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I can no longer import raw files into Lightroom since (sadly) upgrading to Win 10

Community Beginner ,
Feb 01, 2017 Feb 01, 2017

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Why is that I can not get the least little help from the Lightroom people? I can no long use raw files because they won't import anymore and that is the only reason that I wanted Lightroom in the first place. Surely this should not be such a big problem!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Feb 02, 2017 Feb 02, 2017

T‌hank you for your email but one other of the forum sent me through an update which has solved the problem. I cannot say why his one worked and not the one that Adobe sent me but it did. I have an Olympus OM-D and I had processed 3000 or more raw files only to lose that capacity when I upgraded. It might have been a coincident but i could no longer read raw files into Lightroom immediately after.Thanks again,David Gorring

[email address removed]

Envoyé: jeudi 2 février 2017 12:05

Objet :  I can no



Feb 01, 2017 Feb 01, 2017

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Which version of Lightroom is installed?

What camera make and model are the raw files from?

Are you seeing any error message?




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 02, 2017 Feb 02, 2017

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T‌hank you for your email but one other of the forum sent me through an update which has solved the problem. I cannot say why his one worked and not the one that Adobe sent me but it did. I have an Olympus OM-D and I had processed 3000 or more raw files only to lose that capacity when I upgraded. It might have been a coincident but i could no longer read raw files into Lightroom immediately after.Thanks again,David Gorring

[email address removed]

Envoyé: jeudi 2 février 2017 12:05

Objet :  I can no longer import raw files into Lightroom since (sadly) upgrading to Win 10




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Feb 01, 2017 Feb 01, 2017

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What happens when you try to import? I'm using Windows 10 and Lightroom CC 2015.8. I have followed all of the updates of Lightroom CC, and I have never had difficulty importing images. It is my belief that something else is wrong on your system because updating to Windows 10 should have had no effect. What version of Lightroom are you running question more




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 01, 2017 Feb 01, 2017

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T‌hanks for your reply, I really appreciate it.I bought Lightroom because I meant to work only in raw and I have processed some three thousand images in raw in Lightroom. This became no longer possible the day that I made the fatal mistake  of upgrading to Windows 10 (because it gives me nothing that I want and is only a hinderance.) I therefore reinstalled my version of Lightroom, Version 4 64-bit, and performed all the updates I could find. All to no avail. I confirm that Lightroom began to malfunction from the moment that I did the Windows 10 upgrade.What happens? I go to import my raw image files and a blank screen tells me "Preview unable for this file.' If I go ahead and process an import anyway I am given the list of files that I have requested together with the message : 'The files are from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format in Lightroom (5)." I presume that I now need to install  a patch for my camera  because the system functioned perfectly well before. The camera is an Olympus OM-D. I confirm that JPEG files can be imported but I definately do not wish to work in that format.Thanks again for your reply,Sincerely,David Gorring




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Feb 01, 2017 Feb 01, 2017

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The files are from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format in Lightroom (5).

Your camera is too new to be supported by Lightroom 4. So the files cannot be imported.

Which Olympus OM-D camera model do you have?

You could use the free Adobe DNG Converter to convert your RAWs from this camera to DNG files, and then import the DNGs into Lightroom 4.

This has nothing to do with Windows 10. Most likely, you haven't installed the proper version of Lightroom.




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Feb 01, 2017 Feb 01, 2017

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If Lightroom will import the JPEG images then I suspect that this is NOT a Windows 10 problem. I really think you probably have not installed the last update that was made available for Lightroom 4. Here is a link to the update to Lightroom 4.4.1, which was the final update to Lightroom 4. Install the update, and then see if you can work with your raw images.

Adobe - Lightroom : For Windows : Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4.1

On the other hand, if you are using a camera that was first supported in Lightroom 5 then there is no way  you will be able to open the original raw files in any version of Lightroom 4. The DNG converter is your only alternative. You said that you install Lightroom 4, but at one point you indicated (5). What did you mean by that. Does your camera require Lightroom 5 as a minimum? Here is a list of all the cameras Lightroom supports as well as the minimum version that is required.

Cameras supported by Camera Raw




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