoshop and Adobe Bridge. Lightroom (Classic and Desktop) have a version that's fully integrated (i.e. it cannot be added separately).
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Thanks so much for your quick reply. That clears one question up. As regards to importing CR3 files? How can I fix that? Also, in my profiles I have no Adobe profiles and the CR3 Canon profiles do no appear either.
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an extra.
I tried importing profiles from both Camera and Adobe Camera profiles from the folder in Program Data... It seemd to work until the import ended and I have a window that says the the import has failed because both are already in LR.
I have also checked PS and I cannot load CR3 files there either.
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Please, do not try to copy or move application files/profiles from one location to another as it's a receipe for disater. The profiles will be installed in the correct place by the version of DNG Converter or Lightroom Classic that supports your camera.
If necessary, you can use the Manage Profiles option (right-mouse click on the panel header to open the context menu) to make visible profiles that may have been hidden.
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Did you check whether the profiles are hidden because of the Profile Manager? If not, then do as I described in earlier post.
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The inability to import the CR3 files and the absence of the profiles are would suggest that your camera is not supported by the installed version of Lr Classic. What camera are the files from, and what version of Lightroom Classic is installed installed on your computer (the current version being 11.4.1)?
You also mentioned DNG Converter in your original post. If installed on the same computer as your copy of Lightroom Classic, then the camera profiles will have been installed. However, the profiles are camera model specific and won't be visible until you import the matching CR3 files.
You can get more details on which camera models are supported by Lr Classic, etc here
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In that second screenshot, showing the profile browser, was the image selected a CR3, or a DNG?
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You stated, " I am presently converting my CR3 to dng externally and importing as such. This is not satisfactory. ".
Could you clarify, are you using the Adobe DNG converter, if so what version?
Also supply a screen capture showing the options you have selected for the conversion.
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Author stated:
"The DNG converter I use is the Adobe online version, so it is not installed."
Hmm, I am not aware of an Adobe provided online DNG converter, just the normal on computer DNG converter. Perhaps this online DNG converter is not via Adobe? Perhaps it does not actually create a full DNG.
so, hoganlia , what is the link to the DNG converter?
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The Adobe DNG converter is an app that is available online from Adobe. It is a standalone application and it's only function is creating DNG file from raw images created by Digital Cameras. It gets an update every time Camera Raw is updated.
That's why I inquired about the version the author used and the preferences chosen.
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Here is my 'take' on your problems-
I cannot import Canon RAW CR3 files into LR Classic
Why? What error message do you see?
Do you have any 'Permissions' problems?
Is the destination folder available with full Read/Write permissions?
Is there space on the hard-drive? Is an external Hard-drive (destination) available?
Is a Card Reader, usb cable, not working?
because the Camera RAW plug-in appears not to be installed although it appears to be installed on the adobe panel (see attatchment) and manual installation does not work.
Lightroom-Classic does not need the ACR Plugin. LrC works independently without the plugin.
It does not apear in my plug-in list in LR.
It does not need to. ACR is automatically installed for use with Photoshop.
I have no adobe profiles visible nor the recently added Canon Profiles.
Not all cameras have profiles supplied! See this forum link for info-
Official Adobe stance on this:
” Support for a particular flavor of a camera’s raw file does not necessarily mean that there will be Camera Matching profiles for that camera at the time of raw file support. It is normal for Camera Matching profiles to follow raw support by one or two releases. In the case of some camera manufacturers or the event of major changes by a particular manufacturer, that time may be greatly increased.
Note: Not all cameras will ever receive a set of Camera Matching profiles. ”
I am presently converting my CR3 to dng externally and importing as such. This is not satisfactory.
You do not need to convert to DNG. the Canon R6 has been supported by Lightroom-Classic since Version 9.4!
Your CR3 files should IMPORT directly into the LrC library AS CR3, by using the Import dialog in LrC v11.4.1
because on the 'Open with' dropdown neither LR Classic nor PS appeared.
This is because LrC is not designed to use "Open With" from File Explorer to 'Open' photo files in LrC!
Lightroom-Classic will only 'Open' CATALOG files with the file-type suffix of .LRCAT.
Only Photoshop will 'Open' photo files by the OS 'Open with', (and raw files will first be rendered by ACR).
You need to IMPORT image files into the LrC Catalog, then use LrC to work and develop.
You should NOT be seeing LrC in the 'Open with' drop-down context menu!
You might see Lightroom (Cloud/desktop version) in the 'Open with', but again this only IMPORTS an image to the Lr catalog.
I hope my comments are helpful.,