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Problems with Lightroom and Nikon D780 NEF files

Explorer ,
May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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Hi, I am facing problems from time to time with the NEF files from my new Nikon. This is not constant the problem, but changes (... without reason). Yestday I did edit some pictures and today wanted to continue. Alas I get the messag that LR can't open the files. But I did edit them before...?!?
I have the latest camera raw installed, if I look at updates all the programs are up-to-date. Anyone else facing the same problem? What is the solution?








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Explorer ,
May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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Btw: I use Lightroom Classic 9.2 and Camera Raw 12.2.1 on a W10 platform with lots of memory. Other files no problem, so must be NEF related I think.

Btw2: My name is Dick, but Adobe refuses me to use that. I know that it's an English issue, but I'm Dutch! That name is very common in the Netherlands....!





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May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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The files are supported in LR Classic 9.2 & the latest version 9.2.1

Have the NEFs ever been edited in Nikon software ?

Try launching Creative Cloud and update LR from the apps tab. Does that make a difference.





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Explorer ,
May 07, 2020 May 07, 2020

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Hi, thanx for your reply!
I am using Lightroom Classic 9.2.1 and Camera Raw 12.2.1, so do not have anything else than you mention. I did not use any Nikon software for these files. The strangest thing is that I could open and edit files yesterday, but this morning I could not?!?

After working on other things for some time I did download the LR program just in case, but the Creative Cloud tool says all my apps are up to date. Just before re-installing (and insecurity of all presets being at the same places, etc) I tried LR again and... I could edit the files without problems. Very strange....





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Explorer ,
May 08, 2020 May 08, 2020

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Yesterday I was able to work on the NEF files from my D780 again, so everything looked fine. But...
Now I just started LR again and the same problem. Irritating, not able to work on my files, search the Internet for solutions...
Is there someone from ADOBE reading these posts?
If so, please let me know how to continu without problems again and again!!!





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May 08, 2020 May 08, 2020

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If the problem is intermittent it could be a hardware problem. Are the NEFs in the main Pictures folder? Or a connected external drive/card reader. If the latter, try copying the files to a folder or sub-folder on the main partition or try different card readers to eliminate possibilities.





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May 08, 2020 May 08, 2020

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What is the actual (i.e. verbatim) message you are receiving from Lightroom when you Cannot open the images? A screenshot of that message would be ideal. FWIW, I just downloaded a sample raw NEF file from that camera model and imported it and was able to do what ever I wanted with it. Using Lightroom Classic 9.2.1 on Windows 10 Home Premium. Need to know what that message is that you are getting.





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Explorer ,
May 10, 2020 May 10, 2020

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Hi, I captured two error messages. The first from the library screen. English must be something like "An error has occured with editing the picture".

The second error message is from the develop screen. English must be "Can't find the picture in Lightroom".ado-develop.jpg


Note that the files were imported before. Also I did not change their location. A day earlier these files were (partly) edited, now I wanted to continue. Today I tried again, but although I can see them in the overview I get the same error messages.

Meanwhile I found a workaround. Just to re-install LR CC I downloaded the installation file. If I run that and LR starts I can work on my photo's. But now I do not want to spend much time on it, because I'm not sure if I can work on these later... If after closing the program I start this again by using the icon-link, the files are again giving problems...


Hope this helps you to understand the problem and even better: give a solution.






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May 10, 2020 May 10, 2020

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That message would indicate that, although you still have the preview file that Lightroom generated, the actual image file is missing. Are you using Lightroom Classic or are you using Lightroom (for the cloud)? If using Lightroom Classic, did you import the image to an external hard drive that might be disconnected or is asleep?





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Explorer ,
May 10, 2020 May 10, 2020

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Hi Jim,

thanx for thinking along, but I could import and edit files at first. But when I wanted to continue the next day the problem showed up.

I am using LR Classic and am using the latste version (incl latest Camera Raw). The files are stored on the internal harddisk, next to my other pictures. These I can edit without problems. For me it starts to look like an LR setings issue: if I start LR via the button on my desktop I can't edit the files. But if I start with running the LR setup program I can edit my work. But next to this probably settings issue, this described problem only occurs with the Nikon D780 NEF files. Not with other pictures, not with other NEF files....

I also tried to re-import the files, but than LR says it already has imported these... ?!?





