john beardsworth
Community Expert
john beardsworth
Community Expert
‎Mar 08, 2025
01:23 PM
And those dozen threads all said what?
I guess you could delete the previews folder each time you close that catalogue.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
12:31 PM
I think your recollection is correct, Stephen, and I have some notes from 2019 about routinely using Bridge to write metadata into videos before importing them into Lightroom Classic. That would have been with Bridge 2017, so the black and gold icon which for some now-forgotten reason I carried on using after the update which had the black icon (it would have been some metadata feature Adobe screwed up).
Now with Bridge 2025 (15.0.2) on Mac the File Info is disabled, just as Edgar5A7 has found on Windows.
As for a solution, I'm not sure there's a better one in the Adobe world. Exiftool will extract the metadata, but maybe not in the form that's helpful.
By the way, we're probably looking for EXIF and IPTC metadata, not XMP as in the thread title.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
11:03 AM
Not using built-in LR commanda, but you can use my ListView plugin or LrTransporter:
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‎Jan 01, 2025
12:25 PM
What type of files are on the card and from what camera? Could they be a compressed format that Mac doesn't recognise?
Does the camera have more than one card, and you're importing from the wrong card?
Alternatively, can you connect the camera via USB cable?
I have no problems importing on that Mac by either method.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Ideas
‎Dec 30, 2024
03:24 AM
‎Dec 30, 2024
03:24 AM
I've just filed a feature request to update the FAQ page https://help.myportfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036483773-Embed-module to include code to embed an Instagram grid.
The code is:
<iframe src="http://instagram.com/USERNAME/embed" width="800" height="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
The crucial details are:
that the Instagram USERNAME is followed by "/embed"
that in Instagram > Settings > Sharing and Re-use, you need to enable Website embeds
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Ideas
‎Dec 28, 2024
02:25 AM
‎Dec 28, 2024
02:25 AM
I've just posted a feature request (via this page) to add a Reset ALL from Lightroom command which would mean that you could reset/refresh all the pages your site has linked to Lightroom in a single hit, rather than going through them one by one.
Assuming others like the idea, I don't see any way to get folk to vote for this request. Is there a voting mechanism?
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‎Dec 20, 2024
05:49 AM
I think it helps a lot of people, so I normally add a couple of other guiding ideas:
"Folders are meant for storage, and they're inflexible as a way of categorising pictures."
Use keywords and other metadata fields for categorising and describing your photos
Use collections for collecting and gathering photos as and when you need them
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‎Dec 20, 2024
04:27 AM
1 Upvote
I always encourage people to use Job because LR makes this field so easy to filter or use in smart collections.
Yes, adding a job can duplicate some information, but that applies to a lot of the metadata we commonly put in LR fields. Keywords or titles can often duplicate the info in the folder name or file names, but each one allows us different ways to search in LR and more flexibility over search criteria.
Imagine a job photographing an event over a few days, maybe over a period, so for instance a wedding job from the "2024-01-24 Jones Watson engagement party" folder and other folders up to the day itself. Making the Job "Joe Jones and Lucy Watson wedding" means you can name individual folders as you want - with shorter and more readable names, for instance, or more accurately describing a day "2024-09-24 Joe Jones Riga stag trip". You also got just a few shots of the city which weren't really wedding/client-related, so maybe leave the job empty for them? That's quicker than creating a new folder for those few images, if that's what you might do, and maybe next week you'll change your mind and one or two of those photos helps tell that day's story. Folders are meant for storage, and they're inflexible as a way of categorising pictures.
Later you want to gather all the job's photos, and a smart collection gathers that job's photos with Job / Contains All Joe Jones and Lucy Watson wedding. Now, each time you want that job's photos, you don't have to type Jones Watson into the Folders panel's filter box, and then filter out the non-wedding photos. When you want to create a portfolio of your best wedding photos, you might filter on 5 stars and the wedding keyword, and then another Library Filter column is the Job so you can see you're not including too many from one event or wonder why a job is missing (because back then you used 4 stars for the best?).
It all goes back to giving yourself different ways to search and more flexibility over search criteria, and it's easy to overlook how Job is one of the few fields that LR makes fully searchable.
