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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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Rikk, something changed this week. I updated the AI removal option, but now any removal with or without object removal selection replaces the subject (wife and dog) with a unwanted substitute (repetiveley) Last week removal worked perfect without object selection. I tried to attached the original nikon .dng (Z8) file but that format is somehow not supported. I have therefore convert and attached a jpeg
Thanks for your support
Best regards Lex
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I am having the same problem. I wanted to remove an unwanted part of a person but AI keeps on replacing other unwanted parts instead of removing it. Last week everything worked just fine.
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Sorry, dat staat er onduidelijk. Ik bedoel dat AI er telkens iets anders voor in de plaats zet in plaats van het te verwijderen.
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@willy_9983: "I wanted to remove an unwanted part of a person but AI keeps on replacing other unwanted parts instead of removing it."
Please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With everyone who has posted a problem photo, including many who thought something had changed recently, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects. But perhaps something has indeed changed, so seeing an example photo is crucial.
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Het gaat om het restant van een persoon rechts onderdaan in het beeld. Dat krijg ik niet weg.
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@willy_9983: "It's about the remainder of a person on the bottom right of the image. I can't get rid of that."
With your attached .jpg, Remove immediately removed the remainder of the person from the bottom-right corner:
The image's metadata indicates that you cropped the image along all four sides. So when you applied Remove to the bottom-right corner, Remove was trying to match the unselected, cropped-out pixels. Adobe wants you to remove first, then crop (which doesn't match many people's natural workflow).
See this article for more details on how to remove objects more reliably:
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Bedankt voor je reactie, nu begrijp ik waarom het telkens niet lukte. Het is wat onhandig op deze manier want nu moet ik vooraf inschatten wat ik moet verwijderen. Ik ga het uitproberen. Nogmaals bedankt. Vriendelijke groet, Willy
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@lex_9408: "any removal with or without object removal selection replaces the subject (wife and dog) with a unwanted substitute (repetiveley)"
Be sure to select the shadow cast the by the woman and dog. If you don't select it, then Remove will try very hard to replace them with an object that also casts that shadow:
But when you add the shadow to the selection, it easily removes the woman and dog:
It's too bad that Detect Objects hasn't been trained to include shadows and reflections -- that would help users avoid this common problem.
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@johnrellis If the Ui had a small "help text" saying "Tip: include shadow and connected parts to Remove in the selection" soooo many users would not have problems
A small help text can surely be added to the Ui in little time by the team.
That small Ui change would help users tremendously with Gen Remove.
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Thanks, I should have known this
best regards
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Hello, i dont understand why when i use generative ai and i draw the area i want to fix, why it doesnt hold the area i draw but it draw new one and i have to fix it?
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@stanislavat34109225 From your description it looks like you are using Detect Objects that makes a new selection, based on the painted area.
Disable it and the paint using Generative Remove normal mode.
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Hello, how should i do it, please?
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Uncheck the Detect Objects option, i.e the second checkbox (see screenshot)
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thank you very much
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Glad to have helped.
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FWIW I myself am unable to remove a window despite painting a very large area.
I tried to refresh more times and never I was able to get a result
In Photoshop by instructing the Ai and typing "Wall empty" I got 2 usable results.
So IMO without instruction Generative Remove is failing too much in LrC.
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Interesting, that's the first example of several dozen posted here where the object didn't remove easily. After about 5 minutes of experimenting, I was able to remove the window by selecting the discoloration underneath it -- it looks like Remove is treating that discolored area like a shadow and trying to generate something to cast the shadow. I agree that allowing the user to provide prompts as in Photoshop would make this example easier.
Here's my result, along with the same selection with Opacity = 1 to show the original image:
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I think that if I try multiple times eventually I can get the window removed.
But it's a waste of time and credits IMO when in Phothsop is few seconds with instructions.
Now even when Remove succeeds in (LrC or PS) if I zoom I can see the removed area is sub-res/blurred AND the hard edges.
So all looks fine but if one looks carefully the Remove it's's worse when the area generated is big.
One needs to apply grain on all the image to kinda "hide" the sub res...or the pseudo high res in Phothsop.
.And if one doesn't want to aplly grain then simoly is better to use Clone or Heal that reuse the photo's pixels and have feather.
Reducing Opacity kinda helps with Gen Remove as well but in certain conditions only.
I have sice day one Generative Content in Camera Raw asked to have feathering to at least solve the problem of hard probably will nver be done.
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"it's worse when the area generated is big."
That's caused by the maximum size of a replacement patch returned by Firefly, 2048 x 2048 pixels. If the removed area is larger than that, it is upscaled, resulting in loss of detail.
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If one look carefully even very small "holes" have blur
Yes it is hard to spot but the blur is there so it's not only for upscaled patches.
It is sufficient to paint a stroke and the blur, the different color, the hard edges become very evident.
Grain helps to blend the patch and neutralise the blur (or add mroe if one does global Grain) BUT doens't solve the hard edge and the different colors.
I don't know which setting is responsible for the colors (pm_gamma_type or pm_black_level).
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Generative AI deleting should have it's own mode - 4th in the remove panel. Or at least, remove tool should reset to deafult after using, because now it saves feature tha was used before, which is often waste of time to change it manually by unchecking 'generative ai' or both 'detect object' and 'generative ai'.
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The current layout also causes confusion, because users don't know that the older Content-Aware remove is still available by unchecking Generative AI. Content-Aware is still quite useful for powerl ines and and when you have many smaller spots.
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My AI Remove slide is NOT working. It has stopped working since the newest version came in. What's going on? Does anyone else have the same issues?
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@NickiG: "It has stopped working since the newest version came in. "
If it's not generating any replacements at all, even bad ones, then check that the Opacity slider is set to 100.
After you click Remove, it will appear with the other controls that let you modify the removal:
If that doesn't help, then describe in more detail what you're seeing.