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Lightroom 2015.6 Painfully slow since update

Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2016 Jun 12, 2016

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I'm using Windows 10, 16G memory, GPU processor active.  Since upgrading to 2015.6 a few days ago, the develop module is painfully slow.  Very sluggish moving from photo to photo and lag in displaying changes.  Is anyone else experiencing these problems?  Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Jun 16, 2016 Jun 16, 2016

A memory leak has been identified in LR 6.6 and CC 2015.6: Lightroom 2015.6 Extremely Slow | Photoshop Family Customer Community

My system with 12GB memory starts to slow down as soon as LR memory usage reaches ~50% and then gets worse as you browse or edit images in the Develop module. It will cause Adjustment Brush lag that gets worse as you edit more images.This is independent of the GPU setting in LR Preferences. Some have found minimizing the LR window, waiting 2-3 seconds, and then maximiz




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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2016 Nov 30, 2016

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You seem to get very defensive, just saying that he bought a Mclaren for work and it only goes 40mph then does that make you feel better.  It should work fine and we have proven that with high end hardware lightroom has some sort of issue, yes throwing high end storage and motherboard at the problem helps in some situations but it should not be this way and we pay for a product that should work on current hardware with causing us to pull our hair out.  If you buy new hardware that is supposedly supported by the product it should not preform worse then it did on your 4 year old computer.  That is all this thread is about. 

Thanks for putting a solution together that will help others out but lightroom should work fine on a single M.2 drive without needing to raid it together with a second one.  It also should work with a 2x Xeon processor without being out preformed by a I5 processor from a few years ago.  BTW the M.2 950 is one of the fastest single hard drive solutions out there for consumers right now and we should not need to buy two of them to run a program that edits and stores photos.

We are not asking for miracles and by the support post from above they are aware its an issue, just admit it, fix it and make everybody happy.





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Explorer ,
Dec 10, 2016 Dec 10, 2016

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The new update to Adobe Lightroom CC (2015.8) is a big improvement. My video card (Invidia 1070) with the latest driver is now recognized as working in LR and things are loading better, adjustment brushes are quicker (not yet snappy, but better by a fair margin) and exports are now faster.





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Explorer ,
Dec 18, 2016 Dec 18, 2016

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I wanted to just follow up on this with a few things;

- An Adobe Support Rep reached out to me, I am not sure if its because of how I've been and will still continue to complain to twitter Adobe accounts about how bad LR performance is or if its form this forum

- The Adobe Support Rep has been awesome, amazing and understanding with providing all sorts of different thoughts and suggestions.

- The problem really is in Adobe Lightroom Engineering and its unfortunate, even with the newest update, my XEON system is still doing the following:

---- Black screen shows up (either entire LR window or just the middle where the program border and title bar are still visible)

---- Delay in crop tool, not responding during edits and general slowness (not experienced on my Surface Pro 3 i7 or SkullCanyon NUC)

---- Walking from image to image via develop module slows to a stop, then goes to not responding.

None of this has gotten better or worse based on the latest update.

What I have had to do - is check into CPU availability...

- BIOS Settings to reduce available CPU cores to the WHOLE SYSTEM

---- this makes all of the crashing and not-responding and lag go away

- Using a custom Batch File Command to set affinity of the Lightroom Executable to only use some CPUs.

---- This batch file looks like this:

***********command in batch file***********

start /affinity F cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom\lightroom.exe


This is where I landed for now - massive computer built - Adobe Lightroom cannot use it. At least the other adobe products work incredibbly well with this monster of a machine....





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New Here ,
Dec 29, 2016 Dec 29, 2016

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I am running a 12 core 3.46ghz Mac Pro with 128gigs and it is still insanely slow. I can't comprehend how any company could care any less about its customers. this has been an ongoing issue for years now and still nobody at Adobe could give a shite. Collectively, we all pay a LOT of money to these world class a-holes every month for them to simply ignore us and laugh in our faces. I typically use Capture One for anything in the studio but, have been married to this shite for HDR work. Now, when I'm stuck relying on Adobe I daydream about bashing their heads in with a baseball bat. No way to spend the day. I honestly abhor Lightroom and if I ever meet anyone on the dev team I will drag them trough the #@&ing streets.





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Engaged ,
Dec 29, 2016 Dec 29, 2016

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It's good that you're pleased.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2017 Jan 02, 2017

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Please keep the conversation focussed and polite and considerate.

Name calling as has been done above will not be tolerated and could lead to banning from the forums...

Thanks and have a positive 2017.





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New Here ,
Jan 06, 2017 Jan 06, 2017

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Jan, 6  2017

Updated LR to 6.8 and am having all the same problems that were reported here six months ago ... 16GB ram / NVida GeForce w/ 2 GB Ram, Intel i7, yada, yada, so it's not my machine.

Wasted nearly 8 hours messing with this ... and am now about to go uninstall LR and start a reinstall from LR6 and add upgrade to 6.5.1 Another wasted hour, pushing back delivery to a client for this Adobe issue is simply unacceptable.


