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Hi Adobe,
When will LRC be updated to read new Canon CR3 raw files? Downloaded DNG converter but not able to covert as well. I think R5 CR3 raw files are not readable by any Adobe products today. I just bought R5 and it is disappointing LRC not supporting CR3 for R5 yet. This is going to be a challenge for my workflow. Please advise. Thanks.
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Hi there,
We are happy to announce the release of Lightroom Classic 9.4 & Lightroom Desktop 3.4 which integrates Camera Raw 12.4 and now supports the Canon EOS R5 raw files.
Here's a list to the other newly added camera support in the August release:
To update Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Desktop to the latest version, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to the app. See: More detailed instructions for updating
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Just updated to Lightroom Classic Release 11.0 / Camera Raw 14.0 and can now access Camera Standard for the Canon EOS R5. Anyone else seeing this? Did a match with DPP and jpeg and it seems to match!!! Thank god!!!
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The Camera Matching profiles for some Canon EOS cameras using CR3 file format were included in the LrC 11 update. You can read more details about new camera and lens support at
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Moço você conseguiu solucionar seu problema ?
não estou conseguindo abrir o arquivo cr3 no LCR 11.5
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@Lucas31865820askz , Lightroom Classic is presently at version LrC 12.5, is there a reason that you can't upgrade on your system?
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I've recently purchase a Canon R5. Raw files obviously are CR3. I run a MacBook Pro with Mac OS 14.2.1 and Light room Classic version 13.1.......Light room shows a preview for the CR3 on the import window but will not allow me to tick the box to import.........
appreciate any ideas....
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You’ve posted to an ancient thread. It is highly unlikely that the issue described in this thread, though not impossible, is the same one you are currently experiencing. Rather than resurrect an old thread that is seemingly similar, you are better off posting to a new thread with fresh, complete information, including system information, a complete description of the problem, and step-by-step instructions for reproduction.
If the issue is the same, we will merge you back into the appropriate location.
Thank you!