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Lightroom seems to be stuck in Grid/Loupe/Compare/Survey/Slideshow. Pressing Esc or Tab doesn't bring back the sidebars. When I relaunch LR, the Develop setting preset panel shows momentarily down the LHS and then it goes to this which I can't seem to get out of. Have I pressed a shortcut key inadvertantly?? Help please!
This is the Secondary Display window (mainly meant for people using two displays), which is apparently displayed over your main window. Press Cmd-F11 to hide it, or choose menu 'Window - Secondary Display - uncheck Show'.
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This is the Secondary Display window (mainly meant for people using two displays), which is apparently displayed over your main window. Press Cmd-F11 to hide it, or choose menu 'Window - Secondary Display - uncheck Show'.
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Thank you so much 🙂 Really appreciate your time and knowledge.
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How do I solve in Mac?
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I actually explained it for a Mac user...
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You da MVP.
Thank you for this!
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OMG !!!!! Thank so much I was close to uninstalling LRC and reinstalling or throwing my computer out my window lol
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So people don't have to download the image you have attached to your post please Edit your post to remove the Attached screen shot and Include it in the body of the text of your post.
You do that by Clicking the "More..." link at the bottom of your post, Selecting "Edit Message" and then use the "Insert Photos" icon in the tool bar at the top of the Post/Reply/Edit dialog box like this.
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I ran into what appears to be the same issue in Lightroom Classic and pressing Command F11 as suggested above does not work. When Lightroom opens, I get to see the Grid/Loupe etc. view as shown in the attached screen shot 1 on the second monitor. The only way I can see the normal screen ( with the library/develop etc.) view (shown in screen shot 2) is to click on the other monitor and then I can see that view in the attached screenshot.
However, if I then go to work on the photo in the develop module by clicking on the first screen (now displayingthe library develop etc view), the image displayed on that screen jumps back to the first screen with the Grid/loupe display.
Really would appreciate some help here. Using an Intel based Imac 27" running Venture (13.4.1(c)) Thanks.
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I also found the CMD+11 "Solution" did not resolve on my Mac. However, after plugging away for a couple of frustrating hours, I stumbled upon a resolution:
How did this happen? The 2nd display screen is toggled 'on' in the Develop page at the very bottom left. You see 2 icons shaped like displays "1" and "2". If you click "2" the optional 2nd display is shown.
How to return to the main "Library..Develop..etc" page?
1. In the top header of the window, click "Lightoom Classic"
2. Click Preferences
3. Click the "Display" tab on the far right
4. In the "Choose monitor for secondary window" click on another monitor
5. The "Loupe..Survey" window should pop onto the other monitor & you can now see the main page.
6. Go to Develop
7. Cick the "2" icon appearing at the very far left and just above the filmstrip
Hope this helps someone!
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THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!! may your life be filled with beautiful photographs!!! this was a true test of patience.
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BRILLIANT! Thank you
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Windows 11-user here.
I'm glad you managed to solve it for the othetr happy people. However, your trick doesn't work for me because I'm stuck with the other screen in Full screen mode. Thus no menus or any other commands ara available and when I right-click on that screen I can only chose "background" colour to the screen.
I'm in desperate need of help since I tasked LR to do something that affects mare than 23000 files and I don't want to force it to stop.
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The answer mark correct perhaps works on a pc or old versions of the app, but this is certainly the current correct answer. Wonder if an admin can update to mark this as correct, and searching Secondary in the help menu reveals nothing and fn + f11 on mac just revleas desktop by default.
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Thank you so much from a Mac user who's problem you solved!