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Hi Adobe,
When will LRC be updated to read new Canon CR3 raw files? Downloaded DNG converter but not able to covert as well. I think R5 CR3 raw files are not readable by any Adobe products today. I just bought R5 and it is disappointing LRC not supporting CR3 for R5 yet. This is going to be a challenge for my workflow. Please advise. Thanks.
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Hi there,
We are happy to announce the release of Lightroom Classic 9.4 & Lightroom Desktop 3.4 which integrates Camera Raw 12.4 and now supports the Canon EOS R5 raw files.
Here's a list to the other newly added camera support in the August release:
To update Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Desktop to the latest version, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to the app. See: More detailed instructions for updating
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No one here can definitively say when Adobe will support a new camera. Usually that support comes in the next release of Lightroom Classic after the camera is released — but no guarantees either.
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Try using the supplied Canon software to read and convert those files to something that LrC can see/read.
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I downloaded Canon DPP 4 (version, latest version on both Mac and PC. However, DPP 4 also cannot read R5 CR3 files (I can see the preview with a "?" at the top but nothing happens when I click over the preview image. It just create a separate windows where you cannot perform any edit). Then I tried to convert and save to TIFF or JPEG from the preview window where you can access the file, an error message appeared saying - could not save, unsupported image. Is it possible Canon DPP themselves are not ready to read and support R5 CR3 files? I bought R5 last Thursday and I am sure mine is not a pre production model.
I think this is a serious issue for professionals looking to upgrade or switch camera system if they have to wait for LRC and/or DPP4 to be updated to read and support R5 CR3. I hope this camera is regarded as a highly sought after camera so that Adobe could quickly update LRC to support R5 CR3 files. Or at least while waiting for LRC, DPP themselves should update before selling to market.
Thanks for everyone's comments and suggestions.
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In my Honest Opinion NO Professional Photographer worth anything would upgrade his camera gear to a new model the first day/week/month that new camera was available.
If they had been making money with their older, current, camera and lenses the last thing they need is problems with new virtually UnTested camera body.
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That also makes sense if your current system works well. Lucky for me, I am still holding on to my old system. Regardless, this is not the first mirrorless and CR3 files for canon and they marketed with such high specs but didn't make it easy for new user of R5 for post processing. Guess this is the price of being early but still I do enjoy the features as marketed. I will be more informed next time before my next purchase. Thanks anyway!
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I think eye af and the rest of the r5 package is worth the gamble. I just take my old camera along as a backup. I don't mind the small chance of problems. I haven't seen any so far. And the eye af is FANTASTIC!
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@yenkiat1976: I downloaded Canon DPP 4 (version, latest version on both Mac and PC. However, DPP 4 also cannot read R5 CR3 files (I can see the preview with a "?" at the top but nothing happens when I click over the preview image.
Version of DPP4 is now available. It reads my Canon R5 .CR3's.
Update!! The new Adobe DNG Converter Beta can convert the R5 and R6 .CR3 files, as well. It is faster than DPP4 and produces much smaller files than the DPP4 TIF's.
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The Adobe DNG Converter is not a very good workaround as doing the conversion takes away from my productivity and produces another set of huge files. Please add camera raw support for Canon R5 and R6 within Photoshop and Lightroom! Adobe, get on the ball!
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ICOMPUT: If you had read this thread, you would know that we are not Adobe in this forum, we are other Lightroom Classic users. We cannot change what Adobe does or speed them up at all, messages in this forum will not lead to any change on this matter.
For now, the DNG Converter is your only option.
Next time, maybe you might want to wait until Adobe supports a camera before you purchase it and start to do real work with that camera. That's my advice, based on Adobe's practices which are not likely to change.
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This objection seems a bit overstated. I have an R5 and a moderately fast PC (Core i9 9990K, GTX 2080 Super). The converter runs at ~7 images/sec, and it's easy enough to set up a hot-directory-based automated workflow. Of all of the potential problems that a new camera poses, this one doesn't even rank for me.
