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How can I upgrade to Lightroom 6 from version 5 without the Creative Cloud? I just want Lightroom.

New Here ,
Apr 21, 2015 Apr 21, 2015

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How can I upgrade to Lightroom 6 from version 5  without the Creative Cloud? I just want Lightroom.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Apr 21, 2015 Apr 21, 2015

Found it :

Lightroom CC/6 Branding

  • The branding has changed – it’s now Lightroom CC for subscribers and Lightroom 6 for perpetual licenses.
  • Perpetual licenses ARE still available but they’re hard to find on Adobe’s website! It’s $149 for new licenses and $79 for upgrades.
  • Full boxed versions are available from third parties such as Amazon. Upgrades are only available direct from Adobe (click this link, then click Buy, then change it to an upgrade. If you’re not in the USA, select your country bottom


New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Yes I can use DNG, it's not great for the workflow, but it's a workaround.

Old software... 4 years?!

Let me retort, I think it's poor customer service that Adobe expect me to pay to support cameras that have been brought out in the last 4 years, which is not a long time, we're not talking propriety RAW formats or bespoke tech.

When Fuji's X70 was released and the RAF format was unsupported, even on CC, many reached out to Adobe who pointed the finger at Fuji for not providing the specification, the specification was provided and an update came out to CC, but not 5. 5 hasn't been deprecated, the simple feeling is Adobe doesn't want 5, it really doesn't want 6, it wants people to subscribe to CC and this feels like a punitive method of getting people onto that platform.




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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What I do need is continued support for the cameras

Clearly you didn't read what I said. I pointed out that you can use the free DNG converter to provide continued support for new cameras.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Yes I can, I would like the support to be integral to the application I paid for, when processing several thousand photographs it's not a small change to the workflow.




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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I guess it’s always a personal choice.

Those paying the higher price for CC get an “always up to date" product and new features.

Those who don’t need new features are paying the lower cost for a perpetual licence.

Adobe has never supported previous versions once a new product has been released. They have even stopped that with Photoshop CS6 for which I originally paid around $1,000!

We are just users, like yourself.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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I'm saying, probably poorly, that I don't consider RAW specifications 'features' as such.




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Adobe doesn’t consider them features which is why it continues to update the current version LR6. In fact Adobe is prevented under US law from adding new features to perpetual products.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Do you have a link to the relevant statute?




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Sorry I’m no expert on US statutes as I live in the UK but I think it relates to EOL date which older products get (end of life) however the licence remains usable forever or for as long as the hardware supports it. Adobe says it has has only ever been able to add new features between versions e.g. LR4 to LR5; LR5 to LR6.




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New Here ,
Nov 26, 2016 Nov 26, 2016

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"Adobe doesn’t consider them features which is why it continues to update the current version LR6. In fact Adobe is prevented under US law from adding new features to perpetual products."

I suppose that answers the question as to why Windows 10 never gets an update - or maybe the US law only applies to Adobe.




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Nov 27, 2016 Nov 27, 2016

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I dont think W10 has an EOL date, but I'm sure WXP does. But Adobe is offering a choice. Those who subscribe get regular new features which are much easier to deliver comparred with a full  zero dot release for those who pay only ocassionally.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016

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rocket12345 wrote:

In fact Adobe is prevented under US law from adding new features to perpetual products."

I suppose that answers the question as to why Windows 10 never gets an update - or maybe the US law only applies to Adobe.

What's that for a scrap law?

Anyhow, Adobe does not add or modify your perpetual product. It creates a new (sub)version. When you decide to upgrade, you exchange one program with an other.

For the rest, it is a commercial decision of Adobe to

  • support new cameras for a while.
    The reason for this is, that Adobe wants new users of a new camera to buy their product and to keep existing users of LR, who buy a new camera, happily using the software.
  • to correct errors and issues during a limited time
  • to add new features only to major versions of the software.
  • to give subscribers in exchange for a continuous cash flow new features as soon as they are implemented.
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Gogster wrote:

Yes I can, I would like the support to be integral to the application I paid for, when processing several thousand photographs it's not a small change to the workflow.

You indicated that you need support for new cameras. Lightroom 6 DOES get updated to support new cameras just as quickly as Lightroom CC. Sometimes it's necessary to wait for a few weeks for an update, but Lightroom 6 is updated at the same time Lightroom CC is updated.

