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Hi all, is ther a way to change the default steps applied to a slider when using the keyboard arrows UP and DOWN? I see it only changes by +5 and -5, but I'd like to have +1 and -1 for more precise adjustments. Latest LR version installed.
Thanks 🙂
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Hold down the Option/Alt key when pressing the Up/Down arrow.
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Dot and Comma keys cycle the keyboard focus to different adjustments within the Basic panel. But the default increment applied by the up/down arrow keys does vary for each adjustment.
Alt key / shift key are good tips. Other things do change in the interface whenever Alt is pressed so I am not certain if this particular modifier of Alt has always worked to give a finer increment. Works well now, anyway.
On the number value field, I find clicking to fully highlight this will mean the arrow key up/down adjustment then does not operate. It only needs to be given hover focus (so that the name of adjustment changes from grey to white).
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Press the Alt key + arrow keys to get increments of 1. Use the Shift key to get increments of 20.
You can also click in the number field, and use the arrow keys (without a modifier) for increments of 1; using the Shift key will result in increments of 10.
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thanks, but if I press ALT it doesn't work, by pressing alt I notice that it appears "Reset" in front of every title for the sliders e.g. "Presence" and "Tone" under the Basic panel. It works if I press shift though, but it increases by +20 as you said.
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Ignore the Reset text, just hover over the adjustment and use the arrow keys.
For adjustments to reset, you have to click the text ("Reset").
I don't normally adjust the sliders this way, but it turns out that the image has to be in Fit view for this to work.
At 100%, Alt + arrow keys will move the image up and down a small amount.
Shift + arrow keys does work at 100%.
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Put your mouse or pen above the slider you want to move, hold down the Alt/Option button, then use Up/Down arrows to increase/descrease the slider value.
Keyboard modfiers such as Alt/Option, Ctrl/Cmd and Shift have multiple uses. Therefore, like incresing/descreasing a slider value 'Reset' requires that you do two things.
1. Hold down the Alt/Option key
2. Click on the Reset text assocaited with the slider you want to reset.
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sorry, I probably wasn't clear. But I repeat, if I hold ALT and then arrow UP the slider doesn't move at all, not by +5, nor by +1 as it is supposed to do based on your instructions.
So it's like the ALT button in my case is not doing what it's supposed to do. I tried both with the laåtop keyboard and the xternal usb keyboard, same.
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Are you by any chance pressing the Alt Gr key?
It will make the Reset text appear, but it won't work with the arrow keys.
Only the Alt key (to the left of the spacebar) will work.
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I'm pressing the "correct! Alt key, on the left of the spacing. Is there a place in the settings where I can check the shortcuts?
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Shortcuts in LrC cannot be changed by the user. The Any shortcut plugin by @johnrellis will let you change some, but not all shortcuts. The Alt+arrow keys shortcut cannot be changed.
You could try to reset the preferences.
The easy way is to go to Edit > Preferences > General.
Press the Alt key, and click the button that appears – Reset all preferences and relaunch.
This will set all preferences back to default, so you'll have to redo any customizations you have done.
To save you this work (in case the preferences reset doesn't fix the Alt key issue), you can drag the preferences file to the desktop (or rename it), so you can easily restore it.
With Lightroom closed, go to C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences
Move or rename the file named Lightroom Classic CC 7 Preferences.agprefs
Then start Lightroom. A new preferences file will be created on launch.
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I wanted to use the Alt key in Windows to make fine grained adjustments. If I click on "Exposure" etc in the Develop Module and click the "-" or "+" keys, the exposure goes up or down by 0.1, which is sometimes too much.
If I click "Alt" and then "-" or "+", then "Tone" changes to "Reset Tone", a Windows warning sounds and the exposure is increased 0.02, which is ideal. So to stop the Windows warning sounds I simply go to Sound, Open Volume Mixer and mute "System Sounds". Problem solved (mostly, as I need to remember to re-enable System sounds after using Lightroom).
Can we please have this fixed, so the built-in fine grain adjustment functionality using the Alt key does not trigger system warning sounds?
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You can use the up/down arrow keys instead of the +/- keys, with no warning sound.
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I'm having the same problems since the recent update to 14.0.1 -- the "Alt/Option + Arrow" for small incremental increases/decreases in WB tint is not working. Is there a fix?