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May 10, 2020 May 10, 2020

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What is this setup program that you refer to? Do you mean that you have to run this setup every time before you can work on these D780 images? What settings are you having to adjust in the setup program in order to make the editing possible? I have two sample NEF files from the D780 that I downloaded from the Internet. I'm using Lightroom Classic 9.2.1 on Windows 10 Home Premium. They load and edit without any issue. I can quit the program, return to the program without a problem. I will report tomorrow, but I don't expect any issue getting back to the images again.





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Explorer ,
May 10, 2020 May 10, 2020

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I mean the setting within LR: location of filter files, etc. But also the file location where all edit info is stored, the catalog file (corrupt...?). But the strange thing remains that after running "Lightroom_Classic_Set-Up.exe" all seems well and I was able to edit my work on D780 NEF files.
[The catalog file is growing fast (~1 MB now). Perhaps there is a tool to verify the catalog?]





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May 10, 2020 May 10, 2020

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I'm not sure what you are referring to when you mention filter files and their location. Maybe I'm not up on filters. But you really shouldn't have to be messing around with the location of the catalog. That should remain constant. Unless you have done something different it should be in a Lightroom folder within the Pictures folder. That is the default location. Of course, the catalog can be in any folder of your choosing IF you have moved it. You say your catalog is growing fast (around 1 MB)? That's not very big at all. That seems a catalog with nothing in it. There is a tool to optimize the catalog. On a Mac it's under the Lightroom menu, on a Windows computer it's under the File menu. And if you're backing up your catalog on a regular basis there is an option on the back Dialogue to test the integrity of the catalog during the backup process. Are you doing that?

I never had to reset the location of my catalog. That information seems to be a constant. I have never had to run any kind of a setup.exe other than to install an update to Lightroom Classic. I haven't even seen the name of that file for quite some time now as those updates seem to be handled from the creative cloud manager. It notifies me when there's an update, does the updates, and I move on. Something just seems to be out of whack with what you are doing, it seems.





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Explorer ,
May 11, 2020 May 11, 2020

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Hi, I meant the presets, etc. The catalog file is moved (more than a year ago) to another location. I wrote the size was 1 MB, but this should be 1 GB.

I never had any problem like the one I am facing now, but the camera I use is very New. Adobe has updated CameraRaw, including the D780 NEF.

The thing is that I was able to import at first. But I will take some other pictures to see if these NEF files give similar problems. If these are ok, I will delete previous series from LR and re-import them... I have to go on... 😉






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May 11, 2020 May 11, 2020

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So where is the catalog located? Do you have more than one hard drive? Are you using external hard drives in addition to your computer hard drive? Are you using smart previews?


For your information I'm using Lightroom Classic 9.2.1, Windows 10 Home Premium. I have Lightroom Classic installed on my main (C) hard drive, which is a SSD hard drive. The catalog is installed in the default location Pictures\Lightroom folder. My pictures are distributed across two other internal hard drives. I have a few images on the SSD, but at the present time very few of them are linked to Lightroom.


This morning I opened Lightroom, which I closed on the two NEF files from the D780 that I downloaded from the Internet. I stored those in a folder in my Pictures folder on the SSD. As I expected, Lightroom opened and found the images without a problem. I was able to use all of the tools in the Develop module. So I really don't understand what is happening on your computer. There is no logical reason that I can see that you should have to go through a setup.exe every time you want to work on NEF files from the D780.





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May 12, 2020 May 12, 2020

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This thread has gone inactive. I'm going to make one more comment and then I'm going to completely ignore it. I have been trying to provide assistance. I don't have the Nikon D780. However, I downloaded a series of sample images from a website (all NEF files). I have edited them, closed Lightroom, revisited them the next day and the next day, moved the images from an internal hard drive to an external hard drive, and have always been able to have access to the images to do whatever I wanted to do with them. 


I have been watching to see if you have been able to resolve your issue or have identified where the problem is. Just curious, but not trying to be obnoxious or anything like that. Just wondering what has happened. Your problem has had me puzzled.