Why is the 6.8 upgrade still available if it's plagued with these issues?

Where is the Adobe Customer Service Rep who is reading this thread? Why no answers from Adobe?





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New Here ,
Jan 08, 2017 Jan 08, 2017

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I had such hopes that the latest update would solve the memory leak problems.  No dice. I had to re-install Lightroom 5 AGAIN just to be able to do basic edits on a dozen photos, because such a thing was giving me the black screen of death on the latest version.  AGAIN.  Someone tell me WHY I pay for the Creative Cloud?  This is so frustrating.

Also, does anyone know how to install the old version of Lightroom from before the July update that ruined my Lightroom life? The "Lightroom 6" on the CC previous versions tabs seems to be that same one.  I'd love to at least be able to enjoy SOME of the newer features of lightroom I'm paying every month for, like face recognition and the dehaze feature, even if I can't have the latest update. !





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 27, 2017 Feb 27, 2017

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Same here. I installed every update since the 2015.5 and after editing 10 pictures it is getting slower and slower. So I roll back to 2015.5. I spent many hours, tried everything I could found on the net, talked to Adobe support. Did reinstalling, new catalogues, used different drives. Nothing. I will wait another update, then switch to CaptureOne.





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Explorer ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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Ok, my report of improvement above was short-lived. After a couple days everything went back to slowness. Had to restart LR every 15 minutes or so.

So I spent a good deal of time today troubleshooting slowness in Lightroom on my MSI Dominator Pro GT72 VR 6RE laptop. I got it customized from Computer Upgrade King – 64 gigs of RAM, two 1TB m.2 SanDisk hard drives, Intel I7 6700-HQ processor, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 video card. It seems like that should be enough firepower to run any application quickly, doesn’t it? Well, Lightroom hasn’t run well for me since I installed it. I tried all the tweaks recommended above. I upgraded from a high-end Lenovo machine because I thought I had worn it out because LR ran so badly.

Today I delved into all my drivers and internal devices to see if there was something – anything – that could be the culprit with the dogged slowness I have been experiencing.

The first thing I found was the drive I was running LR on was only transferring at 3 Gbps – it’s an SATA 3 drive, so that should have been 6 Gbps. I had to update the firmware on the drive to get it up to full speed. Not sure why one m.2 drive had an outdated firmware, and the other was current… That seemed to have a bit of an effect. Then I found the BIOS on my video card had an update. I’ve been keeping my drivers up-to-date, but I never looked at the video card firmware. I applied that. Then I went to the manufacturer for all my devices to find the latest drivers and firmware for every device. There wasn’t much – sound driver and network driver and some maintenance software that came on the laptop.

Then I went back into LR and changed the cache location to a temp drive on the C: drive instead of the D: drive and unchecked the 1:1 previews box on the Preferences/Performance tab, then tested moving from one photo (300+ Mb tiff files) to others in the develop module – once with the GPU box unchecked and once with the GPU box checked. Bingo! GPU box checked had a big effect on performance – even though LR is not using the GPU, it is using OpenGL on the card with it checked. I hadn’t noticed that before I upgraded the video card firmware. Tested the spot removal tool – while not snappy like in Photoshop, there is a marked improvement. Now if I just had a Real Estate project to test it our on from start to finish, I would know for sure if I have fixed it. Monday will tell the story, I think.

I’ll let you know what my experience is!





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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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You are running "two 1TB m.2 SanDisk hard drives" in SATA 3? MSI says there is only 1 M.2 slot in the GT72VR.





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Explorer ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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There are two 1tb m.2 drives in this computer.





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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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MSI Dominator Pro GT72 VR 6RE? Can you verfiy the model number and post an internal photo of two M.2 drives?





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Explorer ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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Upon deeper investigation, I find that I have one SanDisk SD8SB8U1T001122, which is an X400 2.5" Internal SSD and a

SanDisk SD8SN8U1T001122 - an m.2.  Basically, the same drive packaged two ways. That could explain the need for a firmware update. The m.2 is the D: drive, and the 2.5 is the system drive - and it needed the firmware update. I run LR on C: and had my cache on D:.

In any event, things seem to be running better at the moment!





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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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Well the "package" kinda matters. One drive is SATA the other is PCIe. The x400 is the slowest M.2 made @ 550MB/s. mSATA drives 5 years ago were faster than the x400. The bargain Samsung evo M.2 modules are >2000MB/s.





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Explorer ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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Anyway you look at it, Lightroom should have been running much better than it has been.





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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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I feel bad telling you that..... all is not lost though; MSI has great USB ports! Take that dogsh*t x400 out and park it in a USB-C 3.1 M.2 enclosure (they are around $30). Run the MSI USB SpeedUP app and you'll have a bulletproof fast external memory device!

Get yourself a Samsung M.2 drive in there.





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