P: New AI-powered Lens Blur (Early Access) available across all surfaces.
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This post applies to Camera Raw, Lightroom Classic & the Lightroom Ecosystem products.
- Lens blur applies a depth-based blur effect, similar to what can be achieved with real-world optical lenses, by using AI-generated or device-captured depth data (when available).
- Lens blur will automatically prioritize focus for the detected subject, but you can also interactively adjust the focus distance. Precise focus range tuning is also available (currently desktop only: Lightroom Desktop, Lightroom Classic, and Camera Raw).
- You can also further customize the Bokeh shapes, highlight Boost (desktop only), and make depth map refinements (desktop only).
- Yes, all edits will sync. To revert settings, you can go back to previous versions or history steps, or un-apply Lens Blur settings.
- No, presets and copy + paste workflows are not currently enabled for Lens Blur during Early Access.
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Please report your system info via Lightroom>Help>System Info...
If you encounter GPU driver issues while using ML features in LrClassic/LrD/ACR, please try to update to the latest macOS version or if you are on a Windows machine, follow https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/troubleshoot-gpu.html to update your machine to the latest GPU driver and see if the problem resolves itself.
If the OS or the driver is not available or possible and the problem persists, then try the following
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Sorry, didn't mean to post as a reply to the previous post, just meant as a reply to the discussion.
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On reflection: we can duplicate a layer, apply the blur to the new layer, and proceed from there.
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Buonasera a tutti, ho avuto modo di provare la nuova funzione di lightroom classic sfocatura con lente, la trovo un ottima funziona, mi evita un passaggio in meno con photoshop, sicuramente è da migliorare ma come base di partenza non è male, e trovo anche vantaggioso colore a punto, da fare con la maschera in modo da poter escludere parti che non desideri che vengano toccate, ottimo spero che lo perfezionate.
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Yesterday I updated my Lightroom Classic to version 13.0.1 All went well with the update, but I didn't have time to try out the new features included with this update- until tonight.
I was really looking forward to trying out the new Lens Blur (Early Access) feature, so I decided to apply it to one of my images. It was in the process of 'Analyzing' when it caused my Windows 10 computer to restart. I thought maybe this was some sort of electrical glitch, so I didn't think much of that. Windows booted up fine and I reopened Lightroom Classic. Then I opened another image and thought about giving the Lens Blur another try. And the whole issue happened again- it was during the 'Analyzing' process - but, this time my computer didn't restart. It shut down and when I tried to turn it back on with the power button, it appeared to be dead. Power button wasn't responding. So I unplugged my computer and plugged it back on and the power button was functional again. But this time Windows 10 couldn't boot up. Upon entering the BIOS, the order of the drives had been switched around and once that was corrected, Windows 10 booted up again without issues. Opened Lightroom again and all was OK.
Needless to say, I am not planning to use the Lens Blur feature again till all bugs have been worked out.
Just thought I would share my experience.
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I would also like to add that I have never encountered any issues with the other AI features in Lightroom. Everything else works as expected.
Thanks again.
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Hi, It most likely sort of GPU driver issue. The lens blur has some new AI models and it could be that the older GPU driver could not handle it correctly. Please share your system info. Lightroom>Help>System Info...
Please follow https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/troubleshoot-gpu.html to update your Windows machine to the latest GPU driver and see if the problem resolves itself.
If the OS or the driver is not available or possible and the problem persists, then try the following workaround method as a last resort. The method provides a mechanism to allow LrDesktop/LrClassic/ACR customers to force the ML inference to always run on CPU instead of default. See details here https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/acr-gpu-faq.html#lens-blur
Hope this helps,
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Lors de l'activation de j'ai un message d'erreur.
Windows 11
Version LRC 13.0.1
J'ai désintallé/réinstallé LRC, revenu à l'ancienne version puis réinstallé la version 13.0.1 mais rien n'y fait.
Activé/désactivé le GPU
Avez-vous une idée svp ?
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bonjour j'ai exactement le meme probleme
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Seriously? Are we supposed to guess the error and the circumstances that trigger it?
