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Change from P Elements 2021 to Lightroom Classic

Explorer ,
Dec 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020

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I have read that if I install Lr Classic I can import my PE Catalog. Does this retain the organisation of my files. Elements puts files into Events, Place using a map and Faces. Does Lr do the same and will the info come across with my catalog. Also does Lr let me create slide shows and similar creations as I can in Elements. 

The reason I am considering the switch is I have had enough of continued failures with Elements year after year. My PE2021 is only 3 weeks old and now will not start up. So I thought Lightroom might be better going forward. As a subscription program is it always up to date and more stable than Elements. Any advice?





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Dec 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020

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Much of the organization in PSE, but not 100% of it, will show up in Lightroom Classic.


You might ask in the PSE forum about solutions to the PSE problem that it won't start.




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Explorer ,
Dec 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020

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Thank you dj.

I have already been to the PSE forum for a solution. What I am greeted with is many people with the same problem very frustrated with their newly purchased program and no solution or help forthcoming. As a one time purchased program, PS Elements does not get any help support from Adobe

I am hoping LrC will be better but after years of using Elements I have a fear that I will have to start again to organise my 10,000 photos. Most people seem to like LrC and even Adobe say 'Upgrade from Elements to LrC'. So I have to assume that LrC is considered better and I should just go for it.







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Dec 12, 2020 Dec 12, 2020

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And yet, if you read the Lightroom Classic forums, there are people who say LrC won't start, or crashes. There's no guarantee. I will say that I think the crashes and won't start problem affect 1% of LrC users, but of course there's really no way of knowing, the people who aren't having crashes/won't start problems (like me) don't write in to tell us.


So if I were you, @isabelw9657221, I'd download the 7 day free trial of LrC, and do as much as possible in those 7 days to give LrC a full workout on your computer.




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Explorer ,
Dec 13, 2020 Dec 13, 2020

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Thank you dj. I have been learning a lot. Firstly I did not know the trial was 7 days so that's good to know. Searching the Adobe site I have been looking at the tutorials and I am confident enough to give it a go. So I will try to do all the things I like during the trial and see how I go.





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Explorer ,
Dec 20, 2020 Dec 20, 2020

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OK so thank you all for your comments and guidance, here is my conclusion for anyone interested. I downloaded the 7 day LrC trial and imported my Elements(PsE21) catalogue. I have 12,116 photos. They are organised in PsE by Events, Places and Faces. They came in as one great lump so I started thinking how to sort and organise them LrC style. One thing came up straightaway which was an alert saying the Metadata date was different to the file date and which did I want? What was being used was the date the file was imported eg 11 Aug 2020 not the date taken 23 May 2017. Also the GPS data was from the PsE map as my camera does not have GPS. So if I chose to use file data then it switched the date but also removed the GPS map location. That meant I had to add all  12K photos back onto the map which is a big job. So I started to look at what else LrC can do better or different than PsE. In PsE I can Auto Create slideshows including stills and video clips with backgroud music and effects applied. I just selcct the pictures and videos and with one click a slideshow is created 60secs later. I can easily adjust the length or section of the video and the style of slideshow, eg pan and zoom, classic, watercolour etc. I could not see how to do this in LrC without a lot of effort and could not see how to work with videos. Also on PsE editor I can use 'guided edit' to make simple effective changes like faded backgrounds, moving pictures and photo collages in a few clicks. It just guides me through it very easily.

In conclusion I decided I would prefer to stay with PsE so I cancelled my LrC subscription. I still have the program and my catalog is loaded so I can still play with it, I have just lost the developer etc. So if I can work out how to organise my files I might try again but the 7 day trial was not long enough. PsE is a one time buy at £70. LrC is £10 per month ongoing so £120 per year. So even if I buy the new PsE every year I am still saving a lot of money: and so far as I can see, getting a much simpler and user friendly program to use for a guy like me who just likes to take a few photos on holiday and throughout the year, and which I might post on facebook etc. Yesterday I changed my facebook cover photo for Christmas. It took me 40 seconds to select 5 photos, click create collage -> facebook cover and it was done.

I am sure a lot of LrC experts will easily tell me how to do all this in LrC and I will listen and learn but for now I am sticking with PsE.

Thanks again for all your help and I look forward to any comments from you.




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