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This week i wanted to upgrade my i5 setup to a m2 mac with more ram to ingrease the performance.
But as always on major changes LRC is giving me a hard time and steals a lot of my short time, but iam so much used to the workflow, otherwise i would run away from this nightmare software.
So my problem is that need to tether in my photoshootings. i Have Nikon D850 connected via usb-c cable.
So when i wanted to start to tether LRC says i need to restart in Rosetta Mode, no proble, ok do it. but it only shuts down and never restarts LRCC in Rosetta mode.
When i do it manually it starts again in m2 mode.
i didnt find a way to start LRC always in Rosetta mode from the begining. The checkbox ind the Program Info is not there like some others softwares has. I mean i can start sart safari in rosetta mode, but not LRC!?!?!
Anybody knows what to do?
Many Thanks
"It shows the checkbox for safari for example, but not for LRC. "
Try checking Open Using Rosetta for Safari and then running Safari. It may ask you to install Rosetta, which you should do.
Then do Get Info for LR Classic again and see if the Open Using Rosetta option is available.
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You haven't mentioned which version of macOS you're using. If Sequoia, then please see
for an explantion as to why tethering no longer works.
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Sonoma 14.6
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Is there a solution to tether with 14.6 sonoma and a m2 cpu?
has anyone this setup sucessful runing?
please help, i dont want to step back ro my old setup because the new one is not running.
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"I didn't find a way to start LRC always in Rosetta mode from the beginning. "
In Finder, navigate to the folder "/Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic/". In that folder, right-click "Adobe Lightroom" and do Get Info. In the Info window, check Open Using Rosetta:
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Yes, but i dont have this checkbox.
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To be exactly,
it shiws the checkbox for safari for example, but not for LRC.
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"It shows the checkbox for safari for example, but not for LRC. "
Try checking Open Using Rosetta for Safari and then running Safari. It may ask you to install Rosetta, which you should do.
Then do Get Info for LR Classic again and see if the Open Using Rosetta option is available.
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Thanks, didnt show the checkbox, but after installing rosetta lrc reboots in rosetta mode.
tethering works!
many thanks.