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Catalog export creates multiple folder levels

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Sep 01, 2018 Sep 01, 2018

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I'm using LR Classic CC and have been a long time LR user.  I have an iMac and a MacBook Pro, both running LR Classic CC 7.5 and MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6.   My recent catalog exports from the MacBook Pro are creating a file structure that I have not seen in the past (first time I saw this was in April).  I exported a catalog to a folder named 2018 AK and here is what I am seeing in finder:

>2018 AK

     LRCat (LR Catalog file)

     >Users (folder)

          >Larry (folder)

               > Pictures (folder)

                          >2018 AK (folder containing image files)

I'v tried this multiple times to the local pictures folder, the desktop and via a Thunderbolt connection to the iMac and the behavior is very consistent.

The iMac puts the images in a folder 1 level down from the folder created in the LR export dialogue.  Both computers are running High Sierra 10.13.6 and LR Classic CC 7.5.  I've compared the LR preferences and do not see any differences or any settings that would seem to affect this behavior and have also checked Finder preferences and system preferences without identifying any settings that would seem to cause this behavior.

Suggestions/ solutions?

Thank you,







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Sep 01, 2018 Sep 01, 2018

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First, why are you Exporting a Catalog?

Are you wanting to use this 'exported' catalog on a laptop?

What you are seeing is exactly how I would expect the "Export to a Catalog" would work, especially if you have the option to "include negative files" with the Catalog export.  This option is reading the photos that you have selected and re-creating those specific photos in the same folder structure as they exist in their original location.

So a 'Catalog' export with photos from folders A,B,C & D, will create a new Catalog with accompanying folders A,B,C,D, but ONLY with the photos you had selected at the time of the Catalog export.

So can you explain more of what your purpose is for the Catalog Export?

Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Sep 02, 2018 Sep 02, 2018

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Exporting a catalog is commonly used to transfer images from one computer to another while retaining the non-destructive editing of Lightroom.  In my case I start editing photos on a laptop while traveling and then export them to my desktop when I return home.

The folder structure being created is not putting images from multiple folders into those same folders, it is adding a series of empty folders in the structure.  The fact that this behavior is different on 2 different computers suggest that there is some way to control this behavior and that is the question I'm trying to get answered.






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Sep 02, 2018 Sep 02, 2018

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As discussed in another forum already, I'm pretty sure that this is caused by the infamous 'capitalisation problem' that we see here from time to time. The OP does not seem to believe me, so I won't go into more detail than just mentioning it.

-- Johan W. Elzenga





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Sep 02, 2018 Sep 02, 2018

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I have not seen the other discussion.

But does the OP understand that Exporting as a Catalog with Negative files will recreate folders needed for the image 'negative' files?

I simply selected a Collection and Exported as a Catalog and now have this structure of folders created with the Catalog-  all within a single folder on the desktop.


Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Sep 02, 2018 Sep 02, 2018

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Yes, I understand that, but I am seeing different behavior across the 2 computers.  Here is the file structure exporting a catalog on my iMac.

Here is the folder structure for a catalog export from the MacBook Pro- 3 additional folder levels are created.


I've checked the file structure shown in Lightroom on the MacBook Pro, which presumably would show if there were any duplicated folders due to cased sensitivity, and it does not show that:


There is a difference in how the folder structure appears in Lightroom on the iMac, which does not show the user or "Larry" level. 

This may be a clue to my problem, but I'm not sure how to resolve the difference.






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Sep 02, 2018 Sep 02, 2018

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I would expect a difference between two computers- perhaps with different folder structures for the images (in the exported catalog)

You will also see a difference with a different view in the Folder panel of Lightroom.

I have Exported the same Collection of images as a Catalog twice (from the one Catalog in the one computer), with the only difference being that a "Parent" folder was hidden or showing in the folder panel. The Exported folders structure changed-

   ScreenShot141.jpg  ScreenShot140.jpg

And you seem to be exporting the Catalog back into the {Pictures} folder which is over-complicating the problem, causing the same named folders within close locations.

I suggest only do a Catalog Export to an external drive if you intend transferring it to another computer/laptop.

Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Sep 03, 2018 Sep 03, 2018

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You seem to be missing the point. The point is that when you export images as catalog, and check the option to include the negatives, you should get an image folder structure inside the exported catalog folder that matches your original folders, but not including the parent folders up to the user folder.

-- Johan W. Elzenga





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Sep 03, 2018 Sep 03, 2018

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but not including the parent folders up to the user folder.

Yes, that makes sense to me. Maybe there are Staff of MVPs over at Lightroom Classic CC | Photoshop Family Customer Community

that can explain why this happens.

My point is- There are so many variables in the selection of files/folders/collections for the Catalog Export, I cannot suggest an exact answer for you. And is it really so much of a problem if you can simply 'Hide' the parent {Users} folder in the exported catalog?

Is it possible there is one photo file in the {Users} folder that forces it to be included in the Export?- Just grasping at suggestions here!

Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Sep 04, 2018 Sep 04, 2018

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Whether or not it is such a problem is something I can’t answer on behalf of the OP, but I understand he wants to know what is causing this strange behavior. I would too.

I don’t know how to really prove it, but I’m convinced that this is caused by the infamous ‘capitalisation problem’. If you understand the specifics of this fenomenon, then you will also understand that what the OP sees can be explained perfectly if one assumes that is system is plagued by this problem.

Let me try to explain it. The capitalisation problem is caused by the fact that MacOS X and Windows are case-insensitive, but Lightroom is case-sensitive. If your system happens to have two user folders that only differ in capitalisation (so for example ‘larry’ and ‘Larry’), then MacOS X will consider both folders as one and the same, and will only show one folder. That means you’ll never know, and it won’t cause any problems.

Lightroom does see the difference between the two user folders however, because Lightroom is case-sensitive. So if Lightroom wants to create an image folder inside the exported catalog folder, it may create a whole new hierachy if it happens to pick the ’other’ user folder. And that is exactly what the OP sees...

-- Johan W. Elzenga





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New Here ,
Oct 23, 2018 Oct 23, 2018

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Hi JohanElS4!

I exactly understand your problem, cause i have the same one. The only difference is, that in my case (Export from Notebook to Desktopcomputer) both systems are WINDOWS 7. I did the export/Import run last time in Mai2018, and before that many many times without problems. Today i did it again, and get stuck with it:

My picture folder on the notebook is C:\Users\<username>\Pictures\pics\...

I export it with a collection checking the <Date-Added> flag, to get all the newer pictures from a specific date on.

My picture folder on the Desktopcomputer is: E:\pics\...

if i try to import the catalog on my Desktopcomputer, the import-dialog suddenly suggests a E:\Pictures\pics\... folder.

In that case, it would create a new folder on my Desctopcomputer, and am not able to integrate the newer pictures in my original folder-structure.

I am sure, that this behavier is definitly a bug in the newest LR Classic CC Version. (As i said - it worked fine in Mai2018)

What shall we do?
How can this information reach a developer?

How can i get a feedback from Adobe?

All the best





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Community Expert ,
Oct 23, 2018 Oct 23, 2018

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I’m not having a problem. I explained what I think is going on. This is not a bug in the latest version of Lightroom. It’s an old problem that can occur because Lightroom is case-sensitive and your OS is not.

-- Johan W. Elzenga





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 03, 2023 Jan 03, 2023

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I'm having the exact same problem with the current 12.1 release.  It creates the parent structure starting with 'C-' which is really annoying when importing into another catalog as you have to move them everytime after an import.  This is between two Windows 11 machines.





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