Jao vdL
Community Expert
Jao van de Lagemaat
Jao van de Lagemaat Photography
Jao vdL
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Jao van de Lagemaat
Jao van de Lagemaat Photography
Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Mar 08, 2025
08:02 AM
‎Mar 08, 2025
08:02 AM
The ideal thing would be for Classic to be able to sync full resolution raw to the cloud. Unfortunately Adobe has never enabled this: https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-should-be-able-to-sync-full-raw-files-to-the-cloud-not-just-smart-previews/idi-p/12248616
The local storage option in preferences in Cloud-based Lightroom is just meant to have fast access to your files, not as a option to store edits along the images. It's not a backup as it will immediately delete the files if you delete them from the cloud. The local browser is just that, a local file browser similar but much simpler to Bridge and that doesn't sync back to the cloud.
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‎Mar 08, 2025
07:55 AM
We need more info to help. The title mentions syncing. Do you mean syncing to the cloud or syncing settings between images?
The AI doesn't do anything if you don't actually use it. So not sure what your reference to the AI is. It does not do anything to your images if you don't specifically do any AI masking or use the new adapative profiles. Unexpected color shifts are usually due to problems with your GPU driver, bad monitor profiles, or due to profile mismatches such as a profile mismatch between a mobile device and Classic where a certain profile hasn't synced to the mobile version.
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‎Mar 04, 2025
08:01 PM
By far the simplest way is to NOT use apple photos at all but simply to install Lightroom app on your phone. Import your images from your photo roll there and they will sync down to your classic catalog. This will give you the highest quality. After that is done delete them in the Lightroom app in the phone and they will remain in your Lightroom Classic but won't take any cloud space.
second easiest is what was already suggested to export as originals from Photos and import those images in Lightroom Classic but you need a lot of extra storage on your Mac that way.
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‎Mar 04, 2025
07:54 PM
It will depend on what you set as the file name naming scheme in the export panel. If you have original file name in the naming template it will indeed just give you the old file names.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Mar 01, 2025
08:07 AM
‎Mar 01, 2025
08:07 AM
Make sure your GPU driver is fully updated. This artefact might be caused by an out of date GPU driver. Go to the website of the manufacturer of your GPU to check, not through windows update.
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‎Mar 01, 2025
08:02 AM
1 Upvote
Been using NAS for Lightroom CLassic storage for a decade. This works absolutely perfectly as long as you connect it right for your Operating System which is nowadays smb for both Mac and Windows and use a good NAS. You won't get an official answer since there are too many variables involved that can mess things up. Just saying NAS doesn't help since you could be connecting over wifi instead of ethernet (wifi can be unstable), you could be using the wrong unsupported network protocol (nfs and AFP are not really supported anymore by Apple), you could have a unstable NAS device (many reasons possible for this), and many other causes for problems that have nothing to do with Lightroom.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Mar 01, 2025
07:54 AM
‎Mar 01, 2025
07:54 AM
Your photo actually doesn't change dpi. All that happens is that the metadata tag gets deleted. The photo is the exact same resolution. The dpi tag is just a suggestion for when you send a file out for printing. It has no bearing on the actual quality of your image. It really should not have any effect on enlarging and printing. Do your math on the pixels (which determine the actual quality).
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‎Feb 19, 2025
05:20 PM
Every non-raw image in the library will get standard previews built. It is necessary to be able to display them. For raw images you can select to import using built-in previews since they actually have built-in jpeg previews but that can't be done here when importing jpegs since they don't have built-in previews. So you either make a copy of the actual jpeg into the preview database which doubles the storage requirement or you generate a standard preview.
Also, why import exported images? There is usually no point. If you need these images again sometime in the future, just export from the originals instead.
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‎Feb 09, 2025
12:10 PM
You were already helped to install an older version but there is a way to run a newer Mac OS version on your machine by using Open Core Legacy Patcher (google it). This will then allow you to run the latest Classic. Not without its pitfalls but you would not be the only one doing this. P.S. even the cheapest current Apple silicon Mac will be lightyears faster than this machine. If you can afford it, I would recommend not sticking with an 11 year old computer.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Feb 09, 2025
06:56 AM
‎Feb 09, 2025
06:56 AM
Do you mean during import? There is no duplicate finder in classic either that I know of except in the import panel. Or are you talking about one of the paid third-party plugins to do this (see here:https://www.lightroomqueen.com/clean-duplicate-photos/)? Without one of these plugins this is not a trivial thing to do. Indeed there is also no option to identify duplicates in Lightroom Cloudy so yeah if you are referring to the paid plugins in Classic and have a lot of duplicate files, this might be something you might want to do in Classic first.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
03:46 PM
Excellent sleuthing @johnrellis . You are absolutely correct that the absence of the "PerfeFilm Standard v2.1 for Sony ILCE-7RM4" prevents the profile from showing up. That is a camera specific profile and so the entire thing even if the dcp is present will only work for that specific camera. Of course you can hack it to be based on Adobe Standard but then the color rendering will likely not be like what is expected.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
07:12 AM
There is nothing that should keep you from getting all the raw files on this external drive imported. Maybe share a screenshot of the import screen?
