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Estimado, muchas gracias por su tiempo.
He instalado la última versión de Lightroom, todo va bien, salvo que en el cuadro de importar imágenes, ya sea buscando navegando en discos locales como también en cualquier unidad externa de almacenamiento, no muestra ninguna imagen disponible para importar. Estoy 100% seguro que en la carpetas que estoy navegando para importar tienen imágenes compatibles para la importación.
He desinstalado y vuelto a instalar y no he logrado solucionarlo.
Muchas gracias.
Santiago - You might look through this thread: Lightroom Classic CC won't import... at all
23, 51, and 54 seem like possibilities. Double check your destination folder, maybe try changing destination folders to something you know has no protection or access issues. Make sure destination folder Also you might try importing one *new* image (new to eliminate any possibility LR has the names somehow or caching) from your desktop to a newly formed catalog.
I'm out of ideas, but further inquiries,
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Hi Santiago,
Sorry that Lightroom does not shows images while importing. It seems that Lightroom is not reading the preview cache properly or the monitor color profile is corrupt. Please take a look at this article Lightroom error on preview cache or displays gray thumbnails and let us know if that helps.
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He hecho lo que me has dicho, siguiendo los pasos del tutorial y no me ha resuelto el problema.
Pego un print de pantalla para que vean mejor cual es el error.
El problema no lo tengo MIENTRAS importo las imágenes, sino que no me muestra los archivos para importar, por lo tanto NO puedo importar imágenes.
Muchas gracias una vez más
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Santiago, the first thing I would try would be to copy some images from your reader/card into a folder on your desktop. If the images appear correctly in this scenario, you have a temporary workaround, and a bit more knowledge narrowing down the source of the problem. And if this scenario works, you might try copying these files back to a spare card and try reimporting from that.
This test will tend to either isolate the problem to the card/reader, or show it to be a larger problem.
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Thanks for your answer!
Joefry, the card reader works perfectly. Lightroom does not read any images. I've tryed to import images from my HD, DVD, ExtHD, SD and none images/files is been shown
The only way I can add a file to LR is copy the files manually and then synchronising the main folder.
Thanks again for your time
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Copied - You might look through this thread: Lightroom Classic CC won't import... at all
23, 51, and 54 seem like possibilities. Double check your destination folder, maybe try changing destination folders to something you know has no protection or access issues. Make sure destination folder Also you might try importing one *new* image (new to eliminate any possibility LR has the names somehow or caching) from your desktop to a newly formed catalog.
I'm out of ideas, but further inquiries, you should include version, and os info. Good luck!
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I've been busy, but still having the same problem, some updates had happened, but nothing change.
I've been reading the post that you gave me, tried 23, 51 and 54 but nothing changed.
There are some new post, talking about the same problem, but not a real solution.
I don't know what to do, because I'm paying for something that is not working correctly.
What do you recommend?