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Do any features in LrC not require a paid subscription?

Explorer ,
Apr 20, 2024 Apr 20, 2024

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Hi all, Long time LR6 user, but very infrequently over the past 5+ years. I supect I may have finally reached the end of the road with LR6. (2015 MacBook Pro; had been clinging to Catalina (MacOS 10.x) for a long time, on which LR6 ran great. Last year I updated to Monterey (12.x) and now LR6 doens't work so well anymore.)  I understand Adobe has long since stopped updating LR6. 

Here's my question. I thought I had read that only the Develop mode features in LrC require a paid subscription, and that the organizing features are available without paying. 

Can anyone confirm/refute this, or clarify if I'm in the ballpark? 

Obviously Id rather be to continue with LR6 for "free" but that doesn't seem possible. If I can do library organization for free with LrC and sporadically pay $10 for a month to do editing, I could probably accept that with only a mild grudge, LOL.







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Community Expert ,
Apr 21, 2024 Apr 21, 2024

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To be clear, you cannot "sporadically" pay $10 per month for editing. You would need to enter into a $120 per year Photography plan subscription (during which the instalments are $10 per month). You could then cancel this subscription but I believe you would still have to pay minimum six instalments.


The only way to subscribe to just one month of LrC that I know of, would be as part of an All Apps plan. The monthly renewing option for that plan inflates its usual (annual renewing) $60 per month, up to $90 per month.


The Photography plan is good value taken overall in my opinion. I understand that people may dislike the subscription software model during those months when they don't use the software! But buying software as an up-front cost and then upgrading it, those are not free either.





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Advocate ,
Apr 21, 2024 Apr 21, 2024

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"Here's my question. I thought I had read that only the Develop mode features in LrC require a paid subscription, and that the organizing features are available without paying"


Just to add to @john beardsworth response, you are describing the behavior AFTER you terminate you subscription. You can't download the apps until you pay.

I was resistant to move from Lr6 to the subscription service but find I appreciate it now. Especially getting PhotoShop along wiht LrC.  I don't use the other apps or the cloud storage but there are more frequent upgrades you don't have to pay for.





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Apr 21, 2024 Apr 21, 2024

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Here's my question. I thought I had read that only the Develop mode features in LrC require a paid subscription, and that the organizing features are available without paying. 

Can anyone confirm/refute this, or clarify if I'm in the ballpark? 

By @ski ne where


Roughly correct. You can't go into Develop or Map without a subscription, and you can't use the Sync to LrMobile feature.


You can use Quick Develop in Library, and do everything else.


For your subscription, you get it all enabled. You'll also get better quality image processing.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 21, 2024 Apr 21, 2024

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Here's my question. I thought I had read that only the Develop mode features in LrC require a paid subscription, and that the organizing features are available without paying. 

Can anyone confirm/refute this, or clarify if I'm in the ballpark? 


No, that's not quite correct. What you may have read is that when a user cancels an existing Photography Plan subscription then Lightrioom Classic will continue to run in a special reduced function mode. That mode allows full use of the Library module (so importing, organising, exporting, printing, even some editing using the Quick Develop panel are all still possible), but the Develop and Map modules, plus cloud syncing, are disabled. Photoshop is also unavailable.


Obviously, getting to that point means you must have paid for a subscription in the first place, you can't get that special mode by simply using the free trial and then cancelling it.





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