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Another problem this month! When backing up my catalog (about 4GB) LR gets to the 'compressing catalog' point and then seems to stop. It doesn't actually stop because if I leave it running while I go and have a coffee it does finish.
Th solution is the other old faithful - 'uncheck your graphics card under Performance'. Then it runs normally and fairly quickly (I have a very fast computer). The graphics card is a RTX3060 with the latest Studio driver.
Anyone else seen this problem?
Bob Frost
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Before anyone asks, I am using latest LRClassic 12.1 and latest Win10
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Ahh, but... Is it the latest NVIDIA Studio driver ( ) configured correctly for graphic applications rather than gaming?
As to your question - not seen the issue your describe on Mac platform and not sure why backup would use athe GPU
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How much time does it take to backup your catalog?
I have 24GB Catalog (83% of my Catlog size is history and snapshots) so it takes like 30 minutes to do the compression + integrity test.
When I optimize the catlog it takes something like 1 hour or more to backup.
Catalog backup is generally slow but on my MacBook Pro M1 Max is much better than when I was on Windows laptop so hardware matters.
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Why would disabling the GPU result in the backup taking the time @bob frost expected? I suspect this is a question that a member of the Adobe team will need to provide an answer to.
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I have not observed any meaningful difference in backups speed done with or without GPU acceleration.
On Windows, years ago, I had a bug and my GPU was limited to "Display Only"...after resolving that bug and going to "Full GPU acceleration" it was not faster/slower to do the catlog backups.
Time ago on Mac GPU acceleration regressed to "Display Only" (another bug) and it was not slower nor faster to do backups than with Full GPU Acceleration.
You spurred my curiosity so on my Mac I just did a backup test on my smaller "Test Catalog" (752MB)
With GPU acceleration backup (no integrity check or optimization done) is: 15 seconds
With NO GPU acceleration backup (no integrity check or optimization done) is: 13 seconds
Minimal differences that likely are not up to GPU acceleration.
I think catlog compression is simply not fast in LrC.
My current settings are like this now.
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Hi Ian et al, Timed my backup of my 4GB catalog with integrity check and optimization checked. The result was 15 secs for integrity chec, 60secs for copying catalog, 30 secs for optimization, and 30 secs for compression. All with the graphics card OFF.
Then I thought I better time it with the graphics card on Auto, and it worked perfectly with the same times as with it OFF. Repeated this several times and each time it worked perfectly!
So yesterdays problem must have been just a 'gremlin in the works' - a hit from a cosmic ray? Very strange!!!!!
Bob Frost
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Are you working on a laptop or a desktop?
If using a laptop were you, by any chance working on battery yesterday ?
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Big desktop
Bob Frost
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Why would the GPU have anything to do with a Catalog backup? I can't think of any logical reason.
What am I missing?