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macOS Big Sur (version 11)
With the release of macOS big Sur (version 11), you may wonder if Lightroom Classic is compatible, or if you should wait to install the new OS update.
For upgrade recommendations and a list of known issues that we're aware of thus far, see Lightroom Classic and Big Sur | macOS 11.
If you run into any issues while using Lightroom Classic in Big Sur that are not listed in the above article, please let us know here in the Lightroom Classic community.
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Once clicked on Tethering, it just quit without any error messages
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struggling to use LRC slideshow in any way shape or form!! Keeps crashing - adobe help have been no help 😞
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I am now using a separate catalogue for each job and this seems to be working now. Guess let was overwhelmed.
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Upgraded my iMac today to Big Sur, experienced no issues. I have not been experiences problems with LrC 10 on macOS 10.15.7 and things appear to be functioning as normal. No issues on start up, no freeze or crash, no issues with GPU which is fully supported. I work almost exclusively with raw files from my camera and the edit in PS function works as expected.
Hope the nagging issues presently being experienced by a number of users will get resolved soon.
My system and equipment info is in my signature.
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Thanks DdeGannes. I have been waiting to upgrade my iMac 2018 to Big Sur.... You are giving me courage!
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Bad news for me. I put a message up elsewhere hoping there is an answer.
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I get the same error, but it is funky. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. I have been on Big Sur betas since May, and now on RC 11.0.1, and Adobe is updated as well. For the longest time there were no problems at all, only lately, the last two weeks have I experienced the "Unexpected error opening catalog". Sometimes it works if I reboot, and sometimes it works if I create a new library, and then change to one of my old ones.
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In my case, sometimes it works and sometimes not...
It is very unpleasant when this happens, you have to restart the Mac. Quickly an update, it’s not as if Adobe knew it for months... I want to pay but for a sevice that works and updated!
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Same here,
As a photographer I manage my work in several catalogi, but failing to load, apparantly since upgrade to Big Sur.
With assistance of Adobe support, created new calatogue; that worked for a while. Now again, some catalogues work, others don't.
This is now jeopordising my work as it continues to fail and I cannot deliver my products to clients. I haven't seen an ETA for expected resolution by Adobe and reading this user community doesn't give me confidence in anything soon. Guidance appreciated.
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Delete the file .lock and you will be able to open the catalog
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I have Lightroom 6.14 and MBP 13" Early 2015. After installing (yesterday) Big Sur Lightroom has white banner top of the picture in develop mode. I won't get to disappear that banner.
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Hi there,
I faced the same issue and got it resolved by going in the Develop mode (D), selecting the menu View>View Options... and unticking the option "Show info overlay".
I hope this helps !
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Interesting I was told that ligthroom 6.14 no way will work with Big Sur!,,,, I use 6.14 on a MacBook Pro with Mojave. Received this week a new iMac with Big Sur and I did not load ligthroom 6.14 because I was told that woul not work. Is it working ok for you ?
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So what if I wanted to display the EXIF information of the photos that I'm editing? Adobe should definitely fix this...
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Lightroom Classic 10 used to freeze when going on sleep both with Catalina and now with Big Sur. After endless attempts it looks that it crashes when GPU is on Auto in settings
while it hasn't crashed for (but lost a lot in performance) when I deactivated the GPU as seen below
I am now trying to put GPU on costum using for image editing I hope I can have the GPU processing and the iMac not crashing
machine is this one
any suggestion help?
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The info overlay produces a white rectangle over the top of the image, and the next light mode (shortcut key L) is not usable at all on Lightroom 6.14 . Is there any chance you will bring a fix for this? I cannot use Lightroom classic as my iMac late 2014 is too slow 😞
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My problem is the general performance.
Lightroom pushes my Macbook Pro to its limits while editing. But only since the new Big Sur update. Before that there were never any problems.
It gets really bad when exporting.
Since the CPU goes to 1300% load, see photo.
There is nothing else I can do during this process.
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Same problem here, on an 2019 iMac 5K 27inch with 16GB of RAM. Not only does LR Classic 10.0 hog the CPU, it very quickly eats up almost all the memory, causing lags during editing.
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bit it appeared already with the OS X before
especially if I switch from one module to the development module
only then the mistake appears
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On this end, even LR5 'runs' but I haven't tried everything possible.
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A huge mess with syncing images. I've tried everything, still not working.
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LR Classic runs perfectly with all functions on my new behavior experienced ...
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Good news.. which version ligthroom cc?