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‎Dec 20, 2024
01:28 AM
Do you not use the Job Identifier field? It's one of the few fields that Lightroom makes directly searchable through Smart Collections or the Library Filter, and so it can provide a structure which groups multiple folders or cope when folder names are inconsistent to gather everything related to a job/event.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
12:54 PM
The AI is contained in the .lrcat-data file. Are you only sending back the .lrcat ?
But you can select all the possible images in the grid and run Photo > Develop Settings > Update AI Settings.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
07:58 AM
No, there's nothing like that. It's a very basic filtering.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
10:27 AM
You can see the underlying problem by setting the Metadata > Color Label Set to Lightroom Standard (though you can't assume the other person has done this). First, let's assume LR is working in German, so selecting an image and pressing 9 adds "Blau" (from the LR Standard in German) in the label field and the colour label is displayed as blue. Now set LR's language to English and restart LR - the text "Blau" remains in the label field but the colour label isn't blue because now "blau" doesn't match anything in colorNameForLabel.
Each language's translations are inside the LR application in a file called something like TranslatedStrings_Lr_it_IT.txt etc. So you could programatically import each language and find the text string for the labels.
"$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Collection/Label/Blue=Blu" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Collection/Label/Green=Verde" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Collection/Label/None=Nessuna" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Collection/Label/Purple=Viola" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Collection/Label/Red=Rosso" "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Collection/Label/Yellow=Giallo"
But if someone enabled a different Color Label Set when they hit 9 and added a blue label, then 9 could enter "xyz" into the Label field if that waas how the Color Label Set was set up.
I hope I've explained this well. It's complicated, or should that be messy? In a multi-user multi-language environment, t's not very disciplined.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
09:46 AM
Metadata > Color Label Set. This translates the text that is in Label into one of the 5 colours.
Note that you can type whatever you want into the Label field - literally anything. A colour only appears if that text corresponds to the current Color Label Set.
So don't program for the Blau, Blue or whatever. Program for the text that is entered in that field.
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‎Dec 14, 2024
08:47 AM
To fix this I am assuming I can restore a previous back-up and get the keywords back and associated with the correct files. But if I do this I will lose all the Edits and Collection folders I have made in the last two weeks.
By @Windward
In general, yes, the backup will restore the edits and collections and keywords etc from when it was made.
Is there any way to selectively save and restore for a set period of time?
By @Windward
Create a smart collection with Edit Data > YourBackupDate. Review it, and adjust the criteria if necessary. Then select all its items and do a File > Export as Catalog, making sure you don't tick the Negatives option. This creates a mini catalogue of those items as they are now, and you could bring it into the restored backup catalogue by File > Import from Another Catalog.
You would have to redo applying keywords done since the backup, but the keyword list will be as previously
And backup more often.
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‎Dec 06, 2024
10:52 PM
Yes, you'd need a new Mac as Ventura is the current requirement https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/lightroom-classic/system-requirements.html
MS Office runs just fine, other than Access which doesn't have a Mac version.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
12:35 PM
If you send a TIF/PSD to PS for the second or later time, you get a message asking if you want to edit the original or create another copy of the file. You would choose the former option.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
12:03 AM
I should have added "choose Edit in PS and then its Edit Original" option.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Dec 03, 2024
11:12 AM
1 Upvote
‎Dec 03, 2024
11:12 AM
1 Upvote
Exported files are just like prints, in that they are just an output, not the original. You don't delete originals.
LR is as much a manager of your picture collection as it is an editing tool, so you can use it to keep tracks of scans of particular subjects (PS can only edit). It's also designed for editing digital captures rather than scans, so PS will have better tools for fxing things like scratches rather than the sensor dust spots that LR can handle. Also see that PS can only fix one image at a time, while with LR it's simple to sync a dust spot correction or whatever to all the other images in the sequence that had the same dust problem.
