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Second Screen Edits Preview? Loupe Live View Struggling.

New Here ,
Jan 18, 2024 Jan 18, 2024

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Hello All!


I recently got a cheap monitor for more screen real estate while video editing. Davinci has a great feature where I can see real-time edits on whichever screen I choose. While the new monitor is great, It is cheap. It is not something to edit color on. I can send the edits to my Macbook Pro monitor. 


I have found that Lightroom Classic has something similar, by sending the "Loupe" view and setting it to live. Except it closes the window out while I am making my edits. It switches to other photos on a whim while my mouse roams and takes more than a thought to get back to the photo I was editing. Not fun or intuitive in my opinion.


My question is, is there a way to detach the edit panel from the Lightroom development page and separate it from the controls altogether? Only the photo in which I am editing on one monitor, and the controls on the other. With no "Live" view? This function also significantly slows the process and produces the loading icon with every click. That confuses me as well, does it take up that much processing power?


(It would be awesome if you could detach the develop page altogether, as if it were a modular system, and move the pieces however you would like. Like the "Mask" panel that is free-floating once you apply one. If that sort of thing isn't already a feature and I just cannot find it.) 





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Community Expert ,
Jan 18, 2024 Jan 18, 2024

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If you’re talking about any view other than the one directly in the Develop module, they tend to be slower because Develop is the view with the most GPU acceleration and optimization. We are still waiting for Adobe to optimize and GPU accelerate other views. For example, updating the preview of Develop module image edits takes longer in Full Screen Preview mode or in Loupe view in the Secondary Display window than it does in the preview within the Develop module itself.


It would be nice to separate and freely rearrange tools and panels…I’d use that like I do in Photoshop. However, the user feature request for that in the Ideas section of this community (linked below) was first posted in 2011, is several pages down from first place when you sort the Ideas list by user upvotes, and Adobe has not applied a Status to it, so we have to assume other features and fixes have taken a higher priority for being implemented.

Floating panels/toolbars




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