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Dual Monitor, Multi Photo Selection and Key wording broken

Explorer ,
Nov 12, 2022 Nov 12, 2022

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Mac OS 12.6.1

LightRoom Classic 12.0.1


I have a dual monitor setup. https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/help/displaying-library-second-monitor.html


While trying to add keywords to groups of photos I have noticed that if I am using a second monitor in "Grid View" I am not able to add keywords to the selected group, only the initial photo. I also do not get a keyword report for multiple images and only the initial photo. 


IF I revert to the main monitor to display the grid view and select several images I get a report showing the keword stats for the group of images selescted. And by "report" I mean the condition of each image and if a keyword is assigned or not, which keywords and so on...designated with an *.


It seams like I should have the same functionalty regardless which monitor I am using as a grid...true?







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Nov 12, 2022 Nov 12, 2022

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"It seems like I should have the same functionalty regardless which monitor I am using as a grid...true?"


Unfortunately, that's not how Adobe designed it.  Bear with me, the explanation is somewhat complicated.


First, let's discuss the as-designed behavior with a single display: When in Loupe view, many (but far from all) commands only operate on the most-selected (current) photo, while in Grid view they operate on all selected photos.  Editing keywords via the Keywording panel is in that group -- any changes you make in the Keywording panel while in Loupe apply to the current photo only, not to all selected photos.  Similarly when you check or uncheck a keyword in the Keyword List panel while in Loupe -- only the current photo is changed.


But if you right-click a keyword in the Keyword List and do Add or Remove while in Loupe, that change is made to all selected photos.  (This is just one of many inconsistencies in LR's rules for Loupe view.)


With a secondary display, the rules follow whatever view is in the main display window.  If the main display is in Grid view, then the Grid-view rules are used. If the main display is in Loupe (and the thus the secondary display is in Grid), then the Loupe view rules are used.  


Thus in your case, when the secondary display is in Grid view, the main display is in Loupe view, and any changes you make in the Keywording panel apply to the most-selected photo displayed in Loupe, not to any of the other selected photos.


In LR 10 and earlier, changes to keywords always applied to all selected photos, regardless of whether you were in Loupe or Grid. But LR 11 changed how the existing option Metadata > Show Metadata For Target Photo Only was displayed in the Metadata panel, and the change to the keywording behavior was likely fallout from that change.  I'm sure Adobe would insist it was "as-designed" and not accidental.


Overall, the rules for multiple selected photos in Loupe are quite complicated, beyond the ability for mere mortals to remember:



But remember, they're as-designed.





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Nov 12, 2022 Nov 12, 2022

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[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.]


To apply keywords to all selected photos while in Loupe view on the main display (and Grid view on the secondary display, if it's open), you have three options:


- Turn on Auto Sync at the bottom of the left column:


You'll probably regret forgetting to turn it off!


- Right-click the desired keyword in the Keyword List and do Add This Keyword To Selected Photos.


- Switch the main display to Grid view.






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