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When I'm using the new feature Lens Blur in LRC I get the following message:
Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Your request could not be completed.
this also happens in Photoshop using Generated Fill
the is what I'm working on:
Lightroom Classic-versie: 13.0.1 [ 202310121438-d2af310c ]
Licentie: Creative Cloud
Taalinstelling: nl
Besturingssysteem: Windows 11 - Home Premium Edition
Versie: 11.0.22621
Toepassingsarchitectuur: x64
Systeemarchitectuur: x64
Aantal logische processors: 8
Processorsnelheid: 1,8GHz
SQLite-versie: 3.36.0
CPU-gebruik: 1,0%
Ingebouwd geheugen: 12197,2 MB
Het toegewezen GPU-geheugen dat door Lightroom wordt gebruikt: 3659,4MB /
1983,7MB (184%)
Beschikbaar fysiek geheugen voor Lightroom: 12197,2 MB
Fysiek geheugen gebruikt door Lightroom: 4384,9 MB (35,9%)
Virtueel geheugen gebruikt door Lightroom: 6545,2 MB
Aantal GDI-objecten: 676
Aantal gebruikersobjecten: 2072
Aantal proceshandelingen: 2067
Cachegeheugengrootte: 3,7MB
Interne Camera Raw-versie: 16.0 [ 1677 ]
Maximumaantal door Camera Raw gebruikte threads: 5
Camera Raw SIMD-optimalisatie: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueel geheugen Camera Raw: 541MB / 6098MB (8%)
Fysiek geheugen Camera Raw: 710MB / 12197MB (5%)
Dpi-instelling systeem: 120 dpi
Bureaubladcompositie ingeschakeld: Ja
Standaardgrootte voorvertoning: 1920 pixels
Schermen: 1) 1920x1080
Invoertypen: Multi-aanraking: Nee, Geïntegreerde aanraking: Nee,
Geïntegreerde pen: Nee, Externe aanraking: Nee, Externe pen: Nee,
Toetsenbord: Nee
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce MX150 (
Beginstatus: GPU voor beeldverwerking wordt standaard ondersteund, met
ondersteuning voor aangepast exporteren
Gebruikersvoorkeur: Automatisch
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Bonjour aussi,
Effectivement cela n'est pas suffisant pour solutionner le problème. Ne sachant pas s'il existe des fichiers log ou autres à transmettre j'ai écrit pour un premier contact.
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J'ai suivi les recommandations trouvé ici :
Relancer LRC et cela fonctionne. Plus de message d'erreur. Suite à ça j'ai réactivé le GPU dans les préférences de LRC, quitter et relancer et cela fonctionne toujours. Si cela peut aider
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le nouveau "flou de l'objectif" est superbe, mais un peu insuffisant. Je n'ai pas pu recréer le flou de mon objectif (OM system 90mm macro) sur une photo prise à f/11 pour recréer la photo prise à f/3,5.
Alain Jouffray
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It seems a little gimmicky right now. I see the potential for sure, but it looked cut out on the images I tried. It also scares me to an extent. I said 10 years ago we're approaching the point where you'll point and shoot a camera, it'll take a bunch of pics in a flash, then you'll go home and choose the aperture and shutter speed. It's probably around the corner. I believe it's taking some of the field art out of the craft.
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Very nice function, i am impressed, esay using
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Trees in background take on very unnatural appearance above blur level of 15 or so
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same experience on trees here
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As others have said, subject detection sometimes misses part of subject (ear on left) or includes part of background with subject (on right). Note: this is an imported iPhone photo from Lr Mobile but Portrait Mode was not used in the original.
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Ik gebruik hem vandaag voor het eerst maar ziet er goed uit ben benieuwd naar verdere resultaten
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Should be able to selectively apply Lens Blur using selection tools
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Works good. Maybe an edge refine to soften the subject/background. And an "add to" "subtract from" for the mask.
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Worked very well with little or no hair issues BUT had couple in a pickup truck and the selection was excellent except for where the back of the bed intersected with her shirt.. bed was fuzzed out in an arc along her shirt and unsalvageable.. so far so good but be careful