W.r.t. filesize, mass-storage for still images is pretty cheap. Video is a bigger problem.
Of course it would be better to have full Lightroom support, but Canon was tweaking on the firmware for that camera right up to the last second. Given that the final QA/release process couldn't start until that was in place I don't think that Adobe's performance is problematic here.
Welcome to the bleeding edge.
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My R5 has arrived and I have downloaded Canon DPP and that reads the RAWs fine Vr 4.12.60 so I would try updating if you have not the last few days. I asked Adobe today and support do not have a date.......
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I got my new R5 yesterday and have so far just being play with it and reading the nearly 1,000-page manual ( I can not get LR or LRC to work with the CR3 files, it's all 100% up to date.
That said, Canon's DPP4 (Version on a Mac) works just fine, it's horribly slow to work with but you can view, analyse, update and convert the CR3 files with ease, I'm very pleased with the results. I should point out that the EOS Utility 3 also works just fine as does the Canon's CameraConnect which is super fast with the new 5GHz Wifi.
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To build on dj_paige's rpely: The R5 was officially released on 7/9, though didn't get it's hands on a production model until ten days later (around 7/19, just last week). As dj_paige said, LR and Camera Raw support for a new camera from a popular manufacturer usually appears in the release following an announcement, or the release after that. LR 9.3 was released on 6/16, and LR releases come out about every two months, so we might expect to see 9.4 in mid-August.
The authoritiative list of cameras supported by LR and Adobe Camera Raw is here:
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There is a beta version of the DNG converter available that has that camera model listed as being supported. So I would expect that the next Lightroom update will also have support for the camera as well.
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I am having the same issue. I just purchased the R5 and the latest version of Lightroom cannot read the files. Downloaded the DNG converter but it is taking forever! Definitely an issue for workflow.
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What problem are you having? How many raw files. DNG Converter is a very simple standalone application that provides one core functionality, you select a folder on your hard drive and then start the process and if there are files compatible with the camera models that it supports it will identify them, select the options you wish and proceed.
One bit of advice, the version that can convert the R5 files is a "beta" version best to retain your original raw file so if it's necessary to redo the conversion when the final version is released they are available.
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What is taking forever?
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As I noted in another post I see ~7 R5 CR3 image/sec conversion rates for the DNG converter on a moderately fast PC with a decent GPU. I wouldn't classify that as "taking forever".
If you're not getting those sorts of speeds and your Mac/PC is reaonably modern, then the first place to look may be storage. At 7 images/sec it's reading about 200 MB/sec from and writing about 300 MB/sec to disk, so if you don't have an SSD or an array (and/or if your NAS doesn't have 10 GbE or better) then you'll be bottlenecked
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I have the same issue. It was aggravating at first because I was excited to see the images but the beta version of the file converter worked seemlessly and I was able to import the files as DNG.
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Hello! I hope Adobe will update LR quickly too.
In the meanwhile I can confirm Adobe DNG Converter is working for .cr3 raw files, it can convert also dual pixel cr3 raw files.
I'm running the latest beta on Mac. Hope it helps.
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Just got my R5 today. Can agree that the DNG Beta converts the files so LRC can read. But what a tremendous PITA. Took me a way too much time scouring the web to figure out how to even open the new CR3 files. Canon and Adobe need to get their stuff together. This is really not acceptable.
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At least the DNG converter is working for now. And it's only a temporary fix until the update is released. You will just have to be patient.
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I'm all good now.... the R5 is boxed back up and on its way back... I was struggling to get any sharp images that justify keeping it. At least I don't have the CR3 issue to worry about now.
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It wasn't the R5, it was Lightroom. I had the same issue (and actually returned my first R5 for the same reason). R5 files in Lightroom are soft and noisy. If you open in other programs (even Apple Photos), they are much better. I'm still here though looking for a more long-term solution.