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I bought Lightroom 6 sometime in 2017. Now my previous computer broke and lightroom went with it. Well, no problem, I thought, I can download it back from the creative cloud to my new computer. But now it turned out that it can no longer be downloaded. What are my chances now? Can I get compensation or a refund for something for I can no longer use the product I bought and paid for? I didn't get any notice that the download file should be saved to yourself, because adobe no longer offers it for download. What now?
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Well, then, I guess you are out of luck.
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That's why I'm asking here to find someone who still has it saved. 🙂
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I recently had to purchase a new computer. I have been unable to find my Lightroom 6.0 CD to reinstall and the adobe site tells me I can no longer download. Can anybody advise how I can get a CD for Lightroom 6.0?
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Because you are asking for a CD, I think you mean Lightroom Classic and not Lightroom? I've moved your post from Photoshop to Lightroom Classic, but we can move it again if I'm wrong.
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Download from here:
Do yourself a favor and save this downloaded file somewhere that you can find it in the future in case you need it.
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I have a Lightroom 6.9 cd which installs to a point, then tries to access the internet to download essential updates, but never does!
So I don't think having the cd is going to help you.
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this is last day 12/31/2023 that light room 6.14 is available to down load (acording to the web)
I have un-installed LR 6.0 (which crashed and would not boot up)
now need to download a new version, installer appears to be not available. help please.
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I'm still able to download LR 6.14 from here:
You can also download it from here, a trusted site (it's called "Lightroom CC 2015 (w/LR6)"):
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I bought V6 in 2016 and have used it since with no issues. I have a HUGE database if pictures in the LR catalog. Now I have had to reinstall V6 becasue my old disk failed. But that's no problem because I kept the original installation file and the email providing me with the serial # and all my data is backed up - what more can a user do? But now after installing the app it wants me to login to the Adobe servers. That's fine too. I have an account and logged in but I'm stuck in a loop. It says I have logged in but then when I try to run the app it asks me again to login, which I do, and try again, and it asks again. Looping. How do I get past that?
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Have you updated Adobe Application Manager? I had to do that before I could activate after reinstalling ealier this year.
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OK! After MUCH messing about I located a download for AAM v10 here
and I have been able to login and run LR6 as I hoped.
Next step is to connect this new instance of the program to my old/large/existing database. The app wants, quite reasonably to create a new instance of its database. Can you guide me in the steps to connect them?
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Ooopppss, possibly spoke too soon. Now I get past the login and the LR6 userinterface appears. But as soon as I do anything , it disappears - looks like the app killed itself, no traces. So maybe not actually logged in at all. Or maybe it is because I have not (yet) created a catalog for it to use and it just goes away. Not sure, need to mess around some more. But assuming I get THAT sorted then I still need to know how to connect a new app instance to the old catalog.
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Ahhh, looks OK. Pointed it at the old catalog and it connected up nicely ... I think, so far. So big its's hard to tell if anything is out of whack. Time will tell.
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Glad to hear you were able to get LR reinstalled and working.
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@gcbodiegreat you were able to get this to work. It would be helpful for the group if you could write down the method, step-by-step, so others can make it work as well (assuming you can remember the exact steps). Thanks!
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To get Light Room Classic V6.0 running on a new system:
Requirements - You need a backup of your LR catalog and all of your pictures if you're going to reconnect to your old data. You need the installation EXE and your serial number license key. If you don't have those saved then I don't know how you can get them. But if you have them then ...
1. Get the most recent Adobe Application Manager. All I could find (in July 2024) was V10 and I don't know if it is the most recent. I found it here:
2. Install this AAM v10. There is no user interfaace for it, just stays as a background job.
3. Restore your data from backups and make sure you know where the Lightroom.lrcat file is located. I restored to EXACTLY the same drive letter and folder names as before. Not certain that matters but it would if the catalog contaisn full file specs for the pictures (I don't know for sure, but it sure seems likely).
4. Install LRC V6.0 and the installation will ask for your serial number.
5. Run LRC. It will want you to login to Adobe with your account and password. AAM facilitates that. If you don't have an account then I don't know if creating a new one will work, but give it a try.
6. Let LRC create the default new catalog if it wants to, you won't be needing it and can delete it later. Go to File > Open Catalog and point it to the Lightroom.lrcat restored from your backup. Give it some time to reconnect to all the pictures and get itself sorted out, but I think you're good to go after that.
7. You'll need to create again any presets or configurations inside LR.
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I subscribe to tteh Cloud Photo Plan. I have a MacBook Air running OS 12.7.6 and that is all fine. But I also have a latge 2014 iMac which cannot run later than 11.7.1. On that Machine I am able to run Photoshop 2024 albeit with performace compatabiulity warnings, which I can live with. On thbis machine I also hvae Lightroom $ which is rteh last version I bought outright.I tried installiong Lighgtroom Classic not rralliusoing it was noit compatible and although it did install it. FViiddling arounI found that I coule (in theory) go back from Classic to Lightroom 6.1 and I clicked on teh option whioch tghen asked me to unistall Classic whioch I did. But now when I click the the Classic installer it no longer gives me that option.
Is there any solution or am I stuffed and stuck with Lightroom 4 on this machine?
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I also stumbled upon this issue, I wanted to sign-out from my running copy on an old computer to install it on a new one (still have the installer), but I can't. And maybe the activation on the new one wouldn't work either. But it is still running fine on my second computer. So this forces me to buy one of the monthly subscriptions, although I have bought a piece of software that is still fitting my needs. I will not do that and look somewhere els. Goodbye Adobe!
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I also stumbled upon this issue, I wanted to sign-out from my running copy on an old computer to install it on a new one (still have the installer), but I can't. And maybe the activation on the new one wouldn't work either. But it is still running fine on my second computer. So this forces me to buy one of the monthly subscriptions, although I have bought a piece of software that is still fitting my needs. I will not do that and look somewhere els. Goodbye Adobe!
By @hagenw63263778
The activation issues you seem to be referring to are no longer relevant. The "offline activation methoed" means that there are no activation issues any more, and no need to de-activate previous Lr 6 installations.
Lr 6.14 can be downloaded, see this link:
Off line activation method instructions:
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I found this only after I posted here. You are correct, offline activation works. Still I don't see why online activation does not work, if offline activation works. It gives you the impression that you have to buy one of the cloud solutions to continue using Lightroom ...
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Why? Because that's what Adobe did ... as I don't work for Adobe, I cannot speak for them.