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Yesterday I had a problem getting the keyword search function to work on LRC. A respondent indicated there were no photos in my catalog, so I asked LR to update the catalog and was directed to load a version 12 update. After which everything worked fine.
When looking at my current catalog, however, it seems there is too much information; i.e., version 11 also shows, plus some other folders from years ago. So I'm wondering if all this info is included in the latest catalog update, and if so, can I just remove the earlier folderd. I wouldn't do this without contacting the forum as I'm sure the catalog is more complicated than it appears.
Thanks for your time !! And if my thank you to the two gents who helped me never got through the full email box, thank the both of you as well.
1 Correct answer
It appears that {Lightroom Catalog-2-v10-v11-v12.LRCAT} is the 'latest' upgraded catalog.
IF that is the one where "everything worked fine", then you must keep that one (with backups), and archive (or Delete) the others with the [LrC CAT] icon.
*Delete NOTHING else. The other {.LRDATA} files are part of the v12 catalog.
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It appears that {Lightroom Catalog-2-v10-v11-v12.LRCAT} is the 'latest' upgraded catalog.
IF that is the one where "everything worked fine", then you must keep that one (with backups), and archive (or Delete) the others with the [LrC CAT] icon.
*Delete NOTHING else. The other {.LRDATA} files are part of the v12 catalog.
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Thanks, Rob. What do mean, specifically, by "archive.."
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I'm sure Rob will weigh in, but I'm sure he means move them somewhere else you can access again if needed.
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Bruce Bartrug
Nobleboro, Maine, USA
•The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but
because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein
•In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence
of our friends. -Martin Luther King
•Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder
respectable, and give the appearance of solidity to pure wind. -Orson