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‎Feb 08, 2025
07:05 AM
"C:\Users\amber\OneDrive\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog.lrcat"
Your catalog file is still in the OneDrive folder. This is a real problem as OneDrive will be syncing this file and partiually downloading it constantly. You really do not want this as it causes extreme slowdown especially if your internet connection is not super fast. You want to copy your catalog file to another location and move the previews foldr along with it and start the catalog from the new location. Doing that really should not cause the computer to crash. If it does something else is not right that might be harder to diagnose but likely something like a over full C: drive.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
06:56 AM
There are two types of profiles. Camera specific profiles and creative profiles. The aRGB Vivid profile is a camera profile that can only be used with raw files from the camera. You can see that from the "crs:CameraProfile" and "crs:SupportsOutputReferred="False" " properties. The Klokowski profile is a normal creative profile that is not camera specific. Those are the main differences between these two.
The property you should change for the name on of a prifle like this is all the way at the end:
<crs:Name> <rdf:Alt> <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">aRGB Vivid - PerfeFilm Standard</rdf:li> </rdf:Alt> </crs:Name>
I just tried that and indeed it does not work and the profile simply does not show up. I would guess that there is something else going on with this profile but not sure what exactly. This approach normally works just fine and should work here.
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‎Feb 07, 2025
03:44 PM
This was referenced in the very first answer from @dj_paige but was not addressed later. This kind of issue if it happens not just to raw files but also jpegs is almost always due to a bad monitor profile. You should calibrate the display. If you don't own a calibrator, set the monitor profile to sRGB (it's in the monitor's properties panel in the color management area - just delete any profile associated with the monitor) to test if this is the problem.
The second candidate for problems such as this is an out-of-date GPU driver. Go to the Nvidia website and look for the most up to date studio driver for your GPU and install it.
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‎Feb 07, 2025
03:14 PM
The dialog is likely hiding behind another window. This is pretty common and is fixed by changing the window mode and using the mac os tools to gather windows. You can also reset the preferences like @johnrellis suggests.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Feb 06, 2025
07:11 PM
‎Feb 06, 2025
07:11 PM
How are you viewing your images? HDR support has improved in preview recently but is still not complete. Safari does not support any HDR images. Chrome does support them but I don't think it supports HDR in png images. Photoshop only correctly displays these images if you enable support in the technology preview settings. Photos supports avif but not much else. Preview supports avif and tone mapped jpeg in the very latest versions but not in older Mac OS versions. So it is very much a gamble whether your image will be displayed correctly. HDR image support is still very much in its infancy.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:42 PM
How many images are you merging? You could be running out of GPU memory instead of main memory if you merge a lot at the same time. For HDR merge you really should never need more than about 5 images and even that is usually way overkill.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:38 PM
1 Upvote
When you have images with extreme noise and are not looking at them at 1:1 scaling to the screen pixels, you can get very strong differences between apps depending on the scaling algorithm the app uses. This is a very common issue and is just caused by the math used to scale. Preview app uses a completely different algorithm from almost all other apps and indeed with very noisy images you will get vastly different appearance, even if everything is well calibrated. The develop display even uses a completely different scaliong algorithm again since it is done by subsampling the raw file and scaling in a lineart space and sharpening the image a bit. This is completely different to what happens in the library module and in extrenal apps which usually scale in a much narrower gamut and gamma corrected space. This will make noisy images appear more or less noisy and even shift average tone when viewed in different places. So make sure you look at the output jpeg at 1:1 zoom ratio if it is very noisy like the images in the screenshot. This is something you can't completely control since it depends on the scaling algorithm used by the viewer's viewing app. Only way to control it is to do the scaling to the screen resolution yourself but with the prevalence of mobile platforms and hiDPI/retina displays you also cannot really rely on that anymore. Just be wary of very noisy images when displayed at different resolutions.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
02:50 PM
Yes. It is very rare that monitors are correct out of the box. That is only true for very high end stuff. The Dell stuff definitely isn't and needs calibration no matter what the box says. If you are not ready to buy a calibrator, the thing to do is to set the monitor using its controls to one of the mentioned color modes such as sRGB or DCI-P3 and in windows associating sRGB or display P3 with the monitor. This should at least get rid of the problem of shifting color saturation that is usualy caused by defective monitor profiles that Dell likes to include in its windows drivers (very surprising but very consistently they are corrupt). You really need a calibrator with one of these if you want to be able to trust what you see though but selecting a standard profile in color management on your monitor properties should make your main problem go away. But really you can't get around needing actual calibration.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Feb 01, 2025
12:54 PM
‎Feb 01, 2025
12:54 PM
Hardware requirements for each are very similar. You should have an Apple Silicon machine or a windows machine with a recent non-embedded GPU like a nvidia recent model. The minimum requirements will not give you a good experience. They will work but be very slow. Lightroom Cloudy can get away with slightly smaller internal hard disks since it stores everything in your cloud account and dynamically downloads what it needs. I would generally recommend at least 1 TB for Classic and 512 GB for Cloudy but you can get away with 512 for Classic and 256 for Cloudy if you use a NAS or external disk to store originals for CLassic or are simply not a heavy user for CLoudy. Classic needs all files to be locally accessible.
