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Hi there,
I've been having this problem for about half a year now. I thought it would get fixed in the recent 13.2 LRC update, but that wasn't the case.
So what happens is that my RAM fills up when LRC is idling for some time. I work on LRC then move to another task, put the iMac in sleep mode, wake it up again the next day and at some point memory usage goes from around 7 GB to 150 GB (!).
Looks like a memory leak to me. Pls Adobe, fix this.
Running Mac OS 14.3.1.
Contacted Adobe Support. They identified two issues:
1. The performance settings were not set to provide maxium performance. They have been updated. See image below.
2. LrC continuiously syncing in the background due to a new sync version released by Adobe. After pausing the sync, the memory usage that was rapdily being clocked up in the background stopped.
3. Several of my photos' originals were lost in the past and were previously synced to the Cloud. LrC sync was cont
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There also seems to be a correlation between how much RAM you have installed and RAM used by LRC. In above mentioned case RAM usage went up to 150GB with 64GB installed.
I'm on 32GB total RAM now and LRC would only use around 70GB now. Obviously still a memory leak, but I thought it might be helpful to mention this.
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I have the same problem. I'm running LRC 13.2 on an Intel Imac Pro with Sonoma 14.2.1. I started LRC about 40 minutes ago, then ran an errand. When I got back the memory usage was 33 GB (on a 32-GB machine). Now, five minutes later, after having done nothing in LRC, the memory usage is up to 37.5 GB. The only workaround I'm aware of is to process a few images, then quit and restart LRC.
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It would be helpful if you all posted a copy of the LrC 'System Info'. This can be obtained from the Help > System Info menu item. Use the built-in 'Copy' button. I've attached screenshot of the dialog for info.
Note that the 'System Info' is most useful if captured when your memory useage reaches a high level rather then directly after relaunching LrC.
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With Activity Monitor showing 45 GB used, here's my system info:
Lightroom Classic version: 13.2 [ 202402141005-bf1aeb84 ]
License: Creative Cloud
Language setting: en-US
Operating system: Mac OS 14
Version: 14.2.1 [23C71]
Application architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 16
Processor speed: 3.2GHz
SqLite Version: 3.36.0
Built-in memory: 32,768.0 MB
Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 1,722.0MB / 8,176.0MB (21%)
Real memory available to Lightroom: 32,768.0 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 3,856.2 MB (11.7%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 134,377.7 MB
Memory cache size: 35.6MB
Internal Camera Raw version: 16.2 [ 1763 ]
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5
Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Camera Raw virtual memory: 236MB / 16383MB (1%)
Camera Raw real memory: 243MB / 32768MB (0%)
Preview1- RAM:22.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Roll_042_11.tif
NT- RAM:22.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Combined:22.0MB
final1- RAM:64.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Roll_042_11.tif
final2- RAM:64.0MB, VRAM:185.0MB, Roll_042_10.tif
final3- RAM:64.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Roll_042_09.tif
T- RAM:192.0MB, VRAM:185.0MB, Combined:377.0MB
m:35.6MB, n:37.8MB
U-main: 67.0MB
Standard Preview Size: 5120 pixels
Displays: 1) 5120x2880, 2) 2560x1440
Graphics Processor Info:
Metal: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 56
Init State: GPU for Export supported by default
User Preference: Auto
Application folder: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Library Path: /Users/kjthompson/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalog-2-v13.lrcat
Settings Folder: /Users/kjthompson/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Installed Plugins:
1) AdobeStock
2) Aperture/iPhoto Importer Plug-in
3) Flickr
4) Nikon Tether Plugin
5) Topaz Photo AI
Config.lua flags: None
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'System Info' is indicating that the application and GPU are using less than 6GB of memory. Try temporarily disabling the Topaz plug-in to see whether it helps the amount of memory being consumed when computer is idle.
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Disabling Topaz made no difference. I'll try disabling all the other plug-ins and report back.
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Disabling all plug-ins made no difference.
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I think I've found a clue about the memory leak. If I leave LRC in Develop mode when I exit, it starts up in Develop mode and leaks memory. But if I exit in Library mode, it starts up in Library mode and doesn't leak memory, even if I leave it sitting in Develop mode while I run an errand or something. So, to reiterate, putting it in Library mode before quitting is my workaround.
