P: Generative Remove Feedback (Lr Classic & Lr Eco)
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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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I am sorry but the new Gen AI removal is pretty bad, I would rather go back to the old version while not perfect was 100 times better than what it is now.
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I really like this, except that if I make any other edits, I have to update the generative AI again!
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@ariel_faith_photography: "I really like this, except that if I make any other edits, I have to update the generative AI again!"
Adobe just released LR 14.0.1 to fix this bug, and after updating, you may have to re-upgrade your LR 13 catalog. See here for details:
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What about edits made since the catalog upgrade, that would be lost if user went back to the previous catalog?
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@sarkara1: "What about edits made since the catalog upgrade, that would be lost if user went back to the previous catalog?"
At the bottom of Adobe employee Rikk Flohr's second post in that thread, he says, "Note: If you did a lot of work in 14.0, it isn't recommended to restore from the 13.x backup." So that suggests that if you've done work in 14.0, then install 14.0.1 and see if the issue goes away. If it doesn't, only then redo the upgrade from LR 13 (losing work you've done in 14.0).
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I have been using the Beta Version of Generative Remove for a few months, editing my pictures from Italy and have had about 90% success with it. Now I have been using the upgrade version for a couple of days and have had about 99% success! It's probably one of the best enhancemants to Lightroom Classic in years. Looking forward to more AI tools.
BTW - I now shoot exclusively with Apple ProRAW on my iPhone 14 Pro Max. I leave my DSLR at home now when on vacation and I am totally happy with the results after I put them through Lightroom.
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Ne fonctionne plus, remplace la sélection par la même zone sélectionnée
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@pierre_cristina1476: "No longer works, replaces selection with the same selected area"
Make sure the Opacity slider is set to 100:
You'll have to make at least one brush stroke to see the slider.
If that doesn't help, please describe in detail the steps you're taking and what you observe.
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LR 14.0.1 Win
I need Remove someone but AI generate another people
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@aoshiken: "I need Remove someone but AI generate another people"
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo, so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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The remove function didn't come to an end. It's not possible, to remove anything without the KI - remove, KI is not marked. It's very unsatisfactory, can not work with this version.
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i have just updated to the latest LR and everytime i go back to a photo it asked me to update masks, and ai mask.
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the generative remove feels like it's slower after the update and it keeps having errors saying to check your internet connection but my internet connection is fine I've been in the same place. Also, my editor sends me edited photos and I have to go through and press update on all of them and some of them just don't update or it takes so long its shorter for me to go through and re edit them myself. Also none of the masks that she did are showing up.
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I just got update, v 14.0.1. Remove still does not work. Using Lr and Ps ( CameraRaw ) works fine.
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@Michael37030880xp0m: "I just got update, v 14.0.1. Remove still does not work. "
Please provide more details about "does not work" -- what steps are you taking, what do you observe. Full-resolution screenshots (not phone pics) often clarify. Most problems people are encountering are easily addressed, but there are still some bugs, so more details will help you and Adobe.
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before the update I used to be able to select a lot of spots and it would work perfectly now its saying generatvie remove failed when I try and select more than one spot to remove
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@Grace Thompson: "its saying generatvie remove failed when I try and select more than one spot to remove"
Please post a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic) of the full error message.
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Okay here is a picture of what it looks like on my screen I never used to have a problem with it before the update and nothing with my internet has changed but this comes up every 3 or 4th time I remove something now.
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Sometimes firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps:
- Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules.
- Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.
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I followed created a new catalog and that seems to fix the problem. Now need to figure out how to move files from old catalog to a new one, but that is something what I need to work on going forward.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! The AI Generative Remove feature in the recent update is a Godsend. The accuracy is significantly improved and, as expected, AI seems to be coming into it's own. So glad that you are continually working on improvements such as this. It really does improve our daily workflow. Thank you!!!!!
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You signed up to post a single message contrary to everyone else's experience reported on this thread? Paid bot much?
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The new remove has been working great, but as others have reported, when going into LRc the next day, the changes have gone back to the original. HOWEVER, if you look at the erase icon, it will have a red dot under it. Also a message "Some remove settings need to be upddated", with an "Update All" button. This will replace your changes. Not sure how long the changes will last.
This is a BUG that NEEDS TO BE FIXED!
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@Terry1066: "when going into LRc the next day, the changes have gone back to the original. "
Adobe just released LR 14.0.1 to fix this bug:
If updating to 14.0.1 doesn't fix the issue, you may have to re-upgrade your catalog from the LR 13 version (see second reply from Adobe employee Rikk Flohr at the top of that thread).
If you're still having problems, please add details of what you're observing and what you've tried (not just "same!") to that thread, including the full output from the menu command Help > System Info.
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Con la nueva versión Al abrir los catalogos anteriores, desaparece todas las partes generadas con la opcion de remover con AI
urge asistencia inmediata para ver qué tengo que hacer para evitar perder todo el trabajo que ya habÃa realizado en catalogos previos a la actualizacion