Cropping on Import
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Just got a Leica Q2 and noticed that photos imported into Lightroom Classic, latest version, are cropped inspite of having "None" in the boxes Apply During Import.
Files in Fast Raw Viewer are 8392 x 5632 giving 47.26 megapixels which is the advertised size of the sensor but in Lightroom Classic and I would add Photolab the size is 8368 x 5632 giving 46.72 megapixels.
I assume that this is the lens correction but would like confirmation from someone more knowledgeable than I.
This happens with my OM Systems cameras as well although with them although the pixel sizes are reduced 5220 x 3912 in Raw Viewer compared in Lightroom 5184 x 3888 the image in both has the same visual edges whereas the Leica image shows a very definate crop.
Don't understand this at all
Any help would be greatfully appreciated
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- Which version (actual number) of LrC are you using?
- Which OS and version?
- In Library, in Navigator, have you selected FIT and 100%
- If your OS File Explorer/Finder, what is the information of dimensions and size
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This is very likely due to the built in lens correction which unfortunately for this camera cannot be turned off (why Adobe why?). I downloaded a few raw samples from this camera from dpreview and indeed you have automatic lens correction that cannot be turned off. Adobe automatically applies lens corrections for all mirrorless cameras but only for recently released cameras allows you to turn off the corrections. My Nikon mirrorless is one of those where you can't turn off the correction while the v2 version of the same camera (which gives identical raw files) they allow you to turn correction off. There is a hack that you can do by removing the lens profile from the raw files that fixes this but that is a destructive process. I do this for astrophotography images where I don't want the built in vignette correction as it causes banding in the images.
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You got me looking since I shoot with an Oympus E-PM1 and you said "This happens with my OM Systems cameras as well ...". Then there was @Jao vdL comment of "Adobe automatically applies lens corrections for all mirrorless cameras but only for recently released cameras allows you to turn off the corrections. I was concerned I was missing some pixels. Here is what I found:
- The same image in LrC and OM Workspace are reported the same size 4032x3024.
- In LrC, Develop->Lens Correction, there is a note. See below. I can still enable/disable 'Enable Profile' and 'Remove Chomatic but it does seem to have any effect. I feel this is a change. In previous versions of LrC I couldn't toggle them. Seems to relate to what @Jao vdL was talking about.
- In OM Workspace, I select Lens-> 'Distortion Correction', then the image does change with a slight cropping. The properties window still shows 4032x3024. If I export it to TIFF, it shows the cropped image with the original dimensions of 4032x3024. I mention this because I'm wondering the accuracy of some of dimensions we are looking at.
So, I don't feel I have a problem but some of this may help with what you are experiencing and what @Jao vdL discussed.
Here's the note from Develop->Lens Correction.
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I decided to install Fast Raw Viewer. I disabled it using LrC RAW Converter.
When I look at the files I was using on OM Workspace:
- ORF = 4056x3040
- TIFF = 4032x3024 (same as what the ORF showed in LrC and OM Workspace)
So the question is, is there an issue with Fast Raw Viewer?
I then looked into the ORF EXIF metadata and it shows the size as 4080x3040; more confusion. When I look at the MAKER metadata (Olympus proprietary) it lists the 'crop' size as 4032x3024.
Sorry if this confuses things but I think what LrC and OM Workspace say are more accurae than Fast Raw Viewer.
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It is very common for the camera makers to cut a small row of pixels of from either dimension as the sensors are seldomly exactly the right ratio and sometimes those pixels are just not as good due to light effects at the edges. They still store the sensor readings in the file but add a metadata hint that the image should be cropped. Lightroom tends to respect that metadata hint in the raw files.
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I think I'm now more confused than ever!! But Fast Raw Viewer is showing the correct size of file for the Leica 47.3 megapixels.
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"But Fast Raw Viewer is showing the correct size of file for the Leica 47.3 megapixels. " It doesn't look like you can go by the file size. According to this article the maximum resolution on the Q2 is 8368 x 5584. This is supported by the tech specs from Leica.
DNG Resolution
Zoom 28 mm: 46,7 megapixels (8368x5584 pixels)
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According to the link you gave for the Tech Specs the size is
Picture sensor/
Full frame CMOS sensor, 50.4/47.3 million pixels (total/effective
Anway this is heading towards a "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin"
So thanks to every one who answered, I'll just leave a little extra round the edges
Cheers Neil
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Thanks I suspected as much, just a bit annoying. I'll have tol remember to leave a bit extra round the edge.
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There used to be a small plugin in Lightroom called DNG recover edges but Adobe removed the download for this. It allowed you to restore the full size of raw files that are slightly cropped due to a camera setting such as an in camera crop setting. It might be available still in the internet archive.
Do note that the pixels missing in the above amounts to less than 0.3% of the image width. You are very unlikely to have a problem with framing due to the 24 missing pixels on a base of over 8000. That's a hair's width.