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Good catch. I'll report to QE.
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Using both Intel and Apple silicon based Macs, I've tried to reproduce the memory leak using the steps you've provided. Unfortunately, none of the four Macs I've tested behave as you describe.
A couple of things that you should try.
1. Reset LrC preference files using Method 1 in this linked Adobe Help document
2. Upgrade macOS Sonoma to version 14.4.1
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I followed your suggestions and I can no longer replicate the problem (hooray!). However, I did both at the same time so I can't tell which made the difference.
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If you're up and running without the unwanted memory increase, then be happy.
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I reinstalled macOS. Does this automatically reset the preferences files? If so it didn't do much. How much RAM does your LrC during "normal" tasks use? By normal, I mean editing a photo with basic edits, no masks. In my case it after a little while it climbs up to 19GB. I no longer have the iMac with 64GB RAM but a MacBook Air M2 with 24GB RAM.
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> I reinstalled macOS. Does this automatically reset the preferences files?
Only if you wiped your computer clean of all apps and the original OS before reinstalling. If the reinstall didn't require the the reinstalation of LrC, then no your preferences weren't reset.
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I did just that. It's a new computer so completey reinstalled all my apps. Didn't restore from a time machine either. All I did was move my LrC libray to the new computer.
Take a look at this screenshot. While exporting 120 images (Canon EOS R7 files) to jpg LrC RAM usage climbs to a staggering 42GB. This can't be normal, right?
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I regularly export 200 plus files in various formats and don't see the sort of memory use you're screenshot is indicating. There are also tens of thousands of LrC users doing likewise and they're not reporting memory issues. That's not to say that I've not seen it happening on rare but repeatable occassions (since fixed). As such, it raises the question as to what you installed on both computers that may be triggering the excess memory use. This is why a more comprehensive list of running applications would be more useful than what you've provided. That is, your Activity Monitor screenshot would be much more useful to us if it was indicating the list of other applications running and their memory use, even if it's minimal. The top 5-6 applications should be sufficient.
It would also be helpful if you could post a copy of the LrC 'System Info' for the new computer.
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There is lots of people reporting this issue or similar issues. Look around the form (memory, hight RAM usage...). There's a thread in the Windows section, too.
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I'm looking at your issue not the others, and Windows has different memory use profile from Mac.
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I did a preferences reset according to Method 1. WIll report in a few weeks again.
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In the meantime, it would be helpful if you provided a copy of your 'System Info'.
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Thanks for your help. Here's the System Info:
Lightroom Classic version: 13.2 [ 202402141005-bf1aeb84 ]
License: Creative Cloud
Language setting: en-DE
Operating system: Mac OS 14
Version: 14.4.1 [23E224]
Application architecture: arm64
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: NA
SqLite Version: 3.36.0
Built-in memory: 24.576,0 MB
Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 235,2MB / 16.384,0MB (1%)
Real memory available to Lightroom: 24.576,0 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 4.152,8 MB (16,8%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 412.855,6 MB
Memory cache size: 90,4MB
Internal Camera Raw version: 16.2 [ 1763 ]
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5
Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2
Camera Raw virtual memory: 382MB / 12287MB (3%)
Camera Raw real memory: 383MB / 24576MB (1%)
Preview1- RAM:68,0MB, VRAM:11,0MB, R71C0086.CR3
NT- RAM:68,0MB, VRAM:11,0MB, Combined:79,0MB
final1- RAM:254,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, R71C0086.CR3
T- RAM:254,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, Combined:254,0MB
m:90,4MB, n:99,4MB
U-main: 101,0MB
Standard Preview Size: 3420 pixels
Displays: 1) 3420x2224
Graphics Processor Info:
Metal: Apple M2
Init State: GPU for Export supported by default
User Preference: Auto
Application folder: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Library Path: /Users/david/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalog-v13.lrcat
Settings Folder: /Users/david/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Installed Plugins:
1) AdobeStock
2) Aperture/iPhoto Importer Plug-in
3) Flickr
4) Helicon Focus Export
5) Nikon Tether Plugin
Config.lua flags: None
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You posted to another thread earlier that you're using a MacBook Air. Above indicates that it's an M2 model with 24GB of memory. I also note from System Info that you've set the screen resolution for the maximum allowed in the macOS 'Displays' setting panel. I have an M3 version of the MacBook Air here, albeit with 16GB of memory. Therore, I ran a series of 3 export tests for each screen resolution. My export set consisted of 300 Canon EOS R5 images with edits that included the Basic panel along with multiple AI masks, etc. I ran my tests at the 13 inch MacBook Air default screen resolution and the same resolution as your setup uses and all JPEGs were at full-size. A pair of Activity Monitor screenshots is attached below. The top screenshot in each was captured just after swap was triggerd and the lower screenshots a few seconds before each export completed.