A subscription to Lightroom CC has the benefit of delivering new features as soon as they become available. That is NOT a feature of Lightroom 6. Just as in the past, new features have always been reserved for a paid upgrade of Lightroom. However, updates to support new cameras has always been a part of the Lightroom update process. So nothing has changed in reality. You purchase Lightroom 6, you get the features Lightroom 6 has to offer. You receive updates that provide you with support for new cameras. You wait for a new standalone release to get new features. The same routine as always. I don't see the you have anything to complain about.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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As I said, I don't consider RAW support a feature.




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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Raw support ISN'T a new feature. It is an ongoing service that is part of Lightroom 6. When Lightroom 6 was first released it had all of the features that it has now. Lightroom 6 receives updates (FREE updates) to support new cameras. Lightroom CC has received new features. That is one of the benefits of having Lightroom CC. New features are made available to subscribers as soon as they are available because they are paying for those new features and they chose to pay for them.

As I indicated previously, new features in Lightroom have always been made available to those who chose to purchase the upgrade. Those who have purchased Lightroom 6 have chosen to continue to purchase upgrades in the future in order to obtain those new features. There is nothing different. Those who have chosen to subscribe to the creative cloud are paying for new features as soon as they become available. They have chosen to do that. Nobody is forcing them to do it. So you are receiving new features in the same manner as Lightroom has historically delivered new features before the creative cloud. Subscribers to the creative cloud are paying to get those features more quickly. THEY made the choice to do that. YOU made the choice not to do that.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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As I said, I don't consider RAW support a feature.




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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You obviously haven't even taken the time to read and understand what has been written. Apparently you don't want to understand the difference between Lightroom 6 and Lightroom CC. Basically, Lightroom CC has features that you haven't paid for, and chose not to pay for. Lightroom 6 and Lightroom CC both support precisely the same raw formats. There is no difference in raw support. The only difference is that Lightroom CC has new features that you didn't pay for. You'll have to wait for the next upgrade (not update) and you will have to pay for those new features just like subscribers to Lightroom CC have paid for the features.




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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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I read it, it was utterly irrelevant to my point, RAW is not a feature, it is a core component of Lightroom, and Photoshop for that matter, withholding updated RAW profiles from previous versions of both applications amounts to nothing more than coercion.




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Nov 02, 2016 Nov 02, 2016

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No it doesn't. Do you really expect Adobe to keep updating older versions of Lightroom and Camera Raw that are no longer being supported by Adobe? That's like asking a car company to provide you with all of the new innovations in your 10-year-old car. It has always been that when production on a major version of Lightroom or Photoshop is terminated that there are no more updates. Operating systems change, software requirements change, and I believe it's unrealistic to expect Adobe to maintain compatibility and provide updates for old versions of software. You probably understand this, but Lightroom does not use the camera raw plug-in. It has the same processing engine as Camera Raw, but it's all integrated into the Lightroom program. If you choose not to upgrade, then Adobe gives you a free alternative in the DNG converter. So you aren't being coerced into anything. Adobe always provides you with the ability to have access to your raw image data.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016

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Gogster wrote:

RAW is not a feature, it is a core component of Lightroom, and Photoshop for that matter, withholding updated RAW profiles from previous versions of both applications amounts to nothing more than coercion.

You are utterly wrong in this assumption. The problem is not Adobe and Adobes ability to implement a new RAW file format for a new camera. The problem is the camera maker who will, for each new camera change his proprietary format in a way, that it does not stay 100% compatible with the existing format of older cameras.

It's the analogy of new devices, you connect to your old computer, running an old operating system. The burden to create the device driver is not with the OS manufacturer, but it lies really on the device manufacturer.

Adobe however provides a working work-around to the problem. But it is a work-around and forces you to convert your proprietary RAW file format to Adobe's open and documented DNG file format. With this, Adobe did a huge effort not to render older software useless, when you acquire a new camera.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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New Here ,
Nov 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016

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Christ almighty, feck off you sanctimonious tw@t.

if Adobe want people to use their products, you make them viable to be used, not twist arms for extra bucks at every opportunity.

Ban me from this miserable thread, I'm sick of hearing Adobe arse lickers.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 29, 2016 Nov 29, 2016

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You are simply wrong.

And btw, there is a simpler way not to hear or read from Les Misérables: drop out!

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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New Here ,
Apr 24, 2017 Apr 24, 2017

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You can't upgrade anymore .....




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Community Expert ,
May 04, 2017 May 04, 2017

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Adobe hides the option to buy the upgrade very effectively, but it is still possible to get the upgrade. I did a search of Lightroom 6 on the Adobe site.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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New Here ,
Jul 05, 2017 Jul 05, 2017

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Try moving to payment - option disappears.




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Jul 05, 2017 Jul 05, 2017

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Try the new link below:

Shopping Cart




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