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You are not using the latest driver for the GPU.
First, please try if it helps to update to the latest driver version:
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... and, once updated, try to set GPU preference to "Automatic" to enable full GPU support.
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I have the very same problem on my iMac M1
Any advice most welcome as progress between images in the Develop module is glacial
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I have the very same problem on my iMac M1
Any advice most welcome as progress between images in the Develop module is glacial
By @Nick-13
Advice already given in this thread, did you try it?
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The above advice appears to realte to Windows PC's, not Mac, unless I have missed somethign
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Read my post below ....
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Same here on MacMini M1 (Sonoma 14.5) and Lightroom CC 13.3
After some minutes of working, Lightroom CC becomes practically unusable. Even applying Presets, flagging files as "Picked" or adding them to a "Target Collection" takes ages. The overall system performance is OK, everything else e.g. playing Youtube videos, browsing the web, etc... is working as expected in parallel. No "spinning beachball" or anyhing like that. It seems as if Lightroom or the Catalog internally becomes very busy for some reason.
After some seconds all actions that have been issues in the meantime are done in one go, comparable to some tasks that are queued and then are released all of a sudden.
I didn't have any issues before the 13.3 update, so I suppose it is directly related.
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Please open a new thread with your issue, as this thread discusses driver issues on Windows and won't help you much.
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Why should he open a new thread? You made this about driver issues on Windows. Which is completely off the mark. You should go to another thread with your useless comments. A lot of people including myself experience performance problems with version 13.3. And you think it is fixed with updating to latest GPU driver. Come on dude!
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I'm experiencing the same. 'Previous' button not working, copy and paste either, syncing very slow, cropping doing and undoing.
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No es que LR Classic sea precisamente brillante en su funcionamiento, pero tras la actualizacion 13.3, el rendimiento se ha vuelto insufriblemente lento: actualizaciones de carpetas (10 - 20 fotos), sincronizacion con el ecosistema web. Un verdadero desastre. He actualizado todos los drivers de todo el hardware de mi sistema, pero no ha mejorado nada.
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It is not a DPU driver issue, i ran my updates and it got slower.
current performance numbers is task manager
11+% cpu usage when i try to do anything, 20% was highest noticed spike
5000+ mg ram usage
it is completely unusable.
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Tried it but 13.3 is unusable slow. Had to roll back to 13.2.
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I confirm the performance of this version 13. Three have become catastrophic, the worst in years. I had never observed such a loss of performance compared to the previous version during past updates.
I was an official beta tester for several years, from Lightroom 1 to Lightroom 8. My catalog contains approximately 750,000 RAW files, and until now, everything was extremely smooth. But since version 13.3, it has become a sort of nightmare.
I observed this collapse in responsiveness on both of my machines : a MacBook Air M1 with 16 GB of RAM and 2 TB of SSD. And a Mac Mini M1 also with 16 GB of RAM and 2 TB of SSD. I attempted to optimize the catalogs on both machines : but unfortunately, I couldn't restore normal responsiveness.
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Same here!!!
After updating LrC to the 13.3 version, work becomes much more painful.
Do something about it, Adobe!!
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Agreed. Running on an M2 MBP. Performance has become terrible.
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How does adobe do a load of beta testing with user and then put out the worst update known to man! Adobe sort your updates out!!!
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Having the same problems - I am trying to get work out to clients and the software is causing deep frustration. Just trying a fresh re-install and if that doesn't work I may just wash my hands of it after being a customer since before Adobe bought it out (I can't recall the old name now!).
DXO is looking tempting if this isn't sorted pronto!
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Did Lightroom start to work better after reinstalling? I have severe issues on my M1 Max Macbook. In the past I fixed a similar issue by removing everything and reinstalling, but I have limited time at the moment.
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I did a full re-install but still unusable slow. Only thing that helped was rolling back to 13.2.
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oh great news - how do you do this? I have just been told by Adopbe support my laptop no longer has enough vram to support Lightroom (It is 2 years old and carefully checked for specs to run Adobe products). Photoshop is like lightening! But suddently slowed down in the last few weeks and no unusable depite a clean reinstall, and many other attempted fixes. I have wasted days trying to work out what is wrong. So I am faced with invest in a new computer, mover from lightroom which I am tempted to do but logisitcal nightmare. But none of which deals with my embarassment of telling clients I cannot get stuff delivered right now...
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Ahh, I have continued reading and see even with other GPUs with the 2gb vram I was told was necessary (I have 1.6 and was looking at adding an eGPU) people are having the same problem.....
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So I'm not sure if this is going to be everyone's issue, but I discovered mine.
My card reader was under preforming so imports were taking forever. This was locking up light room entirely.
I unplugged the reader and card and blew them out and plugged it all back in. Started my import and waited for it to finalize before going to developing. I also let it sit for a few minutes before starting edits after the import finished. I have not had issues since.
Tldr: May not be an everyone issue but check cards and reader, give importing time to complete before developing.
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That's great you found a culprit! The slownesses I've had are definitely not related to importing (just browsing/editing across different sessions entirely apart from any importing), but good for people to know and to try.