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Explorer ,
May 12, 2020 May 12, 2020

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Hi Jim, thanks for your advice sofar. Appreciated it!
The problem in not solved yet, but I have to continue with the project. After that I will do a complete removal / re-install of LR. Also with pictures shot on Monday I was only able to edit them via named EXE file. In fact what it does is open the Creative Cloud Desktop tool. If I start from there nothing is wrong. It is only the case with the D780 NEF files, so I still suspect that the latest Camera Raw update is not placed on the same location as the original location. So if I start with the Desktop icon I get the old version. But I have a saying (Dutch), which is something like: if things can be dona as it should, it should be done as it can.
Best regards, Dick





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May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020

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A new piece of information, at least new to me. It appears that you have got two different versions of Lightroom installed on your computer. I don't know how that has happened. Apparently the desktop icon is pointing to the wrong version. I would go to the folder in the Programs folder and find the executable file for Lightroom Classic and create a shortcut and copy that shortcut to the desktop. When you start Lightroom using the icon (The one that won't show your D780 files), when you check the "About" information in the Help menu, what version does it indicate you are using?





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Explorer ,
May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020

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Hi Jim, thank you very much! That is (was) the problem....

Found that the not-working version uses LR 9.0 and the old Camera Raw. See snapshot. 


If I start with the link via Creative Cloud I get the latest versions of LR and Camera Raw.
How both can exist on my desktop I do not know, but I have to make a repair. But that must be no problem. This solves my problem!!! 
Best regards, Dick





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May 13, 2020 May 13, 2020

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Not that this really matters, but just as a point of interest. When working with Lightroom Classic or even Lightroom (for the cloud), you aren't working with Camera Raw (the plug-in). When it identifies Camera Raw like it does in the "about" screen, it is identifying  which version of Camera Raw for Photoshop your particular version of Lightroom is compatible with. But Lightroom itself has that technology integrated in the program. The only time Camera Raw is updated is when the plug-in itself gets updated. A Lightroom update doesn't necessarily update Camera Raw. Like I said, nothing critical here, it's more of a for your information thing.


In my opinion, you would do well to uninstall that older version of Lightroom. It's confusing you and isn't doing you any good. But that is up to you.





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Explorer ,
May 14, 2020 May 14, 2020

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Hi Jim,

I was unaware that the latest camera information is always inside LR. On the website I only saw the list of supported camera's in Camera Raw. Perhaps I needed to search better or read the text more carefully, but I did not see that.


Meanwhile: the second version of LR was installed on another disk (so not only another location on my C-drive). I was able to correct that, so now can work without problems on my D780 NEF files.

One point remains: I did try to see what 'update' from Creative Cloud does, but it looks like this is installing LR and/or Photoshop again on my F-drive. Where can I set the installation location?

Best regards, Dick





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May 14, 2020 May 14, 2020

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I believe, at least I understand, that you are using Windows 10. Unless you intentionally changed the installation path, this is where Lightroom Classic is installed by default:

Annotation 2020-05-14 083714.jpg

If you changed that for some reason, and it is being installed on drive F then I wouldn't worry about it. What makes you believe the installation process is doing that?


The reason you want to compare the list of supported cameras is because Lightroom supports the same cameras as the Camera Raw that it states in the "About" screen. And since you probably have Photoshop installed, you want to ensure that you have the two programs coordinated.





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Explorer ,
May 15, 2020 May 15, 2020

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Hi Jim,

yes, I am using W10. The location on my F-drive was an experiment from long ago. Now I removed the directory, but the Creative Cloud still wants to re-install at that location each time. Is there a setting in the tool that I can change to install in the wanted location? (The default path?)

Best regards, Dick





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Community Expert ,
May 15, 2020 May 15, 2020

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Wow "Now I removed the directory,"

Is this a clue to the issues in the entire thread, I need to recuse myself.

Highly recommended reading for the weekend.





Regards, Denis: iMac 27” mid-2015, macOS 11.7.10 Big Sur; 2TB SSD, 24 GB Ram, GPU 2 GB; LrC 12.5,; Lr 6.5, PS 24.7,; ACR 15.5,; (also Laptop Win 11, ver 23H2, LrC 14.0.1, ; ) Camera Oly OM-D E-M1.





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May 15, 2020 May 15, 2020

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I'm beginning to think that I do too. I'm not enough of a computer expert to fully understand what has happened here. I don't understand how he ended up with two versions of the program on  a Windows 10 computer anyway. I would like to help, but I'm afraid I have run out of ideas. That's why I offered him the link to the chat line. Hopefully he will get someone who will help him.





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