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As it stands, the dialog box requires you to have an "OK" button, and a "Cancel" button (names can be changed...) - both of which will dismiss the dialog box. More buttons than that and you have to define an accessory view or put buttons in the views - all of which is fine, except when a dialog box is used more like an application frame, in which case it would be preferrable if only one button dismissed the dialog box (e.g. 'Done').
Here's an undocumented way to create a dialog with just a single "Done" button. Not sure you want to rely on this though :-;
local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
local LrFunctionContext = import 'LrFunctionContext'
local LrTasks = import 'LrTasks'
local LrView = import 'LrView'
local function findButton (x, label, visited)
if visited == nil then visited = {} end
if type (x) ~= "table" or visited
if x._WinClassName == "AgViewWinPushButton" and
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Here's an undocumented way to create a dialog with just a single "Done" button. Not sure you want to rely on this though :-;
local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
local LrFunctionContext = import 'LrFunctionContext'
local LrTasks = import 'LrTasks'
local LrView = import 'LrView'
local function findButton (x, label, visited)
if visited == nil then visited = {} end
if type (x) ~= "table" or visited
if x._WinClassName == "AgViewWinPushButton" and
x.title == label then
return x;
for k, v in pairs (x) do
local result = findButton (v, label, visited)
if result then return result end
return nil
local f = LrView.osFactory()
local controls = f:column {
f:static_text {title = "Look Ma! No OK or Cancel!"},
f:edit_field {value = "fields"},
f:push_button {title = "Do It"}}
LrTasks.startAsyncTask (function ()
while true do
local okButton = findButton (controls, "OK")
if okButton then
okButton.enabled = false
okButton.visible = false
LrTasks.sleep (0.1)
LrDialogs.presentModalDialog {
title = "Test", contents = controls, cancelVerb = "Done"}
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John - You are so "the man"!
PS - To the Adobe SDK workers - I still would like direct support in the SDK/API. The present work-around gets me through the day, but its klugy and leaves a dead-zone next to the "Cancel" button where the invisible "OK" button is hiding.
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Yeah, I've been using a slightly enhanced version of John Ellis solution for a while, but it just stopped working on the Mac (some Macs?). I guess something changed under the hood - needs to be re-engineered.
Official documented support would be better indeed.
PS - Another gotcha of the above approach: edited text values are not commited before exiting when 'Cancel' button is used as 'OK' button. (on Windows that is, they are not commited anyway on Mac, even if 'OK' button is used, so you have to set immediate to true if you want them commited on both platforms.).
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On the Mac you can catch the button via "_NSClass". Modify John's code as follows and it works on both plattforms:
if WIN_ENV then
if x._WinClassName == "AgViewWinPushButton" and x.title == label then
return x
elseif MAC_ENV then
if x._NSClass == "NSButton" and x.title == label then
return x
return nil
HTH someone
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johnbeardy's solution described above has been documented in both the LR 4 and 5 SDKs. Does it not work for you?
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I have not seen that. Where is it documented?
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In the LR 4/5 SDK documentation under LrDialogs.presentModalDialog.
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I want to enable/disable the default button depending on the users input instead of hiding a button.
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I want to enable/disable the default button depending on the users input instead of hiding a button.
I don't think you'll be able to do that with the documented method of "< exclude >".
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John R. Ellis schrieb:
I want to enable/disable the default button depending on the users input instead of hiding a button.
I don't think you'll be able to do that with the documented method of "< exclude >".
You're right and my mistake: I mean not Johns code, I mean Rob Coles code in the first answer (findButton function).
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Try this currently undocumented / unsupported value:
cancelVerb = "< exclude >", -- Must be exact including the spaces
I only learnt about it recently but apparently it's been lurking there since LR1 and may get documented in LR4.