As you should be able to see from the screesnhots, my test did not cause the memory to exceed the installed amount. Therefore, with 6 tests exporting 300 images in each, I did not manage to trigger the excess memory issue you're experiencing.
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Been trying to find a solution on forums but couldn't so opted to post it here:
- LrC is memory usage ~74gb (has exceeded 80gb at times as well)
- LrC still working but quite slow (basic edits are even taking time)
- Completely erased MacOS and installed a fresh copy of Sonoma 14.6.1 (current version), and only softwares I have installed are LrC and Outlook at present besides the default apps and software
- Have also tried to upgrade MacOS to Sequoia Beta 15.1, but even that did not make any difference, hence decided to erase MacOS and installed the fresh Sonoma as noted above
See attached screenshot from Activity Monitor.
LrC system information:
Lightroom Classic version: 13.5.1 [ 202408271704-d15d09cd ]
License: Creative Cloud
Language setting: en-US
Operating system: Mac OS 14
Version: 14.6.1 [23G93]
Application architecture: arm64
Logical processor count: 12
Processor speed: NA
SqLite Version: 3.36.0
Power Source: Battery, 48%
Built-in memory: 16,384.0 MB
Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 1,493.0MB / 10,922.6MB (13%)
Real memory available to Lightroom: 16,384.0 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 2,960.3 MB (18.0%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 770,354.4 MB
Memory cache size: 325.5MB
Internal Camera Raw version: 16.5 [ 1954 ]
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5
Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2
Camera Raw virtual memory: 2198MB / 8191MB (26%)
Camera Raw real memory: 3348MB / 16384MB (20%)
Final1- RAM:35.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, 9AC4EAA4-95DE-41C0-BB2E-E0795DF653C1.dng
Final2- RAM:262.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, A7405654.dng
Final3- RAM:254.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, A7405655.dng
Final4- RAM:35.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, A01558D5-0DB9-4426-A425-E4B23BFF6DCB.dng
Final5- RAM:35.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, 27E33840-AE11-4A23-80D8-835782CA0B09.dng
Final6- RAM:254.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, A7405653.dng
Final7- RAM:35.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, EE21E084-B50F-4917-8EFD-DEB6EEB8D930.dng
Final8- RAM:35.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, 86EB40A9-A88D-49E4-B80D-068DC83474EE.dng
Final9- RAM:35.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, 362DCEBA-C238-4058-B2A6-AD1FD5276DA1.dng
NT- RAM:980.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Combined:980.0MB
m:325.5MB, n:1,310.6MB
U-main: 139.0MB
Standard Preview Size: 3456 pixels
Displays: 1) 3456x2234
Graphics Processor Info:
Metal: Apple M2 Pro
Init State: GPU for Export supported by default
User Preference: Auto
Enable HDR in Library: OFF
Application folder: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Library Path: /Volumes/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalogs/Hasan/Original Catalogue-v13-3.lrcat
Settings Folder: /Users/hasansheikh/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Installed Plugins:
1) AdobeStock
2) Aperture/iPhoto Importer Plug-in
3) Flickr
4) Nikon Tether Plugin
Config.lua flags:
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Contacted Adobe Support. They identified two issues:
1. The performance settings were not set to provide maxium performance. They have been updated. See image below.
2. LrC continuiously syncing in the background due to a new sync version released by Adobe. After pausing the sync, the memory usage that was rapdily being clocked up in the background stopped.
3. Several of my photos' originals were lost in the past and were previously synced to the Cloud. LrC sync was continuously trying to sync these photos and therefore the sync was stuck. I removed all Collections that were being synced. This must have also helped bring the memory uage under control.
See the current memory usage after an hour's of heavy editing (including AI edits) below - it appears more reasonable and under control.