You cannot use Sensei in Classic biut you can sync images from Classic to the Adobe cloud and use sensei search in tghe Cloudy desktop app or on mobile operating system. Classic only syncs smart previews to the cloud which do not count towards cloud storage limits but are searched by Sensei just fine. Do realize that the sensei search results do not sync back and are also based on hidden assigned keywords that you cannot see in the cloud based app either.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
12:43 PM
1 Upvote
This is your problem. You are storing raw files on the internal and are running out of space there. The simple way to deal with this is to move older raw files to folders on your NAS or an external disk). You can do this inside Lightroom if the NAS disk is already referenced in the folder structure or by moving the folders outside of Lightroom and then reconnecting the folders at their new location. Internal disks are often simply not large enough to store all your raw files.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
12:39 PM
You need to supply some more info. How does it fail? Do you get an error message or does it simply not do anything when you brush? If it doesn't seem to do anything when you brush it is usually the brush settings (flow/density). ALso, pay attention to what you are doing. If you are intersecting your existing mask with a brush mask for example, it is not always intuitive (but always mathematically correct) what add and substract mean. They add and substract from the mask that you use to intersect with the original mask for example, which is very different from adding and substracting to the original mask so you have to think through what is actually happening.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
12:27 PM
The safe mode experiment indeed points to something blocking Lightroom from starting. Do you have any external devices such as hard drives or other devices connected? Try without any of that.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
08:27 AM
Try manually starting creative cloud. It should have its icon in the taskbar. It could indeed be trying to authenticate and hanging because something is off. If that doesn't help, log out and log back in to your creative cloud account in the creative cloud app.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
07:32 AM
Looks like a font rendering issue instead of a GPU problem to me. Don't have a windows machine so can't reproduce but doesn't happen on my Mac.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
07:25 AM
There are two more causes for extreme slowness on windows than the ones @Per Berntsen mentioned. First is having antivirus software running that is constantly scanning the catalog file. This is pretty common. If you are using more than the built-in stuff make sure it excludes the catalog and files from scanning. Second is having your catalog and files on a OneDrive managed folder. Windows now steers you towards doing this for everything and it is a real cause of slow behavior for Lightroom Classic. So these are two more things to check.
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‎Jan 26, 2025
12:15 PM
Something else is a problem then if it already errors on windows. My guess is that the problem is the apostrophes in the folder names. Apostrophes are also special characters. I would try repairing the catalog first on windows and then renaming the folders
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‎Jan 26, 2025
10:06 AM
The problem is that the parent folder has a D: in the name which is illegal on Mac OS (the colon character). If you had moved all the subfolders in a parent folder already on the PC (e.g. D:\parent folder\individual folders), this would not have been an issue. It is now refusing to give you a prent folder because there is none and the only data it has on it is an illegal character path in Mac OS. You might be stuck having to do update location on all the D:\ folders now.
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‎Jan 25, 2025
07:29 AM
It seems you got the laptop with the sloweest AI denoise perofrmance out there. Post from 2 years ago: https://community.intel.com/t5/Graphics/Iris-Xe-outperforms-A370M/td-p/1553889
See also official answer from intel that they do not care their driver is so slow for this card and only focus on games.
That said 45 minutes seems almost impossibly slow and something else is wrong. My now four year old Apple M1 Mac Book Pro does 48 MP files in 15 seconds. According to the link above you should be able to get 4 to 5 minutes which I would consider extremely slow, but it sounds you would be happy to get even that. Do you have antivirus software running? Are your files on a OneDrive managed section? Make sure you exclude the classic catalog and file section from AV software and do not run your catalog and files from a cloud service. Both cause extreme slowdown of Lightroom actions on later versions of windows.
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