With scans, it's typical to use LR to manage the files (I assume PSD,TIF or JPEG) and then choose Edit in PS to send them for all PS's various pixel editing tools. Save in PS, and those edits are shown in LR.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Dec 03, 2024
10:41 AM
1 Upvote
‎Dec 03, 2024
10:41 AM
1 Upvote
Lightroom is explicitly a non-destructive editor. So it keeps its adjustments in its catalogue and doesn't change the original files. If you want to print or send someone a JPEG, that is when it applies adjustments, and they are applied to the print or the JPEG, which you can delete afterwards as it can be recreated at any time.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Nov 29, 2024
12:10 AM
‎Nov 29, 2024
12:10 AM
I agree that Jim's answer makes a lot of sense. It's essentially the same as selondon's above, but I think the extra detail is very helpful.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Nov 27, 2024
12:55 AM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 27, 2024
12:55 AM
1 Upvote
An alternative, as you're on Mac, is to drag a file from Lightroom's grid or film strip and drop it on Pure Raw's icon in the Dock.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Nov 24, 2024
12:53 AM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 24, 2024
12:53 AM
1 Upvote
I think you meant "My current workflow is to sync import Photos to LR Mobile."
"So will my workflow have to change to cleanup the Cloud Storage periodically?" - Yes
"Is there a way to bypass the photos being stored on the Cloud?" - No
The key is that when a photo appears in All Synced Photos in LrC's Catalog panel, at that point you know it is safely on your hard drive. Now you can remove it from ASP and the cloud space is cleared.
If you then want the photo online, add it to a synced collection or to ASP. This syncs to the cloud a "smart preview" which doesn't count against your 20gb.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
08:28 AM
Here I followed my workflow, adding lo res to the exported files, brought them into LR and just selected them in Previous Import. You can see they're 400 px - the unselected previous export were full res.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
08:18 AM
How do you know they don't change the file size? In other words, what screen/app are you looking at that tells you the file size hasn't changed?
Also could it be that you might be comparing the wrong copies of the hi res JPEGs?
You could try my modified version of the FB workflow.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
08:04 AM
What I'm thinking is that you'd need to import using the Add option, so you get your 150 folders in LR and not reorganised by the Import dialog's Copy option. Maybe make a copy of them first. Then the rest of the FB idea seems to match what you want. I think.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
07:59 AM
What exactly isn't working in the original FB suggestion? Any error messages? How are you sure it isn't working?
While it might not be the standard LR workflow to overwrite originals, the FB workflow doesn't look too wacky if you want to replace hi res with lo res files.
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‎Nov 15, 2024
03:56 AM
I guess I use them "excessively", or at least I have many of them - and not on the latest hardware. So no, slowdown isn't an issue.
I'd suggest only setting up smart collections that you do actually need, not putting your time and energy into creating ones speculatively in expectation that they might be needed someday. Remember too that you have the Library Filter and can save your own column presets there.
Also, smart collections are only as good as the underlying metadata, so put more effort into adding metadata rather than building neat smart collection hierarchies. It often helps to think in these terms:
Folders are only about physical safekeeping - storage, guaranteed backup, easy to restore
Cataegorisation and analysis is a job for keywords and other metadata
Use collections to collect or gather images for whatever you need at the time
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‎Nov 13, 2024
02:16 AM
Lightroom does not have that ability, and has no plugin capability. Lightroom Classic does, and without any need for a plugin, but it does support plugins.
Which Lightroom do you mean?
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‎Nov 10, 2024
05:49 AM
Start a new thread with your issue.
Add information about why you created a new catalogue, and have you imported images into it? If it was really necessary to create a new catalogue, have you not used File > Import from Another Catalog to add images and bring in the edits? But start your own thread.
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‎Nov 08, 2024
06:14 AM
You've not missed anything, but be careful before trying to work with more than one catalogue - you can easily waste time and cause confusion. Here for example I'd ask why not just create a portfolio collection?
If you do want a portfolio catalogue, you can use the good old File > Export as Catalog. So select the images, choose File > Export as Catalog, tell it to use only the selection, do not include negatives (ie originals), and go ahead. This creates a new catalogue with all the collections and keywords and other metadata associated with those photos. No new folders are created - the catalogue is pointing to the same pictures as the other catalogue. Now those photos are being managed by two catalogues, a recipe for confusion?
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