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Buenos dias,
A continuacion me dispongo a preguntar una duda.
Al exportar el fotolibro a pdf, las paginas dobles me las separa en dos, por ejemplo, si dispongo de una foto paronamica en una pagina doble, al exportar a Pdf me lo parte en dos paginas sueltas.
¿Que tengo tengo que hacer para solucionar esto?. El sistema operativo que uso Mac
Saludos y gracias
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Unfortunately that is how a PDF is written as each separate page (splitting a 'two-page-spread' onto separate 'pages.). If you think about this- How would a commercial printer know that one page in a PDF was to be split into two? I do not know if Adobe Acrobat can save the spread in a PDF.
For your purposes try this-
1) Duplicate your Saved Book Collection (as a Copy) in the Collection panel
2) Edit this Copy of the book by placing your panorama image on one page only. Delete any empty page.
3) Print this Book Copy to your PDF.
Convert to-
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Buenos dias, gracias por contestar.
La cuestion es que es un fastidio, ya que, yo utilizo Saal Digital y me gustaria que mi album estubiera terminado ya en lightroom y no tener que usar su software para la maquetacion del mismo, con el trabajo que conlleva exportar las fotografias etc...
Al pasar el pdf a Saal Digital es donde todo se distorsiona.
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I notice that Saal Digital will accept JPG images. Set the book to JPEG format. (I suggest try with a Duplicate Copy of the book Collection)
Make enquiries from Saal Digital on this process to see if possible for you.
LrC can export JPGs from the Book Module and double-page spreads export as double-width JPG images.
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Good evening Rob.
You are right, but we would need that all phothos were exported in a double page. Not only paronamic ones.
The book module lightroom is very interesed and easy to use, but, this big issue prevents me to use it.
If you find any solution please, don´t dude to comunicated me.
Thanks a lot.
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There is a solution as a work-around (but needs some manual work)-
Described simply- Create a two-page spread custom template with only two cells on the 'spread'.
1) Add a new page that is a two-page Spread. (no images)
2) Resize the panorama cell to only one page (Left) See the attached video "Photo Spread.mp4"-
3) Add a new Photo Cell and resize it to the (Right) page.
4) Save the page as a Custom Template.
5) Use this Custom template on all pages.
6) Export to JPEGS. (Discard any single pages)